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Access: Queries Ad-hoc Reporting Chapter T. Access Queries Queries Access Properties Sorting Selection Criteria Calculations.

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Presentation on theme: "Access: Queries Ad-hoc Reporting Chapter T. Access Queries Queries Access Properties Sorting Selection Criteria Calculations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access: Queries Ad-hoc Reporting Chapter T

2 Access Queries Queries Access Properties Sorting Selection Criteria Calculations

3 Objective ▪ State the purpose of common table properties. ▪ Create queries to support common business problems. (Using Query Design View only) ▪ Distinguish between record and summary calculations.

4 What are Access Objects? ▪ Tables ▪ Queries ▪ Reports ▪ Forms

5 Open XLS in Access – Step 1 Open blank desktop database & name it

6 Open XLS in Access – Step 2 Load data into new table

7 Open XLS in Access – Step 3

8 Open XLS in Access – Step 4 Format Text Fields

9 Open XLS in Access – Step 5 Add Primary Key

10 Open XLS in Access – Step 6 Name Table

11 Example Data Participant Registration Card Participant ID: 1 Age: Gender: Male Female Are you married? Y or N Are you a parent? Y or N Are you a home owner?Y or N What is your favorite food?

12 Example Data Observation Card Participant ID #: Observation Date: 1 = Poor … 5 = Excellent Rating of Product A: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product B: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product C: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product D: 1 2 3 4 5

13 Open Existing Database Start Access

14 Review Tables

15 Review Relationships

16 What Table Properties Can I Set? ▪ Field Name ▪ Data Type ▪ Field Size ▪ Format (output) ▪ Decimal Places ▪ Input Mask ▪ Default Value ▪ Validation Rule ▪ Required ▪ Indexed

17 Book Database

18 What is the Purpose of Queries? ▪ Ad-hoc information retrieval ▪ Output subsets of data

19 Start a Query Example: List demographics of all participants.

20 Fields

21 Run a Query

22 Show & Hide Fields Example: List demographics of all participants but hide homeowner field.

23 Save a Query

24 Sort Records Example: List ratings for Product A from high to low.

25 Select Records Example: List demographics of Female participants.

26 Query More Than One Table Example: List all observation ratings by female participants.

27 Selection Criteria: Operators Example: List demographics of all participants over 30 years of age.

28 Selection Criteria: * and ? Example: List demographics of all participants who like liver. Liver may be anywhere in the Favorite Food string; beginning, middle or end.

29 Selection Criteria: NOT Example: List demographics of all participants who did not identify ice cream as their favorite food.

30 Selection Criteria: NULL Example: List demographics of all participants who did not identify a favorite food.

31 Selection Criteria: AND Example: List demographics of female participants who are over thirty.

32 Selection Criteria: OR Example: List demographics of participants who are either Female or over 30.

33 Combine Selection Criteria Example: List all female participants who are married and all male participants who are parents.

34 Selection Criteria: Dates Example: List all observations recorded on Feb 24, 2011.

35 Summary Calculations One calculation total for a group of records. Example: Calculate the average rating each participant assigned to Product A.

36 Record Calculations One calculation per record. Example: Determine the age of each participant in five years.

37 Query Limitations ▪ Queries can show only one level of grouping at a time. ▪ Queries have limited formatting options.

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