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W4.5 The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Challenges and Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "W4.5 The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Challenges and Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 W4.5 The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Challenges and Issues

2 W4.5 Challenges and Issues

3 W4.5 Challenges and Issues New challenges for all practitioners: Technical staff Curriculum/Support staff Administrative staff and: Learners?

4 W4.5 Challenges and Issues New challenges for technical staff

5 W4.5 Increased demand for ILT facilities Reliable Internet access on demand Individual student network accounts Student e-mail accounts Print quotas Increased use of data projectors Multimedia resources Specialist software Challenges and Issues New challenges for technical staff:

6 W4.5 Home access to college systems Remote learning Off-campus learning centres Integration of VLEs with other college systems Wireless technology Challenges and Issues New challenges for technical staff:

7 W4.5 Video and audio streaming Video conferencing Mobile technology (m-learning) Telecommunications, reprographics Minimum ‘down-time’ And more… Challenges and Issues

8 W4.5 Challenges and Issues New challenges for curriculum /support staff

9 W4.5 Curriculum On-line assessment Differentiation Delivery patterns Changing roles Demand for resources Staff training Challenges and Issues New challenges for curriculum /support staff

10 W4.5 Changes in operating systems, network, software Changes to MIS and data access Rooming restrictions Central purchasing New technology E-mail communications Challenges and Issues More challenges for curriculum /support staff

11 W4.5 New challenges for all staff…external Legislation Computer Misuse Act 1990 Intellectual Property, Copyright and Plagiarism Data Protection Act 1998 Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Act (2000) & Human Rights Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995, and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act (SENDA) 2001 Health and Safety Acceptable Use Policy/Code of Conduct Government initiatives Challenges and Issues

12 W4.5 MIS and student data Electronic registers Finance Timetabling Human resources Examinations Challenges and Issues Administrative challenges …

13 W4.5 Meeting challenges together Challenges and Issues

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