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Greater Lincolnshire LEP
Greater Lincolnshire Area
Greater Lincolnshire has many assets which provide a good platform for economic growth. Why Greater Lincolnshire as an area? Greater Lincolnshire has many assets which provide a good platform for economic growth Covers an area from the humber to the wash, one of the largest in terms of land mass in the Country with 1 million people and 37,000 businesses It works as a place We have Historical Connections We have Shared Characteristics from our coast to our rural hinterlands and our towns and city. We have Shared Growth Sectors – Agri Food Manufacturing Tourism Opportunity to explore and exploit the strengths between Urban and Rural
Wider perspective The LEP describes itself as have permeable boundaries. Enterprise does not recognise boundaries, so we are looking at opportunities for collaboration and joint working with areas outside of the LEP, such as wider opportunities for the agri-food sector rom the wet stuff in grimsby to agricultural opportunities in the South and East of us.
Greater Lincolnshire LEP
Purpose The Greater Lincolnshire LEP is a public/private sector partnership whose aim is sustainable economic growth. Our goal is to help create a dynamic economy where businesses can prosper; and we will focus on key growth sectors and our priorities are securing and improving conditions for business in Lincolnshire. INFRASTRUCTURE CREATING THE RIGHT CONDITIONS FOR BUSINESS GROWTH RURAL ENTERPRISE RETAIL COMMUNICATIONS AND ENGAGEMENT The LEP is a public/Private sector partnership Role of the LEP To Act as the voice of Businesses in Enterprise in shaping the economy To Lobby for Key Infrastructure Projects across Greater Lincolnshire To improve condition for business in Lincolnshire through lobbying Delivery is on the whole undertaken by our partners across the patch such Local authorities, Higher education, chamber, FSB and other bodies
Greater Lincolnshire LEP
Vision – Economy by 2030 The GLLEP published our Vision to 2030 in The key points are around:- The right conditions for growth Realistic and deliverable infrastructure in the areas needed most (including digital) Using competitive edge and focusing on priority sectors. Selling a sense of place and identity.
The GLLEP published our Vision to 2030 in 2013
The GLLEP published our Vision to 2030 in The key points are around:- The right conditions for growth Realistic and deliverable infrastructure in the areas needed most (including digital) Using competitive edge and focusing on priority sectors. Selling a sense of place and identity.
Funding LEPs have been made a significant local growth offer. In addition, our LEP has submitted a bid for £50m through our SEP. The Spending Round increases the resources under the strategic direction of local areas to at least £20 billion until 2020/21 including previously allocated Growing Places Fund, Regional Growth Fund, City Deals and cheaper borrowing available through the Public Works Loans Board. A Single Local Growth Fund for 2015/16 of over £2bn with funding from transport, skills and housing; A further £10bn of spending for the 5 years to 2020/21; LEP direction of over £5bn of European Structural Investment Funds for the 2014/20 period Our GLLEP has been allocated £114.9m of European Structural Investment Funds for the 2014/20 period
Progress and Successes
Lincoln Eastern Bypass/ A18/A180 link roads Teal Park BDUK (Broadband) Growing Places Fund (Invest & Grow) Grimsby Enterprise Zone RGF 4,5 & 6 - £17 million won Rail lobbying Strategic Economic Plan submitted Growth Ambitions Plan 2013 Preparation of key Sector Plans Preparation of Strategic Investment Fund (EU) Pinch point funding announced from DfT Delivered key events and hosted visits We have supported our local partners in bidding for and lobbying for funds for Greater Lincolnshire and this has resulted in:- Endorsed transport schemes for Eastern Growth Corridor and the A180 in North East Lincolnshire, Port of Immingham Improvement scheme and the Lincoln Eastern Bypass £50 million. Teal Park is the largest new Employment Park in the East Midlands offering fully serviced commercial development in the City of Lincoln suitable for a variety of commercial uses. Teal Park safeguarded 500+ jobs and is anticipated to deliver 4,000 jobs long term. BDUK – £48m project. The GLLEP were firm supporters of LCC bid to improve broadband in Lincolnshire. LCC were successful in enabling the Government’s Broadband Delivery UK programme, invested in improving the county’s broadband infrastructure, which brings £11.2m from the county council, £4m from the district authorities, £14.3m from national government and £18.8m from BT in one of one of the largest superfast broadband projects in the country. Growing places – £9 million. The GLLEP's £9m rolling Invest and Grow infrastructure loan fund supports strategic infrastructure priorities. A £9.5 million mixed used scheme in Mablethorpe has recently been approved with a second in Grantham undergoing due diligence. Grimsby EZ is fast becoming the centre of excellence for operations and maintenance activities for offshore wind farms in the North Sea and have already received significant investment of £25m+ with significantly more to come. 4 successful bids – 2 private sector bids: BOC and T&N Plastics, and supporting employment in North East Lincolnshire RGF Round 3 – Cummins RGF Round 4 – All successful bids totalling £15m for University of Lincoln, NE Council, Bifrangi, Dynex and Frontier Agriculture RGF Round 5 – Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce successful in gaining £2m to set up a grant programme to support our priority sectors. The GLLEP have recently been lobbying for better rail connections between London and Lincoln Preparation of the SEP is underway with businesses and other key stakeholders interviewed. Key sector plans in priority sectors are also being developed to provide clear action plans. Pinch point funding of £1.3m was recently announced to enable provision of a new westbound lane on Newark Road to address an existing bottleneck. We have also hosted a visit from UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and created a survey to help secure £6 million of funding for the area and have critically fed into and shaped the next round of European Funding and voiced how LEP's and LA's should best work together to deliver funds locally through a Single Funding Pot. Our next major event is our Annual Summit on 8th November.
Greater Lincolnshire LEP Priority Sectors
Our priority sectors have been identified where we demonstrate our most unique qualities and competitive edge. Agri-food Manufacturing Visitor Economy Renewables Ports and Logistics Health and Care We have identified a good mix of sectors that are key to our economy, from mature to emerging sectors. Our key employment sectors are agri-food, manufacturing, tourism, renewables, ports and logistics and care. We offer national opportunities in the agri-food industry, particularly around food security, supported by excellent logistics infrastructure. The Port of Grimsby and Immingham is the UK’s largest by tonnage and the largest deep sea port in Europe. We hold the potential to be renewable energy capital of the UK. Visitors are drawn to historic Lincoln and our east coast resorts of Skegness, Mablethorpe and Cleethorpes
Growth Plans (SEPs) LEPs are being devolved greater powers and funding
Growth Plans are long term strategic local economic plans and will:- Define linkages between strategic and delivery provision Be a direct route to government Identify our competitive edge and to lever single pot funding In return government will devolve some elements of funding to the Local Area These actions will create 13,000 new jobs, help 22,000 businesses and increase the value of the Greater Lincolnshire economy by £3.2 billion by 2030 LEP’s are being given greater powers in response to the Heseltine Review Growth plans will be sound and long term based on current economic circumstances They will defining linkages between existing provision, business, university, LEP, public sector & intermediaries The Growth Plan will be our route to working with government; Growth Deals; Single Growth Fund; EU Funding Final documents were submitted in March 2014 and we are currently in negotiation with government on our projects and allocation.
Growth Plans (SEPs) Setting the Scene
4th most popular tourist resorts in the UK! 215 sq miles of outstanding natural beauty More than 600 ancient monuments More than 120 sites of special scientific interest
Growth Plans (SEPs) Priorities for Growth
Greater Lincolnshire plays an important role in the national economy by contributing to: food security manufacturing output the UK visitor economy our country’s housing needs Business leaders in our area have told us that their business will grow if they: are able to access the right skills and training can access new markets through innovation, supply chains, technology and financial improvements have confidence that there will be improved infrastructure and security can operate in a growing area, with vibrant housing and community provision that is recognised countrywide
5 Priorities and drivers for Success
Growth Plans (SEPs) 5 Priorities and drivers for Success To drive the growth of the area’s three defining and strongest sectors that offer the most competitive advantage: agri-food/ manufacturing/ visitor economy To grow specific opportunities identified as future defining: features of the area/ health and care/ low carbon/ ports and logistics To drive this growth by putting expansion into new markets, modern telecommunications, infrastructure improvements and the skills of individuals and business owners To promote Greater Lincolnshire as a place for sustainable growth through improved transport infrastructure, enabling wider enjoyment of our world-class heritage sites, culture and strong communities To recognise the need for new housing for the existing local population and those moving to the area, and to support balanced housing and economic development through promoting the area’s capacity to deliver high-quality growth.
Delivering Major Projects
Growth Plans (SEPs) Delivering Major Projects The Greater Lincolnshire LEP recognises that our leadership of economic growth must be balanced with the facilitation of projects that give businesses the confidence to invest. Projects of varied scope and scale are being developed but we focus here on those that meet our immediate strategic priorities and can be delivered in 2015/2016 and 2016/17.
Delivering Major Projects Now
Grantham southern relief road will create 17 hectares of employment land and 1,600 housing units, levering £260m of private sector funding. Boston quadrant will create 4.5 hectares of employment land and 500 housing units, levering £78m of private sector funding. Boole Technology Centre and Lincoln transport hub will create 93 jobs, assist 219 businesses and open up 3.76 hectares of employment land. Unlocking rural housing programme will create 2,059 housing units. Bishop Burton College, West Lindsey will develop a new agricultural college creating 35 new jobs and assisting 410 businesses. Innovation programme will provide advice and support to 400 of Greater Lincolnshire’s growing businesses. Skegness western relief road will create 31 hectares of employment land, levering £2.9m of private sector funding. Grimsby Freeman Street and West & East Marsh Road will assist 166 businesses and create 280 housing units. Grantham College will create 43 new jobs and assist 300 businesses. Lincolnshire Lakes Blue and Green Infrastructure, Scunthorpe will open up employment land and create 600 housing units. Access to Employment Zones, North East Lincolnshire will open up employment land and create 600 housing units.
Delivering Major Projects Now
Growth Plans (SEPs) Delivering Major Projects Now Together, these projects will: open up 57 hectares of employment land create 7,799 housing units create 171 jobs assist 1,495 businesses It is important to note that this is an iterative process with government and negotiations are underway Additional projects and detail can be found in our SEP and Technical Appendix available on our website.
GLLEP Board Private Sector Public Sector
Ursula Lidbetter (Chair) Lincolnshire Co-op David Dexter (deputy Chair) FSB Chris Baron Butlins Herman Kok Lindum Group Mark Tinsley PC Tinsley Neil Corner Siemens Leendert Den Hollander Youngs Seafood Andy Orrey NL Homes Cllr Liz Redfern NLC Cllr Colin Davie LCC Cllr Doreen Stephenson ELDC Cllr Chris Shaw NELC Cllr Mick Burnett NELC Professor Mary Stuart University of Lincoln Andy Baxendale Ex. Environment Agency Dr Tony Hill NHS Lincolnshire Richard Wills LCC Members of the board – who were selected for their geographical and sectorial coverage, as well as their experience and knowledge.
How do I get involved? You can input your views, concerns and suggestions at any time Surveys Greater Lincolnshire LEP, working with partner organisations, is planning to undertake surveys to input into its priorities and activities. To make sure you are included in any future surveys please Newsletter We send out a bi-monthly e-newsletter, if you would like to register please Expert Groups In addition to the Board, the LEP is supported by Expert Groups. These are made up of LEP Board members and others who bring their specialist knowledge and experience to bear on particular sector topics, feeding into the LEP Board.
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