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1 NASIS 6.1 and WSS 2.3 Updates Jim Fortner National Soil Survey Center April 20, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NASIS 6.1 and WSS 2.3 Updates Jim Fortner National Soil Survey Center April 20, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NASIS 6.1 and WSS 2.3 Updates Jim Fortner National Soil Survey Center April 20, 2011

2 2 NASIS 6.1 Release NASIS 6.1 came online – April 12 Also released – –Updated SDV Rule Manager –Updated SC/OSD Maintenance tool

3 NASIS 6.1 Features Improved editing performance ~ 50 bugs fixed Data tables and columns for RaCA & DSP data Excel spreadsheet imports VNIR scan file imports Run national reports in background View reports, queries, etc. in grid New drop down selection of child tables Run multiple validations or calculations at once 3

4 RaCA & DSP data 4

5 5

6 Spreadsheet Import 6

7 7

8 Import Requirements Worksheet mapping file has to be created by NSSC for each worksheet of each version of a workbook. Currently have these for RaCA versions 2.07 thru 2.14, and new 2.15 DSP workbook being developed 8

9 RaCA import rules (& DSP) For RaCA & DSP, the import process APPENDS to existing Site and Pedon records. Corresponding Site, Site Assoc., & Pedon records MUST already be in NASIS. 9

10 RaCA import rules (& DSP) These MUST be checked out for the spreadsheet to import. User Site ID, User Pedon ID, Site Obs. Date, & horizon designation MUST agree between NASIS and spreadsheet. Multiple spreadsheets can be imported at once. 10

11 Local Plant Issue Plant symbols and names on the spreadsheets MUST already be in the Local Plants table in NASIS Symbols and names MUST match EXACTLY! Any mismatch will abort the import 11

12 VNIR Scan file import VNIR scan filename MUST match that recorded on the spreadsheet If file(s) are stored in same directory as the spreadsheet, they are automatically imported with the spreadsheet file 12

13 VNIR Scan file import Files can also be imported from NASIS Pedon Horizon VNIR Scan table Click in VNIR File Name column Click Open button Browse for desired file 13

14 VNIR Scan file import 14

15 15

16 Run National Reports Offline 16 Avoids 10 minute timeout limit Could still hit memory limit

17 Reports, queries, etc. in grid 17 Run appropriate query to bring desired objects into your Selected Set View the appropriate table. Allows for checking out/in a group of records at once changing ownership of multiple records. Cannot edit the script in this mode; must open in normal tab mode.

18 Reports, queries, etc. in grid 18 Clicking in this column will open the report in normal tab mode.

19 Drop-down table selection 19

20 Run Multiple Validations Works for calculations too 20

21 Run on Highlighted or All Rows 21

22 SDV Rule Manager New URL v/RuleManager.aspx 22

23 SDV Rule Manager Changes to reflect how rules are stored in NASIS 6.0 data structure 23

24 WSS 2.3 Status Currently in QA testing Release date – end of May/early June 24

25 WSS 2.3 New Features Import/export AOI boundary file Bookmark the AOI Imbed location and/or AOI coordinates in URL Quick navigation in US territories New Lat/Long entry options 25

26 Export AOI boundary file 26

27 Export AOI boundary file 27

28 Import AOI Boundary file Can be from –file previously exported from WSS –File created using ArcGIS or other software Shapefile format –.shp and.prj files needed <10,000 acres; < 90 points; <100 Mb 28

29 Import AOI Boundary file 29

30 Import AOI Boundary file 30

31 Import AOI Boundary file 31

32 Bookmark Your AOI 32

33 Save Target As … 33

34 US Territory Addresses 34

35 Lat/Long entry – single field 35

36 Lat/Long entry Options 36

37 Future - NASIS Point data model changes - SSO lab data Update Pedon PC to match Move mustatus and farmland class to legend mapunit Add mapunit history and text tables to Legend Mapunit Customizable choice lists 37

38 Future – NASIS – cont’d Consider changing way data is downloaded from national to local database Local db management options Store images and document files Adjustable font sizes 38

39 Future – WSS / SDM Rebuilding backend operations –Moving from ESRI tools to SQL Server tools Use Bing imagery Increase allowable AOI limit - >100k ? Combine functions of SDW application into WSS – reports and downloads Add new data elements from NASIS to SDM database – available to WSS 39

40 Future – WSS / SDM – cont’d Handle line and point map units Change SDM to WGS 84 – accommodates PIA data Display additional ESD content Add in BIA land areas for quick navigation 40

41 Questions ??? 41

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