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Management of Aniridic Keratopathy with Allograft Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation Followed by Phacoemulsification Surgery Sibel Aksoy, MD, Yonca A. Akova,

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1 Management of Aniridic Keratopathy with Allograft Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation Followed by Phacoemulsification Surgery Sibel Aksoy, MD, Yonca A. Akova, MD Baskent University, School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology Ankara-Turkey The authors acknowledge no financial interest in the subject matter of this presentation

2 Purpose To report a case of aniridic keratopathy treated with allograft limbal stem cell transplantation (ALSCT) and medical theraphy including bevacizumab followed by phacoemulsification surgery for congenital cataract

3 Case 29 years-old female Presented to our clinic with blurred vision and photophobia in both eyes Visual acuities were 20/60 in the right eye and counting fingers at 1 meter in the left eye Intraocular pressures were normal OD: Normal fundus findings OS : Fundoscopic examination was not possible

4 Anterior Segment Examination Epithelial defects and cloudy cornea in the left eye Paracentral and 360 0 peripheral corneal neovascularization in the left eye Bilateral aniridia Bilateral congenital lamellar cataract OD OS

5 Left eye treated with superficial keratectomy, allogreft limbal stem cell transplantation and amniotic membrane transplantation Topical lomefloxacin (4x1), topical dexamethasone (8x1), topical hydroxypropylmethil cellulose(8x1), oral cyclosporine A (3mg/kg) and oral metilprednisolone (0,5mg/kg) Decreased gradually SURGICAL TREATMENTMEDICAL TREATMENT

6 The day after surgery Figures showing amniotic membrane transplantation and corneal sutures of the limbal graft at superior temporal and inferior nasal quadrants

7 VA: Finger counting from 2 meters Obvious reduction in vascularity Increased epithelization Decreased haze Pre-therapy Post-therapy Postoperative 6 months

8 Revascularization at the inferior and nasal quadrants Subconjunctival (0.04 mg/ 0.01ml) and topical bevacizumab (4x1) treatment were added Postoperative 1 year

9 Follow-up reduction of vascularization Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation was performed 1.5 years after ALSCT

10 Postoperative 6 months Visual acuity increased to 20/200 Corneal epithelium was intact with minimal surface vascularity No side effects of bevacizumab treatment were seen

11 Conclusion Aniridia is a congenital, almost always bilateral, pan-ocular and non-self limiting disease ALSCT as well as systemic immunosuppression and bevacizumab therapy improved the aniridic keratopathy in our patient It is a progressive disease and long term follow-up is needed

12 NAME: Sibel Aksoy, M.D. TITLE: Resident in Ophthalmology DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH : November 20, 1979, Turkey 2002: Doctor of Medicine, Osmangazi University, School of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey 2004-2009: Resident, Baskent University, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey NAME: Yonca Aydın Akova, M.D. TITLE: Professor in Ophthalmology DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: October 21, 1960, Turkey 1983: Doctor of Medicine, Istanbul University, School of Medicine 1990: Istanbul University, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology 2000:Professor of Ophthalmology, Baskent University, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey 2002: Chairperson, Baskent University, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey

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