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“Status of TDAQ for the 2012 runs” Gianluca Lamanna (CERN)

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1 “Status of TDAQ for the 2012 runs” Gianluca Lamanna (CERN)

2 What we need? Detectors Front End Electronics Readout Electronics Clock (TTC) infrastructure Controls Control program Readout Farm & software …

3 Common projects: TEL62 TEL622012 runsAlmost all the detectors will use the TEL62 for the readout in 2012 runs –Straw (see later), LKr, IRC/SAC (see later) solvedThe main “worry” (DDR2) has been solved: few things still to be tested (JAM, GBE, …), something small to be define (Operating system, …) PCBNew version of the PCB in the next days. Six weeksSix weeks to have the boards MayTests  ready in May DetectorTEL62 CEDAR1 CHANTI1 LAV3 STRAW1 CHOD1 LKR/L03 MUV1/22 MUV31 SAC/IRC1 Elena’s Talk

4 Common projects: TEL62 Firmware DetectorFirm. Resp.SW License CEDARKarimNO (?) CHANTIMimmoNO LAVMauro R.+Francesco YES STRAWPeterPartially CHODMauro P.+Cristiano YES MUV1/2Manuel +Rainer YES MUV3Manuel +Rainer YES SAC/IRC?NO

5 Common projects: TDCB TDCB 10Several TDCB already distributed (10) oneOnly one feedback! Several tests ongoing No major problems found 22We need 22 for the dry run Detector# chTDCB CEDAR1281 CHANTI461 LAV4809 CHOD1282 MUV1/2264(88)5(2) MUV32963 SAC/IRC41 Roberto’s Talk

6 Common projects: LAV FEE LAV, CHANTI, CHOD, MUV1/2, SAC/IRC LAV FEELAV, CHANTI, CHOD, MUV1/2, SAC/IRC will use LAV FEE as FrontEnd board Well advancedWell advanced: test ongoing (20 mins per board) 100 psTime resolution in the specs (100 ps) Some difference in effective threshold and time offset among the channels partially due to the experimental setup Small things missed (CPU, test with TEL62, …) Remind: swapped cables! FebruaryMay/JuneTest will finish at end February, the boards will be ready for May/June DetectorTEL62 CHANTI2 LAV15 CHOD4 MUV1/29 SAC/IRC1 Francesco’s Talk in PV

7 L0TP L0TPTALKThe L0TP will be done using the TALK board LVDS LTUSmall HW problem with the too small LVDS drivers to drive more than one LTU solved. L0TPWe are progressing with the L0TP firmware Max 4 detectors could contribute to the trigger TALK TELL1The TALK board will be housed in the TELL1 (we have already the crate) LTUCooperation with LTU Write on the memories Matching of extracted primitives

8 TTC distribution MarchThe clock fibers will be installed in March AprilThe remaining racks will be installed in April April/MayThe patch cable & the patch cord will be installed in April/May

9 Clock & Trigger partition 66LTUs6(+6) LTUs have been distributed 7 LTU7 additional LTU will be use in the dry run TTCexThe TTCex modules are ready for distribution LTUsApril/March TALKThe LTUs for the Dry run will be installed in April/March after Lab test with TALK board clock source no spareSPS signal emulatorThe clock source (no spare!) and the SPS signal emulator have been already installed Marian

10 Choke/error choke/error AprilThe choke/error cables will be placed in April RJ11-->RJ45 CAT6/7 TEL62 LTUWe propose to change the connector from RJ11-->RJ45 to use std CAT6/7 cables: change the TEL62 connectors and patch for the LTU 150m CEDAREB20Test for 150m cable from CEDAR to EB20 will be done by Marian “OR card”: LTUTALK one pair Local OR LAVMUVChoke/error “OR card”: the LTU and the TALK board will accept only one pair for each detector. Local OR is needed by LAV and MUV. GTK, CEDAR, STRAW, RICHLKRIn the future also by GTK, CEDAR, STRAW, RICH and LKR A simple common board will be advisable

11 PC farm network and PC farm for the 2012 runsA note is in preparation to define the network and PC farm for the 2012 runs 6 PCs 2 46 PCs foreseen for the runs: 2 on loan from Mainz, 4 have to be purchased 2 HP2910 5We have already 2x HP2910 (24x1Gb/s + 2x10Gb/s) switches, we ordered 5 more (downstairs switches) 12 slotsCore switch to be decided (HP5400 with 12 slots and only one module mounted) 1 Gb/s 10 Gb/s FARM CORE SWITCH HP2910 Detectors

12 Software well advancedJonas software is well advanced. CPU loadSmall issue with the CPU load, will be fixed soon Additional stuffs: Interface, monitoring, configuration,… AprilWill be ready for end of April receiver Packet Handler NIC Event builder Event array L1 Trigger L2 Trigger Storage Handler Cream req L1 compl L2 compl Jonas’s Talk

13 Control program EN/ICEFirst meeting with EN/ICE group before christmas helpThey will provide know-how to help in the preparation of a working system NicolasNicolas, from Louvaine, will be involved in this task. A supervisor of this delicate work should be defined. Next meeting: Friday. RunControl PVSS Detector PC PVSS Detector PC PVSS Detector PC CCPC HW DB

14 CEDAR CEDAR MayThe CEDAR installation will finish in the middle of May (and NINO without amplifierThe FrontEnd electronics will be done with a new (simple) board with NINO chip daughter cards but without amplifier. PM socket TDCSpecial PM socket and new boards directly on the detector (small issue on TDC cables length) July1 board = 4 NINOs = 32 channels. Will be ready in July. For the Dry RunFor the Dry Run: 128 ch 4 Cedar boards + 1 TDCB + 1 TEL62 Crate FEE type ordered

15 CHANTI not installed in the final positionOne prototype station will be ready for the DR (46 channels): will be not installed in the final position. June SiPMA special board will be ready (in June) to provide power and amplification for the SiPM LAV FEEThe Chanti Front End will be completed with the LAV FEE boards hospitalityThey do not have a Crate: need hospitality (check the cable length) For the Dry RunFor the Dry Run: 46 ch 2 Chanti board + 2 LAV FEE + 1 TDCB + 1 TEL62 No Crate (need hospitality)

16 LAV The installation already started 3 LAVs TCC83 LAVs will be equipped. Probably the ones in TCC8. LAV FEE May/JuneLAV FEE electronics ready in May/June TEL62Time corrections in TEL62 firmware (some work started) For the Dry RunFor the Dry Run: 480 ch 15 LAV FEE + 9 TDCB + 3 TEL62 3 FEE type Crates

17 STRAW middle of July!The installation of the completed chamber will start in middle of July! The STRAW electronics is quite different wrt the other detectors Cover Board  SRB  DaughterBoard  TEL62Cover Board  SRB  DaughterBoard  TEL62 CBSRB SRBSmall problems with links between CB and SRB solved, but still some problem in the SRB SRBSRB firmware is ongoing DBMarchJuneThe DB design will start in March, the board will be ready in June DBTEL62 STRAW will not partecipate to the dry run!But the firmware of both DB and TEL62 will start in September: the STRAW will not partecipate to the dry run! STRAW next weeks STRAW SRB firm VMESince the STRAW must be present in the technical run, in the next weeks we need to find an alternative solution to collect STRAW data in not standard way (for instance: adapt the SRB firm to receive the trigger through and readout via VME) CBSRB DBTEL62 TTC & CLK TTC VME Peter’s Talk

18 CHOD CHOD JanuaryThe CHOD has been tested by the Perugia team at the end of January Everything works! CHOD trigger in 2012The CHOD will provide the main signal for the trigger in 2012 (some work on firmware started) LAV FEEThe Front End will be done with LAV FEE CHODThe CHOD will use the readout boards and crate bought for the RICH For the Dry Run:For the Dry Run: 128ch 4 LAV FEE + 2 TDCB + 1 TEL62 1 TEL62 type Crate

19 LKR CPD+SLMThe LKr will be readout with CPD+SLM 5000 ch10 new power supplies (+1 spare): about 5000 ch TALKThe trigger distribution will be done with the TALK board TALKThe calibration control will be done with the TALK board next weekThe network switch and the fibers to upstair for the farm will be install next week. SLMSome work is need on the SLM software (merging, zero suppression,…) compatibleSLMThe PcFarm software is compatible for the SLM CREAMTest the CREAM prototype (after lab test) on the dry run? It’s very hard… SLM CPD LKr PCs TALK PC Farm TTC L0TP

20 LKR/L0 LKr/L0 Dry Run.The LKr/L0 could participate to the Dry Run. fake primitivesPartial test: generation of fake primitives March/AprilInstallation possible as soon as possible (March/April) CREAMSome possibility to test something “real” in case of presence of CREAM module (tbc) input mezzanineThe input mezzanine board has to be design (tbc) in details the purposes and the modes.In the next weeks we will define in details the purposes and the modes. CREAM LKr/L0 For the Dry Run: 2(or 3) TEL62 TEL62 type Crate Andrea’s Talk

21 MUV 1/2 MUV2Only MUV2 available in the DR MUV1 MUV2MUV1 possibly in the TR (same electronics wrt to MUV2) MUV1If ready, the MUV1 electronics should be partially tested in the DR MUV1/2 LAV FEEThe MUV1/2 will use the LAV FEE For the Dry Run (MUV1/2):For the Dry Run (MUV1/2): 264ch 9 LAV FEE + 5 TDCB + 2 TEL62 1 FEE type Crate MUV2 onlyMUV2 only 88 ch 3 LAV FEE + 2 TDCB + 1 TEL62 1 FEE type Crate

22 MUV3 MUV3AprilThe MUV3 will be installed in April CFDold AKL TDCB and TEL62The Front End will be done with the CFD from the old AKL and the readout with TDCB and TEL62 RG58  LemoRG58  Lemo patch panel still available Still open questions: –25 PMs –25 PMs needed –Test of the available CFD cards CFD cards (2/3) –New CFD cards (2/3) must be build: Torino (?) new card ECL  LVDS –A new card need to be built: ECL  LVDS converter TEL62Wrt MUV1/2: different TEL62, different firmware, additional TDC (ordered?), same crate For the Dry Run:For the Dry Run: 296 ch 19 CFD + 3 TDCB + 1 TEL62 MUV1/2 Crate

23 IRC/SAC SAC JuneIRCThe SAC is ready for installation in June, the IRC situation isn’t clear 4+44+4 channels LAV FEE cables lengthThe frontend will be done using LAV FEE: “worry” about the cables length (probably isn’t an issue due to the large signals) Problems: TELL1 TEL62 –they have only TELL1 and can’t order a TEL62 –No manpower no license –No manpower for the firmware, no license for the software MUVHospitality in the MUV crate: 2 slots needed MUV (it’s not in the spirit of the DR!!!)Hospitality in the MUV electronics should be discussed with Rainer (it’s not in the spirit of the DR!!!) For the Dry Run:For the Dry Run: 4 ch 1 LAV FEE+1TDCB + 1 TEL62 MUV1/2 Crate

24 Equipments: summary DetectorTEL62TDCBLAVFEEOTHER CEDAR1104 (Cedar boards) CHANTI1122 (Chanti boards) LAV39150 STRAW100120 CB+8 SRB+DB- 62 CHOD1240 LKR000TELL1(TALK) LKR/L0300mezzanines MUV1/225(2)9(3)0 MUV313019 CFD SAC/IRC1110

25 Time schedule DRTR

26 Critical points STRAW: DR TR STRAWSRBSTRAW: will be not ready for the DR. Different solutions could be discussed for the TR. Fallback solutions need additional work for STRAW electronics team (different firmware for the SRB etc.) PCFARMleavesPCFARM: the software is very well advanced but Jonas leaves in April! TEL62:TEL62: Several parts of the firmware are still missed LAV FEE:LAV FEE: It’s essential for several detectors  try to respect the production schedule! CTRL PROGRAM:CTRL PROGRAM: Identification of a responsible. Proto-ctrl program for the DR? IRC/SAC: TDAQIRC/SAC: in the present situation can’t be included in the TDAQ. Discussion for possible solution. CEDARNINOsCEDAR: final decision on how to use the NINOs. PLEASE! Check the tables and react if something is wrong!

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