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Today’s Standard SSUSH25 d., e.

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1 Today’s Standard SSUSH25 d., e.
Describe the collapse of the Soviet Union & the relationship btw. Congress and President Bill Clinton

2 The Presidencies of George H.W. Bush & William Clinton

3 President George H.W. Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush 1) Had an impressive political career A) WW2 Veteran B) A loyal Republican C) Member of Congress D) Ambassador to the UN under Nixon E) Head of CIA 2) He served as Vice-President to Reagan Elected President of the United States in 1988

4 The End of the Cold War 1991 3) The Cold War ended The USSR dissolved
No more communist Russia 4) Bush went into negotiations with Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev Began a dramatic reduction of nuclear weapons

5 The Persian Gulf War August 1990
5) Tensions arise in the country of Iraq Dictator Saddam Hussein Invades the neighboring country of Kuwait The US and the United Nations intervene by sending in military forces 6) Operation: Desert Storm It is an Allied victory Bush’s popularity skyrockets to 89%

6 Saddam Hussein Dictator of Iraq

7 Bush’s Popularity Fades
Though he achieved a great deal of popularity with Desert Storm, President Bush began to lose popularity afterward A faltering economy Back in 1988, when running for president, Bush made a pledge to the U.S. 6) “no new taxes” Bush eventually had to raise taxes This damaged his chances for re-election in 1992

8 The Election of 1992 7) Bush seeks a 2nd term, running against two main candidates Ross Perot (Independent) Democrats nominate former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton The economy is in recession 8) Clinton connects with popular culture Promises better economy Wins the presidency

9 Clinton’s Presidency Had early difficulties Nov. 1994
1) Republicans gained full control of Congress Despite the uphill battle, Clinton had success 2) North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA – breaks down trade barriers and eliminates tariffs in North America 3) Raised minimum wage Remained popular 4) Re-Elected in 1996 in a landslide victory against Bob Dole

10 Success & Scandal 1998 brings a bright moment
5) Under Clinton, the gov’t reaches a budget surplus We have extra money! Soon overshadowed by scandal Clinton has an inappropriate relationship with an intern Monica Lewinski Clinton denies the relationship initially 6) Clinton is accused by attorney Kenneth Starr of perjury and obstruction Clinton is impeached in December ’98 7) The Senate votes to acquit him in January 1999

11 The Election of 2000 8) Clinton was the first president impeached since Andrew Johnson in 1868 Because of the booming economy, Clinton remains popular upon leaving office BUT, many voters wanted change Conservatism; moral values Democrats nominate Clinton’s VP Al Gore 9) Republicans – Texas Governor George W. Bush – son of former President George H.W. Bush Closest election in US History Undecided for 36 days Bush wins and becomes the 43rd President of the United States

12 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore The Election of 2000

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