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Absolute Swine Insemination Co., LLC (ASIC) ASIC focuses on increasing farmer’s profits through new technologies and on farm efficiencies. Our goal.

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3 Absolute Swine Insemination Co., LLC (ASIC) ASIC focuses on increasing farmer’s profits through new technologies and on farm efficiencies. Our goal is quite simply to make you money! Established in 2003, ASIC currently sells its patented technology in 20+ countries. Farms from around the world are appreciating higher conception rates, higher farrowing rates, and higher born live numbers. ASIC’s technology not only provides additional profits through increased efficiencies, the technology also pays for itself in most countries simply from a labor savings standpoint.

4 Over the past few years, ASIC has completed enormous amounts of studies and gathering of data with both academia and commercial farms. ASIC compiled these results, information and knowledge, and then arranged them all together in this latest CD Presentation. Please take the time to review… Video tutorials and examples of our procedures Overview and results of studies conducted by the Mahidol University in Thailand and National Ping Tung University in Taiwan Testimonials with supporting data by a Farm Manager (5400 Sow) from the USA (Comparing ABSOLUTE TM and IMV’s probe type IUI pipette) A very comprehensive tutorial on our Spreadsheet Pictures and opinion letter from a trial with DOUX Frangosul in Brazil Research results from the Philippines monitored and presented by ASIAN PORK MAGAZINE Thorough explanation of ASIC’s recommended timing protocols with animated charts which will show the efficiency of our methods.

5 This is how our “patented” membrane works its way through your animal’s cervix… Here we are gently opening a pathway by herniating at the point of obstruction… Once we are safely past the blockage, we continue our journey to the uterus… When the membrane is fully deployed, the semen is deposited directly into the uterus and all the way directly into UTJ! Click on picture to play (video will play in different window).

6 A dye solution injected using Absolute TM catheter/pipette immediately before slaughtering a parity 4 sow; picture was taken 10 minutes after service. Complete semen distribution in the uterus and all the way to the utero tubal junction (UTJ)!

7 A dye solution deposited by a traditional/cervical pipette immediately before slaughtering. Only minimal horn penetration! Most dye remained in the cervix and uterus.

8 SUMMARY OF THIS SECTION What makes us the best? ABSOLUTELY SAFE and EFFECTIVE Works on GILTs and parity one animals. EXTREME TIME and LABOR SAVINGS ASIC catheters take on average LESS THAN ONE MINUTE to service an animal. Only ONE technician is needed. There is NO stimulation needed. There are NO belts or harnesses to use. In many cases, Labor Savings alone should more than cover the purchase cost of our technology! HIGHER FARROWING RATES BIGGER LITTER SIZES MORE PROFIT! Press “X” under “sign out” to go the Main Menu.

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