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Speaking to Persuade Chapter 7. p119~. Persuasive speech Purpose: to convince others to change their feelings, beliefs, or behavior. A salesperson. A.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking to Persuade Chapter 7. p119~. Persuasive speech Purpose: to convince others to change their feelings, beliefs, or behavior. A salesperson. A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking to Persuade Chapter 7. p119~

2 Persuasive speech Purpose: to convince others to change their feelings, beliefs, or behavior. A salesperson. A political leader. A teacher. Mommy…etc. Persuasive speech?! ALL THE TIME!! Warm Up (p.90)

3 Preparing for the Persuasive Speech Choosing your topic Determining your specific purpose Analyzing your audience Gathering information Preparing visual aids Organizing your speech

4 Why the order changes? Persuasive speech Choosing your topic Determining your specific purpose Analyzing your audience Gathering information Preparing visual aids Organizing your speech Informative speech Analyzing your audience Choosing your topic Gathering information Preparing visual aids Organizing your speech

5 1. Choosing your topic What should I talk about? Suggestions about how to choose a topic: – Choose a topic that really interests you. – Suggest a change that isn’t too large. – Choose a topic that is controversial. Step by step: – p.123 Formulate persuasive claims for topics. – p.124 Narrow down the topic.

6 Write a DEBATABLE topic: – Have to be a claim/declarative sentence. – Clearly state ONE side of opinion. – So that the other side is easy to recognize. Example: Capital punishment should be abolished. Side: “should”  agree  Pros The other side: “should not”  disagree  Cons Should capital punishment be abolished? Suitable discussion topic. Not a decisive debate topic.

7 2. Determining your specific purpose General goal: to convince your listeners to change something. What I want them to change? Belief: whether sth is true or false Opinion: about sth’s value Behavior: do or not do sth After my speech, I want my audience to ________. p.126 Identify specific purpose

8 3. Analyzing your audience How my listeners may feel/think about the topic? Expected responses: – Agree completely. – Be indifferent. – Disagree completely. Use the possible responses as a criterion of fixing the topic. – Agee completely: Not controversial enough – Be indifferent: Boring topic. Not worth debating. – Disagree completely: Find out the reasons & suit the remedy to the case. p.128 Opinion survey form

9 4. Gathering information Write down what you already know about your topic.  foundation Think about your own related observations or experiences. Gather additional necessary information by: – Conducting research – Interview experts/people. – Editorial pages of newspapers. Be sure to tell your audience the source of your information. p.128 Opinion survey form

10 Assignment for this week Find out ONE controversial topic. Write down the persuasive speech topic. (statement, declarative sentence.) List two arguments for the pro side. List two arguments for the con side.

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