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Autumn 2013. Overview – What is Moodle? Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment LMS (Learning Management System) Open Source / PHP Hosted.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn 2013. Overview – What is Moodle? Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment LMS (Learning Management System) Open Source / PHP Hosted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn 2013

2 Overview – What is Moodle? Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment LMS (Learning Management System) Open Source / PHP Hosted by the Language Learning Center Version 2.4+ (WEFLI4), 2.5+ (WEFLI8) Tech support:

3 How do we use Moodle? Ling 100 & 200, all assessment is done on Moodle. You can create customized quizzes/homework utilizing predeveloped content.

4 Accessing the system Direct the students to the LLC website for logging in. This way, when server migrations occur the move is seamless for students.

5 How do students create accounts? They click the NetID login button and it automatically creates an account for them. They enroll in the course with an “enrollment key” (i.e., password) that is provided in each section syllabus. (This is a one time process.) Each class section may be given a unique enrollment key that enrolls them into the correct group into the course. Afterwards, they only need to click the NetID login and select the course.

6 Tour of Ling 100 ew.php?id=348 ew.php?id=348 Overview of the course Editing Adding resources and activities Creating quizzes/homeworks & questions Previewing questions Adding media

7 Creating Materials

8 What does a Quiz look like in Moodle: Quiz Question bank category Question bank folder Question bank folder

9 Benefit of the quiz structure: Random questions Shuffling questions and within questions Descriptions/Instructions

10 Common question types True/False Matching Multiple Choice Cloze / Embedded (Hot Potatoes) rseid%3D348%26cat%3D12917%252C25684&courseid=348&id=119153 rseid%3D348%26cat%3D12917%252C25684&courseid=348&id=119153 Drag and Drop Essay (Manually graded) Short Answer (Complicated auto-grading) Random Short-Answer Matching Audio recording (Assignment)

11 Questions with multiple answers and distracters. For questions with multiple answers there is a grade percentage box at the bottom. However many answers you want to be correct, they have to TOTAL 100%. For example, two questions are worth 50% each. Distracter answers need to have a negative percentage and must equal -100%. These percentage scales go from -100% to none to +100%.

12 Cheating Prevention Monitoring student progress and activity

13 Grading Nearly all Quizzes and Homework for linguistics are autograded. To be taken care of when you create the quiz and questions. This is why we use Multiple choice, true/false, etc. Manually check the gradebook to make sure that everyone has completed and submitted their homework. At the end of the course, the grades are exported to Excel and then imported into Catalyst.

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