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Anatomy of Zea mays Devin Nichols IB 423 5/1/06.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy of Zea mays Devin Nichols IB 423 5/1/06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy of Zea mays Devin Nichols IB 423 5/1/06

2 General Information About Zea mays
Angiosperm Monocot Poaceae (Grass) Family Monoecious Most widely planted crop in U.S. Most economically valuable crop in U.S.

3 Zea mays General Structure
Tassel Ear Adventious Roots

4 Zea mays Inflorescences
Male Inflorescence (Tassel) Female Inflorescence (Ear) Style (Silk) Caryopsis (Kernel)

5 Zea mays Leaf XS Adaxial Epidermis Vascular Bundle Bundle Sheath Cell
Abaxial Epidermis 600X

6 Zea mays Leaf Adaxial Epidermal Replica
Vein Stomates 200X

7 Zea mays Leaf Adaxial Epidermal Replica
Vein Trichomes Stomate 100X

8 Zea mays Leaf XS Major Vein Minor Vein Trichome Bulliform Cell
Xylem Vessels Sclerenchyma Fibers 200X

9 Zea mays Trichomes Leaf Whole Mount Leaf XS Trichome Basal Cells 100X

10 Zea mays Glandular Trichome
Capitate Trichome 100X

11 Zea mays Stem Internode XS
Vascular Bundles 100X Toluidine Blue-O

12 Zea mays Stem Node XS Vascular Tissue Interconnecting Bundles Vascular
200X Toluidine Blue-O

13 Zea mays Stem XS Vascular Bundle
Metaxylem Protoxylem lacunae Phloem Sclerenchyma Fibers 200X Toluidine Blue-O

14 Zea mays Shoot Apical Meristem
Tassel Primordium Leaf Primordia Ear Shoot 20X

15 Zea mays Root Whole Mount
Root Cap Zone of Elongation Root Hair Zone 40X Toluidine Blue-O

16 Zea mays Root Apical Meristem
Procambium Root Cap 200X Toluidine Blue-O

17 Zea mays Root XS Young Root Mature Root 40X Aniline Blue
200X Toluidine Blue-O

18 Zea mays Root XS Pericycle Phloem Endodermis Metaxylem Cortex
Protoxylem Pith 200X Aniline Blue

19 Zea mays Root XS at Branch Root
100X Toluidine Blue-O

20 Zea mays Root LS Pith Phloem Sieve Plate Cortex 200X Aniline Blue

21 Zea mays Germinating Pollen Grain
Callose Plug Pollen Tube Pollen Grain 400X

22 Zea mays Style XS Vascular Bundles 200X Toluidine Blue-O

23 References Esau, Katherine Anatomy of Seed Plants Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. Freeling, M. and V. Walbot, Editors The Maize Handbook. Springer-Verlag. New York. Kiesselbach, T.A The Structure and Reproduction of Corn. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln.

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