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Chapter 2: Using Therapeutic Modalities to Affect the Healing Process Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo, MS, LAT, ATC FIU Entry-Level ATEP Therapeutic Modalities.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Using Therapeutic Modalities to Affect the Healing Process Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo, MS, LAT, ATC FIU Entry-Level ATEP Therapeutic Modalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Using Therapeutic Modalities to Affect the Healing Process Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo, MS, LAT, ATC FIU Entry-Level ATEP Therapeutic Modalities

2 Physiological Responses to Injury n Therapeutic modalities should be selected and applied based on the ________ ________ of the tissues to injury and on the understanding of how various tissues ________


4 Phases of the Healing Process n Inflammatory - Response Phase n Fibroblastic - Repair Phase n Maturation - Remodeling Phase The ATC must understand the healing process to make decisions on how and when therapeutic modalities may best be used to facilitate the healing process

5 Healing Process Continuum Injury Day 4 Week 6 2-3 Years Inflammatory-Response Phase

6 Healing Process Continuum Injury Day 4 Week 6 2-3 Years Inflammatory-Response Phase Fibroblastic-Repair Phase

7 Healing Process Continuum Injury Day 4 Week 6 2-3 Years Inflammatory-Response Phase Fibroblastic-Repair Phase Maturation-Remodeling Phase

8 Inflammatory - Response Phase n S/S u Redness u ________ u Pain u ________ u Tenderness u ________ u Loss of Function

9 Vascular Reaction Injury __________________ Immediate __________________ Of Vascular Walls _________________________ _________________________ With Hyperemia Stagnation and Stasis Initial Effusion of Blood and Plasma Lasts 24-36 Hours

10 Immediate Vascular Reaction Injury Vessels’ Endothelium is Disrupted _______________ _______________ Adhere To Exposed Collagen Sticky Matrix For Platelets and Leukocytes ___________ Formation of A ___________ Obstructs Local Lymphatic Drainage _____________ _____________ Injury Response

11 Cellular Reaction Chemical Mediators Released From Cell n Histamine u ________ u  Cell Permeability n Leucotaxin u ________ (Leukocytes Line Cell Wall) u  Cell Permeability u Forming ________ n Necrosin u Activates ________

12 Clot Formation Damaged Cell Thromboplastin Prothrombin Thrombin Fibrinogen Fibrin Clot Completed Within 48 Hours

13 Inflammatory - Response Phase n Injured area is walled-off n Leukocytes phagocytize foreign debris n Sets stage for Fibroblastic-Repair Phase n Lasts ________ after initial injury

14 Chronic Inflammation n Occurs when _____ inflammatory-response does not eliminate injuring agent n Leukocytes replaced by _________, ___________, and ________ ________ n Specific mechanism which causes conversion to chronic inflammation is unknown u ________or ________ with cumulative repetitive ____________ may be a cause

15 Fibroblastic - Repair Phase

16 Healing Process Continuum Injury Day 4 Week 6 2-3 Years Inflammatory-Response Phase Fibroblastic-Repair Phase Maturation-Remodeling Phase

17 n S/S u Signs and symptoms of inflammatory response subside n Proliferative, regenerative activity which leads to a period of ________ ________ (fibroplasia) and repair of injured tissue Fibroblastic - Repair Phase

18 Fibroplasia n Begins within the first few _____ following injury n Signs of inflammation subside n Pain and tenderness to touch n May last ________ weeks

19 Vascular Reaction Growth of Endothelial Capillary Buds (Stimulated By Lack of Oxygen) ________Blood Flow Increased Delivery of Essential ________ for Tissue Regeneration

20 Cellular Reaction Breakdown of Fibrin Clot Formation of ________ Tissue (Fibroblasts, Collagen, Capillaries) Fibroblasts Accumulate Along Capillary Beds Synthesizes Extracellular Matrix (________, ________, ________)

21 By Day 6 or 7 n Fibroblasts begin producing ______, which is deposited randomly throughout the scar n ________ _______ increases proportionally to collagen synthesis

22 Normal Sequence n Formation of minimal ________ n Increase in tensile strength and a decrease in the number of fibroblasts signals the beginning of the __________________ ________

23 Abnormal Response n Persistent Inflammatory Response Phase causes extended ___________ and _____________

24 Maturation - Remodeling Phase

25 Healing Process Continuum Injury Day 4 Week 6 2-3 Years Inflammatory-Response Phase Fibroblastic-Repair Phase Maturation-Remodeling Phase

26 n Long-term process n Realignment of collagen fibers along lines of ________ ________ n Ongoing _________________ of collagen n Increase in tensile strength of scar matrix n At 3-weeks a contracted, non-vascular scar exists n May require several years to complete

27 The Role of Controlled Mobility in the Maturation – Remodeling Phase n _________________ u Bone and soft tissue will respond to the physical demands placed on them, causing them to remodel along lines of ________ ________ n Injured structures must be exposed to __________ loads during the Maturation - Remodeling Phase

28 Controlled Mobility is Superior To Immobilization n Controlled mobility… u ________ scar formation u ________ revascularization u ________ muscle regeneration u ________ muscle and ligament fibers n Immobilization; however, during the Inflammatory - Response Phase will facilitate ________ by controlling inflammation

29 Factors That Impede Healing n Extent of Injury n Edema n Hemorrhage n _________________ n Separation of Tissue n ________ ________ n Atrophy n Corticosteroids n Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars n ________ n Humidity, Climate n Age, Health, Nutrition

30 Using Specific Modalities During Different Phases of Healing

31 Inflammatory – Response Phase n Immediate first aid management of injury n Minimize the early effects of excessive inflammation by: u ________ ________ n Initial goal should be to limit ________ u Limiting the amount of ________ will reduce the time required for rehabilitation

32 Controlling Edema: Immediate First Aid Management n P rotection n R estricted Activity n I ce n C ompression n E levation

33 n Protection from additional injury by applying appropriate splints, braces, or other immobilization devices n Restricted activity to allow the Inflammatory - Response Phase to elicit its effects u Rest does not mean ________ n Ice for __ _______ to decrease metabolism and elicit analgesic effects n Compression for ___ _______ to reduce space for swelling to accumulate n Elevation to reduce blood pooling in the extremities and facilitate ________ and ________ drainage

34 Modulating Pain n ________ and/or ________ ____________ Currents are typically used for analgesia n Low-Power LASER may also be used for pain modulation

35 Facilitating Healing n Low intensity _________ may be effective in facilitating the healing process n _________ may be used safely immediately following injury

36 Fibroblastic - Repair Phase n n Treatments may change from cryotherapy to thermotherpy n ________ n Thermotherapy techniques are used to ________ circulation to the injured area to promote healing n ________ n Heat modalities may also produce some degree of ________

37 Fibroblastic - Repair Phase n ____________ ____________ n ____________ ____________ may be used to facilitate removal of injury by-products n _________________ n ________ _________ currents may be used… u _______ _______ u To elicit muscle contractions (_______ _______) to reduce swelling u ________ u For modulation of ________ n n Low-powered LASER may be used for modulation of pain

38 Maturation - Remodeling Phase n ___________ n ___________ modalities are beneficial to the healing process during this phase u _________ u _________, shortwave and microwave diathermy may be used to increase circulation to deeper tissues n ________ ________ ________ ________ n Electrical stimulating currents may be used for ________ ________ and to stimulate muscle contractions for increasing both ________ and ________

39 Goal For Using Therapeutic Modalities n Assist the natural healing process while doing no harm

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