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Topic II Contemporary Issues Shift gears Theory approach to GAAP Cases Start with important and changing area…..

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Presentation on theme: "Topic II Contemporary Issues Shift gears Theory approach to GAAP Cases Start with important and changing area….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic II Contemporary Issues Shift gears Theory approach to GAAP Cases Start with important and changing area…..

2 Chapter 9 Income Understand the nature of income. Distinguish between matching and asset-liability approaches Recognize comprehensive income. Understand the problems in revenue recognition.

3 Income Concepts Start with…the phenomenon.. What is it? Basic Nature Survey says…

4 Income Concepts Past Definitions –A. Smith (Wealth of Nations, 1776) –JR Hicks (Value and Capital, 1939) Hard to apply….

5 Jeff and Jon Example Case

6 Philips Range Range of Concepts Psychic Economic PV Accretion Accrual Cash Objectivity vs conceptual reasonableness.

7 Importance of Income Role and Relevance –central core –basis for tax –guide to capital allocation –prudent conduct –Etc.

8 Two Approaches Accounting Income Approaches Matching Asset-Liability

9 Matching Approach Traditional Matching Revenues and Expenses Venture basis “Gospel of Matching” Pros and cons

10 Asset-Liability Approaches Earnings result as a consequence of changes in assets and liabilities. New view Exhibit 9.1 Pros and cons

11 Comprehensive Income Comprehensive Income: SFAC # 6 (1985). SFAS #130 (1997) Reporting Comprehensive Income Exhibit 9.2

12 Revenue Recognition Revenues earned continuously; recognized when major effort & realization So we measure continuous data discretely? Four models: –During production –End of production –Time of sale –Collect cash Revenue Controversy-hot topic

13 Revenue Recognition revenue recognition problems

14 Income/Accounting Change Elliott et al* IT changing everything..

15 Elliott et al 3 Waves 1. Agriculture: -8000 to +1600 2. Industrial: 1600 to 1955 3. Information: 1955- now

16 Elliott et al Broken Model

17 Concerns & Update SEC Concerns L. Turner quote FASB revenue project Solomons 25 year perspective: no change!

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