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BIOL 4142 Photo Quiz Lab 1 Ornithology birds: Anseriformes and Galliformes First, you’ll see a photo showing just enough to allow you to clinch the ID.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOL 4142 Photo Quiz Lab 1 Ornithology birds: Anseriformes and Galliformes First, you’ll see a photo showing just enough to allow you to clinch the ID."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOL 4142 Photo Quiz Lab 1 Ornithology birds: Anseriformes and Galliformes First, you’ll see a photo showing just enough to allow you to clinch the ID. Then, you’ll see the full photo with the name and perhaps some ID tips on specimens (not field ID)


3 American Wigeon; Anatidae; Anseriformes No other bird, much less other duck, has a whitish forehead with green on the face


5 Green-winged Teal; Anatidae; Anseriformes Green face patch on reddish-chestnut head unique. Warning = that white mark on the sides of the breast sometimes hard to see in study skins


7 Blue-winged Teal; Anatidae; Anseriformes No other bird, much less other duck, has a whitish crescent on face; pale blue secondary coverts are a bonus


9 Bufflehead; Anatidae; Anseriformes

10 Two species!

11 Canada Goose and Cackling Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes Check out the difference in bill shape: Cackling is disproportionately shorter, more triangular


13 Canvasback; Anatidae; Anseriformes Reddish head, white back, black breast


15 Fulvous Whistling-Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes You can barely see the line of black feathers down the back of the neck; note the plain light-brown face


17 Northern Pintail; Anatidae; Anseriformes Brown head, with clean white breast and white extending up sides of neck


19 Gadwall; Anatidae; Anseriformes GRAY! But compare to N. Pintail and Green-winged Teal


21 Northern Bobwhite; Odontophoridae; Galliformes Unmistakable; those wavy dark markings on the breast and belly are distinctive


23 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes No other duck has plain face and solid black belly


25 Greater White-fronted Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes Either the irregular black markings on the breast and belly OR the white on the face is diagnostic (compare with Blue-winged Teal)


27 Mallard; Anatidae; Anseriformes Green head, white neck ring, brown breast …

28 Tough one!

29 Snow Goose (blue phase); Anatidae; Anseriformes


31 Redhead; Anatidae; Anseriformes Reddish head, black breast, gray back – compare to Canvasback


33 Hooded Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes White patch on head diagnostic, but compare to Bufflehead


35 Lesser Scaup; Anatidae; Anseriformes Blackish head and breast with paler back (varies almost white to fairly dark grayish, usually mottled)


37 Female Red-breasted Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes Shaggy reddish-brown head, narrow bill (which will show serrations clearly in the specimen)


39 Northern Shoveler; Anatidae; Anseriformes Expanded bill tip diagnostic


41 Wild Turkey; Phasianidae; Galliformes Nothing else has those colors and patterns on the back or wings


43 Vaguely like a Mallard, but skinny serrated bill, and much “messier” overall Red-beasted Merganser; Anatidae; Anseriformes


45 Dark head AND black back – contrast with Lesser Scaup Ring-necked Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes


47 Ruddy Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes Dark crown with clean white face


49 Wood Duck; Anatidae; Anseriformes What else could it be?

50 Two species

51 Snow Goose & Ross’s Goose; Anatidae; Anseriformes Check out the difference in bill shape: Ross’s is disproportionately shorter, more triangular

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