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Nutrition and Healthy Eating Grade 6. Three Nutritional Guidelines to follow The Dietary Guidelines for Americans My Pyramid: Food Guide Pyramid Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Healthy Eating Grade 6. Three Nutritional Guidelines to follow The Dietary Guidelines for Americans My Pyramid: Food Guide Pyramid Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Healthy Eating Grade 6

2 Three Nutritional Guidelines to follow The Dietary Guidelines for Americans My Pyramid: Food Guide Pyramid Nutrition Facts Panels

3 Dietary Guidelines for Americans AIM for Fitness BUILD a Healthy Base Choose Sensibly Aim for a Healthy Weight Let the Pyramid Guide Your Choices Choose Foods that are Low in saturated fat and cholesterol Be Physically Active Each Day Choose a Variety of Grains Daily (Especially whole grains) Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars Choose a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables each day Choose and prepare foods with less salt Keep Food Safe to Eat

4 Let’s examine My Pyramid. GovMy Pyramid. Gov This is a website that tells you everything you always wanted to know (but might be afraid to ask) about the new MyPyramid

5 So what are the food groups? Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Meats, poultry, fish, beans Fats, oils, sweets How can the food groups guide our eating?

6 It’s on the label Coca Cola, 32 oz. Medium Apple

7 Food Labels Who has a label * with only ONE serving? * with 20 or more g. of Vitamin C? * with 4 or more g. of fiber? * with 10 g. of protein? * with less than 3 g. of fat? * with whole grain in the ingredients? * with 100 calories or less per serving? Let’s read some food labels for practice

8 Activity Pyramid Sixty Minutes a Day is the amount of active exercise needed by teens There is an Activity Pyramid to guide us in this quest for activity


10 NOW, Complete YOUR PERSONAL Activity Pyramid

11 Other food pyramids Vegetarian Food Pyramid Asian Food Pyramid Vegan Food Pyramid Mediterranean Food Pyramid Latin American Diet Pyramid

12 Look at some others Use the computers to research and answer some questions about these Asian Pyramid Vegetarian Pyramid Vegan Pyramid Latin American Diet Pyramid Mediterranean Pyramid

13 What are the Dietary Guide- lines?

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