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Pro/Con Resources for Argumentative Topics Jane Long MLIS, University of Oklahoma MA, Wright State University Reference Services Librarian Al Harris Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Pro/Con Resources for Argumentative Topics Jane Long MLIS, University of Oklahoma MA, Wright State University Reference Services Librarian Al Harris Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pro/Con Resources for Argumentative Topics Jane Long MLIS, University of Oklahoma MA, Wright State University Reference Services Librarian Al Harris Library

2 Pew Research Center Pew Research Center Where Do You Fit ?

3 Potential Topics Based on Current Issues in the News What is a Green Business? General Motors/Chrysler: What is happening to the automotive industry? Will the turmoil in Iran affect all of the Middle East? What is the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission? If American celebrities are going to Africa, are they helping the African people?

4 Pro/Con Green: Yes or No?

5 Where do I start? –TOPICsearch –Pro/Con Resources Contemporary Issues Opposing Viewpoints Reference Shelf Taking Sides –Pro/Con Resources CQ Researcher Issues and Controversies

6 Helpful Keywords to Use Issue Controversy Statistic Ethical Rights Debate Attitude Trend Condition Examples: Rights and poverty death penalty and Controversy household spending and Statistics

7 TOPICsearch An Ebsco product Use Limiters to Narrow Search Example: Environment –Current Events –Full Text –Topics –Document Type

8 Pro/Con Resources Book Series –Contemporary Issues –Opposing Viewpoints –Reference Shelf –Taking Sides

9 Pro/Con Resources CQ Researcher –contains information on current and controversial issues concentric to the U.S. Government Issues and Controversies –provides up-to-date, objective information on the most prominent and hotly debated issues of the day

10 Argumentative Information Identify your topic State the position you will support Highlight points of your discussion Use information to support your position –Pro/Con Materials –Opinion Polls –Statistics

11 Which sounds better? Oil over $100 is cause for concern. Harvard economists believe oil over $100 is cause for concern. –A COLLECTIVE OPINION IS STRONGER THAN A SINGLE OPINION

12 Opinion or Fact? Whales are mammals. Whales are superior to dolphins. Stephen King is talented. Stephen King is a prolific writer. Abraham Lincoln was the best president the United States has ever had. John Adams was the second president of the United States.

13 Opinions vs. Facts Pros (Strengths) –A consensus of opinions are much stronger than a single opinion –Reflects the culture and society that experience these issues and events (primary resource) Cons (Weaknesses) –Less concrete –A view formed by someone’s belief which can be biased –Not necessarily the truth –Opinions can differ widely Pros (Strengths) –Very concrete –Based in scientific/research methodology –Data supports arguments –Statistics helps determine the accuracy of information in the evaluation process Cons (Weaknesses) –Data can be manipulated –Unless data collection is a regular practice, data can become outdated and irrelevant

14 Which sounds better? A lot of freshman drop out of SWOSU each academic year. 40% of freshman drop out of SWOSU each academic year. –NUMBERS CARRY WEIGHT, PEOPLE ARE INFLUENCED BY STATISTICS

15 Opinion Resources Editorials on File –Ref 070.43 Ed48 Gallup Poll –Ref 301.154 G13g – –an organization studying human nature and behavior for more than 70 years through public surveys –collects attitudes and opinions of individuals and key groups within the American population concerning national and international issues and events

16 Statistical Resources –American Attitudes 303.38 M6958a 2000 –Americans at Play 790.068 W462a –Education Statistics of the United States 370.9021 Ed836 –Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 364.973 B9524 2003 –Statistical Handbook on the American Family 301.421 St295 1999 –World Almanac 317.3 W89


18 Statistical Resources Government Information –Provides statistical information directly from the U.S. Government and the agencies who collect the data. –Google U.S. Government Search

19 Online Surveys & Reports Pew Research Center (Main Site) –http://pewresearch.org Pew Global Attitudes Project –http://pewglobal.org Pew Internet & American Life Project –http://www.pewinternet.org Pew Hispanic Center –http://pewhispanic.org Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life –http://pewforum.org

20 World Wide Web: Resources CNN Special Reports Includes facts, statistics, interviews of supporters and opponents, and much more on key issues. The site maintains an archive going back to 1995. National Center for Policy Analysis NCPA is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy research organization whose goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector. Provides issues arranged by topic categories. The site is devoted to promoting activism in a variety of areas.

21 Ready to Select a Topic?

22 Exercise: Argumentative Resources Worksheet Topic: Green Business Many companies are considering the significance of recycling and the importance of conservation. For many, this means they are changing the ways they do business. Question: Is it necessary for established businesses to change in order to be green?

23 Questions? Contact me: –Jane Long 774-3030

24 Thanks!

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