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Developing the Habit of Mind Scaling up research-based practice in education.

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1 Developing the Habit of Mind Scaling up research-based practice in education

2 “Habit of Mind” Project Our profession woeful at learning about and replicating effective practice Completely unclear where educators can turn for guidance re urgent desire to improve practice & student learning Educators don’t possess habit of mind to seek out research for pressing concerns

3 “Habit of Mind” Project Online databases good for much more than essays & bibliographies Vast majority of research findings are in online research databases (e.g., EBSCO) Educators need to know why and how to use online databases to locate research-based practices Otherwise, our profession will continue struggling to scale good practice

4 “Habit of Mind” Project Key obstacles? –Candidates say: why learn how to use such databases when lose affordable access moment they graduate? –Preservice curriculum reinforces: use databases only for essays & annotated bibliographies, to get academic grade, not to enrich their practice & student learning –Much of the vocabulary used in research not same as that used by practitioners & policy makers

5 “Habit of Mind” Project First Approached EBSCO re lowering high cost for prep program alums’ access to research databases EBSCO said “sure...but you’re not asking the right question” “You need digests!”digests!” –Immediate access –Written in lay terms (no jargon barriers) –Developed & maintained by expert panel on that topic

6 “Habit of Mind” Project EBSCO agreed to offer: Deeply discounted pricing as we scale up ($10/year) Free 24/7 user support Digest development once serve >10,000 subscribers Am exploring interest at Association of Teacher Educators, NEA, NBPTS, AFT, etc. to take to scale and finance digest development

7 EBSCO Pricing to Access Deep Web Portal Members/UsersAnnual Price Per User Plus Baseline Price from previous tier 0-500$32 501-1000$29 1001-2500 $26 2501-5000$19 5001-7500$18 7501-10,000$16 10,001-100,000$15 100,001-500,000$14 500,001-1,000,000$13 1,000,001-2,500,000$12 2,500,001-5,000,000$11 5,000,001+$10

8 “Habit of Mind” Project: The NH Experiment All 15 NH IHEs with educator preparation programs involved Steps we envision: –Clarify candidate learning outcomes Know re databases that have info on research based practices keyed to their P12 student learning priorities Know how to efficiently use these databases to readily locate effective, relevant practices Know how create communities of practice to help implement effective practices (Habit of Mind now a CAEP accreditation expectation) NEA just gave grant to provide free professional development to faculty, candidates & cooperating educators

9 “Habit of Mind” Project Steps we plan: –Create learning opportunities in preservice curriculum & field experience to attain outcomes –Develop/pilot candidate assessments for these learning outcomes –Digital Opportunity Consortium lines up partners to take Digital Research Library to scale for Affordability for all prep programs’ grads, and Finance ongoing digest development and maintenance –Work with Follett & EBSCO to provide free PD on both research and instructional databases ATE tech committee provides faculty development at ATE conferences

10 For more information Presented by Robert T. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Founder & Co-Chair, Digital Opportunity Consortium Chair, Association of Teacher Educator’s technology commission Administrator, Professional Educator Preparation Program Approval New Hampshire Department of Education 101 Pleasant Street Concord NH 03301 Office: 603.271.2634 Cell:802.249.1159

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