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Motion KINEMATICS Quantity in motion distance/displacement speed/velocity Acceleration/deceleration.

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3 Quantity in motion distance/displacement speed/velocity Acceleration/deceleration

4 Distance and displacement Distance: the length of the path between two point. Displacement: The straight distance from the initial position to final position. The change in position. Displacement is the straight distance in a specified direction. scalar vector

5 A B r

6 Speed and velocity scalar vector

7 Instantaneous speed and average speed  Instantaneous Speed - speed at any given instant in time.  Average Speed - average of all instantaneous speeds; found simply by a distance/time ratio.

8 Acceleration The rate of change in velocity. deceleration

9 The definition of acceleration means that something is accelerating if its velocity changes, Since velocity includes speed and direction, Then something is accelerating if its speed, its direction or both change.

10 MOTION GRAPHS.  If something is moving at a steady speed, it means we expect the same increase in distance in a given time.  Time is increasing to the right, and distance is increasing steadily time. It moves at a steady speed.

11 CONSTANT SPEED.  Both the lines below show that each object moved the same distance but the steeper yellow line got there before the other one.  A steeper gradient indicates a larger distance moved in a given time. In other words, higher speed.

12 DISTANCE-TIME GRAPH SHOWING ACCELERATION.  The line below is curving upwards. This shows an increase in speed, since the gradient is getting steeper.  In other words, in a given time, the distance the object moves is larger. It is accelerating..

13 continued  There are three parts to the journey shown on the left.  Moving at a steady speed, slowly  Not moving for quite some time  Moving again, but at higher speed.

14 V-t graph Velocity What’s motion for this object?

15 Describe these two motion. VELOCITY


17 A Road test report gives the following data for a standing start acceleration test on a Car: t/d0510152025303540 v/(m/s)014243034373940 (a)Draw a velocity-time graph for the test. (b)What is the displacement of the car when it has reached a speed of (Ⅰ) 25m/s ( Ⅱ ) 35m/s (c) Find (Ⅰ) the acceleration of the car when its speed is 30m/s ( Ⅱ ) the car’s maximum acceleration

18 A B C D E A: acceleration B: faster constant speed C: deceleration D: stationary E: slower constant speed

19 continued  Describe three parts to the journey shown on the left.  Moving at a steady acceleration, slowly  Moving at a constant velocity  Accelerating, but at higher acceleration. VELOCITY

20 V-t Graphs for the sky-diver With parachute Air resistance can’t be ignored. The horizontal velocity is negligible.

21 The forces on the sky-diver

22 The parachutist is now falling fast enough for the air resistance to equal her weight. This means that the forces on her are in balance, so her speed stops increasing and stays constant - she has reached her terminal velocity. Terminal Velocity

23 (Around 200km/h in this position - she can fall faster if she leans forward to go head first.) Terminal Velocity

24 V-t Graphs for the sky-diver

25 As part of an aerobatic display, a skydriver jumps out of an aeroplane and falls towards the ground. She does not open her parachute until she reaches her terminal velocity. (i) Explain why she reaches a terminal velocity. (ii)Given that she can not change her height during the fall, explain how she could reach a higher terminal velocity.

26 She could make her shape more streamline in order to reduce her air resistance. Describe and explain what is happening between 40s and 60s.

27 Terminal Velocity---- dragonfly

28 Terminal Velocity


30 How to measured instantaneous distance and speed? Question 1.16 Ultrasonic displacement sensor Data-logger Light gate

31 Motion Graph Formula

32 time Velocity u v t We can know the acceleration of the object by calculating the slope (gradient).


34 time Velocity u v t We can know the displacement of the object in time t by calculating the area under the graph.


36 time Velocity u v t




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