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Fall 2011. Subject Units Online % Online GE Online Units AA Online Units (60) % of AA Units Online (60) Chicano Studies 15 of 23 65% 15 3050% History9.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2011. Subject Units Online % Online GE Online Units AA Online Units (60) % of AA Units Online (60) Chicano Studies 15 of 23 65% 15 3050% History9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2011

2 Subject Units Online % Online GE Online Units AA Online Units (60) % of AA Units Online (60) Chicano Studies 15 of 23 65% 15 3050% History9 of 1850 %152450% Law 36 of 36 100 % 155185% Philosophy 9 of 18 50 % 152440% Psychology 9 of 21 43% 152440% Sociology 12 of 22 55% 153355% GE Classes Online include Nutrition, Poli Sci, Engl CoSci Health 15 Subjects which triggered Substantive Change

3 Growth of Distance Learning YearMissionPierceWestLACCD 2000-0147221092,699 2005-0620557077,28423,930 2008-095,4702,21219,21455,508 2010-113,6364,30818,04261,037

4 Online as % of Enrollment YearMissionPierceWestLACCD 2000- 2005-065.20.714.63.5 2008-099.91.727.36.5 2010-116.83.728.47.6

5 Proposed AA DEgreeEdgree (Hybrid/Campus Based and NOT Entirely Online) Department Chair Survey – compiled 12-06-10 “Which classes (if any) would your discipline/department support if an AA Degree is offered online at Mission” Department Chairs in Chemistry, Science, Math, PE and Speech responded if an AA Degree were offered online at Mission their departments would support ONLY ON CAMPUS or HYBRID (part on campus/part online) and NOT entirely online classes to assure the quality of their classes and to provide “hands on”, “on campus” instruction, practice, demonstrations, exercises, labs, and, the like. [15][15]


7 Success and Retention Rates Success & Retention Rate Comparison Report LAMC Total Credit CoursesLAMC DE Courses Term% Success% Retention% Success% Retention Fall 0867%86%63%83% Spring 0969%87%64%86% Fall 0972%90%61%85% Spring 1070%90%67%89% Fall 1070%89%68%88% Spring 1168%89%68%84%

8 Planning Substantive Change DE Comprehensive Program Review submitted to and evaluated by EPC with recommendations CMS Task force recommends 2 CMS platforms - Moodle and Course Compass (Ecollege/mylabsplus) 30 Online course shells reviewed by DE Committee

9 Planning Substantive Change All online faculty certified by @ONE in online pedagogy DRAFT - Substantive Change Proposal (114 pages) DRAFT - Distance Learning Guide for Faculty – including 30 pages of instructions on Assistive Access (i.e. how to make online materials ADA compliant) DRAFT – Distance Learning Addendum to Course Outline of Record DRAFT – Distance Learning Course Approval Update of Program review to EPC

10 New Contract 2011-2014 Article 40 (B)(2) Distance Learning Committee will serve the function of communicating with and advising the college on its decision making regarding distance learning issues

11 DRAFT New Online Course Approval Step 1: Obtain DL Addendum Form to Course Outline of Record – (once approved by Curriculum will be available at Curriculum website) Step 2: Complete CMS Certification and Online Pedagogy Certificate (Local Mission Policy – approved by EPC - June 2009 ) Step 3: Complete DL Addendum Form to COR ( may consult with members of DL Committee for assistance) Step 4: Obtain Department Chair approval Step 5: Obtain Dean Approval Step 6: Obtain Curriculum Approval Step 7: Online Class uploaded to the selected CMS & Department Chair and Dean verify if course is “ready” to publish and deliver online (“shell review” step) Step 8: Academic Affairs is notified

12 Thanks ! Special Acknowledgement and Thanks To the VPAA – Alma Johnson for her able leadership and guidance To the DL Committee Members for their hard work and efforts To the Curriculum Committee for their collaboration, partnership, and participation in our committee To our valued resource persons, Diana Bonilla and Gabriella Cabrera from Counseling, Adrian Gonzalez from DSPS To our SLO Coordinator, Academic Senate, and Technology Committee for their contributions To our IT Manager and her capable IT staff And last, but not least, the EPC for their program review evaluation, and recommendations prepared by David Jordan Chair of DE Committee & DE Coordinator Substantive Change is located at updated: 10/29/11 @ 1:29 pm

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