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Database Design Week 11.

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1 Database Design Week 11

2 Forms

3 Table Vs. Form Table Form Many records at a time 1 record at a time
Some fields do not fit on one screen Column and row formatting only Can be confusing to new users Form 1 record at a time All fields can fit on 1 screen Any formatting options you set-up “User-friendly” and less-intimidating than tables

4 WHAT IS A FORM? • “Electronic Equivalent” to a paper form • allows you to create a custom layout for your data • more “visually appealing” for “Data Entry” • when you need to control which data is displayed or entered

5 Why Use Forms? Provide a “User-Oriented” interface to the data
Only asks for specific information Ability to use “non technical” terms Should be designed around individual tasks

6 Fields in a Form Application for Employment
The field labels in a form are like the labels on an application. The field text boxes are where you supply the data, like the blank lines on an application. First name: Last name: Address: City: State: Zip:

7 FORMS cont. Forms are made up of controls, such as text boxes, buttons, document tabs, and drop- down lists, grouped in a way that makes them easy to use The controls in the form are usually “bound”, or “linked”to the tables or queries in your database — but not always. For example, a control that displays “Customer data” is probably bound to either the “Customer” table, or to a query that retrieves Customer data. BUT: a form control that displays your corporate logo isn't bound to a table field; it just points to the image it displays.

8 Create Forms Watch DAOg0 this video demonstrates the forms window, and how to auto-create forms How To: Create a form Remove the sub form Change the title Change the layout Create a split form Part 2:

9 Create Forms Exercise Exercise:
Create forms for the Wk11_TableInstanceChart Example City entity Table 1 and Table 2 entities Students entity Create a form for the Northwind database employee table Part 2:

10 Northwind Database

11 Students Work Through Access 2010 Formatting Forms

12 REPORTS Ways of generating printed output
Can create reports that show totals & grand totals of value in a particular field Reports give you the ability to present components of your database in an easy- to-read, printable format. Access 2010 lets you create reports from both tables and queries.

13 Hybrid / Homework Read Creating Reports Read Advanced Report Options
Review Access Videos Database Assignment Part 3 (due Wk. 13 submitted as an ATTACHMENT)

14 MYITLAB HOMEWORK: myitlab TRAINING: Access VOLUME 1- “Skill-Based TRAINING” myitlab ASSIGNMENT: “GO series”

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