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EPA Region II Fractured Rock Training January 14, 2014 Pierre Lacombe

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1 EPA Region II Fractured Rock Training January 14, 2014 Pierre Lacombe
Regional Geology Overview Bedrock of New York, New Jersey, & Puerto Rico EPA Region II Fractured Rock Training January 14, 2014 Pierre Lacombe

2 State/Regional Geologic Maps
Regional time units maps eg. Silurian, Triassic Regional rock/time units maps eg. Sandstone, gneiss Site Hydrogeologic Maps and Sections Show rock strata Show geophysical strata Show weathering induce hydorgeologic changes Regional Geology Overview

3 Regional Geology Overview

4 Regional Geology Overview
Saint Lawrence Champlain Lowlands Cambrian to Silurian (6 NPL) Adirondack Mtn Metamorphic (0 NPL) Lake Ontario Lowlands Silurian (25 NPL) Hudson Lowlands Taconic Mts Cambrian to Silurian (12 NPL) Allegheny Plateau and Catskill Mountains Devonian (25 NPL) Highlands Metamorphic (12 NPL) Regional Geology Overview Geology in Random Order

5 Regional Geology Overview

6 Regional Geology Overview

7 Regional Geology New Jersey
Ringwood Fair Lawn New Jersey 3 Fractured Bedrock Physiographic Provinces Time Stratigraphic Units Precambrian to Jurassic EPA NPL Sites Valley and Ridge Highlands 13 Piedmont 50+ NAWC

8 Regional Geology Overview
Bedrock Geology hidden by glacial cover and urban cover Glacial Cover Glacial Cover Regional Geology Overview

9 Regional Geology Overview
North Sedimentary (X NPL) Central Sedimentary, Igneous (X NPL) South Sedimentary (X NPL) Regional Geology Overview 16 NPL Sites

10 Major NJ NY PR Rock Types
Sedimentary Shale Siltstone Sandstone Conglomerate Limestone Many more Metamorphic Gneiss Schist Slate Marble Many more Igneous Granite Basalt Diabase Anorthosite Many more Most time are rock formations or units are made out of interlayered strata or intercalated masses the above rock types Regional Geology Overview

11 Regional Geology Overview
Time Units Provence ERA Period Epochs  NY and NJ Bedrocks PR Rocks Cenozoic Quaternary Holocene none Carbonates Pleistocene Tertiary Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Volcanic & Plutonic Rocks Paleocene Mesozoic Cretaceous Jurassic Palasades and Wasatch Mt Triassic Newark Basin Paleozoic Permian Pennsylvanian western Allegheny Plateau nearly none Mississippian Devonian Allegheny Plateau & Catskill Mtns NJ Valley and Ridge Silurian Hudson lowlands & Taconic mountain Lake Ontario & Champlain Lowlands Ordovician Cambrian Pre-Cambrian Proterozoic Adirondacks MTS NY Highlands Archean Regional Geology Overview

12 Regional Geology Overview
Summary State Geologic maps are: Gross scale Geologic Time/Group maps County and Local geologic maps are Medium scale Geologic Formation maps Site maps should be: Fine scale Rock strata maps of many types Regional Geology Overview

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