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SHAUN WERSTED’S CAPSTONE PRESENTATION. INTRODUCTION n PROBLEM: Teachers and students need a resource for rampant absenteeism.

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Presentation on theme: "SHAUN WERSTED’S CAPSTONE PRESENTATION. INTRODUCTION n PROBLEM: Teachers and students need a resource for rampant absenteeism."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION n PROBLEM: Teachers and students need a resource for rampant absenteeism.

3 SOLUTION Create a dynamic website for students to use to keep up with lessons and for teachers to keep current grades.


5 FLASH TUTORIALS n Flash movie format used because it can be easily controlled. Text comes into view one line at a time and reader can take their time before going to the next page. n Link to free Flash download added for readers that don’t have it installed. n HTML print view and Word document added for flexibility.

6 DYNAMIC WORKSHEETS n 2 worksheets per lesson included for students to practice material from tutorial. n Used multiple choice format with checkboxes. n Checked answers give appropriate feedback to reader. n HTML print view and Word document added for flexibility.

7 HOMEWORK n Homework created with boxes for students to fill in answers. n Submit button at bottom of form sends answers directly to teacher via e-mail. n HTML print view and Word document added for flexibility.

8 QUIZ n Page available for readers to review the three lessons. n Quiz format same as homework. n HTML print view and Word document added for flexibility.

9 HELP FOR READERS n Readers may get help from Community Zero Discussion Board which I created. n Links to websites for specialized help on subjects covered. n Link to tutorial on graphing in Excel.

10 TEACHER’S PAGE n Explanation of how this site would be useful in most subjects and grade levels. n Links to tutorials on making Flash movies, forms and simple websites. n Links to Community Zero and other useful sites for teachers.

11 SPED CONSIDERATIONS n Simplified pages: No fancy graphics that may distract readers. n Multiple formats: Each page has print view options and Word document copies that can be saved by readers. n CAST E-Reader: Suggest and link to CAST E-Reader for students that are sight impaired.

12 THE FUTURE n I plan to personally support the site by updating it weekly. n I will train students to help me update site. n I will create a tutorial for teachers so they can create their own lessons using my site. n I will create a tutorial on graphing with Excel so students can submit graphs on-line.

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