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Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator

2 ENTERING A BUDGET IN KBC Kuali Budget Construction

3 Selecting an Account BC Processor – Use My Organizations Fiscal Officer – Use My Accounts

4 The Org codes to which the user has access will display in the “point of view”. If you have more than one, use the dropdown arrow and then select just one. Org Point of View Click on the box to select the org code and then click on the View button.

5 Account Lookup Here is an example of using the search option to refine the list to all “12-accounts” in order to view only unrestricted expense accounts.

6 Enter One Account If you want to go directly to the account edoc, you can enter the 10-digit account number in the box and then click on “load document”. You can use the search icon to narrow your search by org code or mask. This is sometimes quicker that waiting for the entire account list to load from my organization or my accounts.

7 Account Edoc Account Org Org rollup Approval level

8 The Revenue and Expenditure tabs here are where you enter the budgets for this account, selecting the appropriate tab for the appropriate account. The (0) next to the tab title indicates that there is nothing budgeted yet in this tab. Rev/Exp tabs

9 Expenditure Tab When you select the expenditure tab you will see your expenditure object codes and any base budget (loaded into KBC from KFS) Salary setting buttons mean you must allocate that object code through updating positions.

10 Base Budget Prev Year’s Base Budget is the starting budget that was entered for this account in the previous fiscal year. Note that Base Budget is different from Current Budget in KFS.

11 Allocated Allocated is the budget that you are entering in KBC in this account for this upcoming fiscal year. % Change –between base and allocated

12 Apply a specific percentage increase or decrease to all object codes listed. Enter a positive percent for an increase, or a minus percent for a decrease, then click the button “apply”. You will see the new allocated budget and the % change reflecting that adjustment. To make a different change, first delete the numbers from the allocated boxes before repeating the adjustment. You can also delete any of the allocated amounts and manually type in a new amount. Adjust by Percent

13 Example – Overtime budget The following screen is the GL budget detail screen that shows the allocated budget. Note the allocated amount for overtime, object code 12710. Note the salary setting button in the same row indicates that a position is required to enter an amount, meaning you cannot allocate funds to that object code without entering the data into a position in the salary setting screen.

14 This shows that a budget for compensation has been entered using the salary setting option. That means a budget was entered in either a pooled position, a vacant position, or a filled position (incumbent) or a combination of those. Labor Object Codes

15 Note which object codes have the salary setting button and which do not, even though they are labor object codes. Labor Object Example

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