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Jared Picco 2 nd Grade Mr. Saulino.  Meerkats are small mammals who are most closely related to the mongoose. Meerkats can live 12 to 14 years.

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Presentation on theme: "Jared Picco 2 nd Grade Mr. Saulino.  Meerkats are small mammals who are most closely related to the mongoose. Meerkats can live 12 to 14 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jared Picco 2 nd Grade Mr. Saulino

2  Meerkats are small mammals who are most closely related to the mongoose. Meerkats can live 12 to 14 years.

3  An adult meerkat can grow to 12 inches or 1 foot tall and they can weigh 2 pounds.  The meerkats tail can grow to 8 inches long.

4  Meerkats eat insects (including poisonous scorpions), grubs, geckos, small rodents, snakes and various roots and fruits. Meerkats have developed an immunity to scorpion stings that can paralyze a grown man or kill a child.

5  Meerkats live in rocky grasslands, intense heat and little rain. Meerkats live in burrows they dig in the ground for protection from other animals.

6  Meerkats form groups in order to survive. The meerkats will take turns guarding the rest of the group. When the guard sees a predator it will squawk to warn the group.

7  When a large predator threatens the group, the meerkats will band tightly together and fluff their fur to appear as a giant hissing animal to scare off the predator.

8 1. How old can meerkats live? 2. What do meerkats eat? 3. How do meerkats protect themselves from large predators?

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