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Digital Systems Design Lab 1 TA : 曾興嘉

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1 Digital Systems Design Lab 1 TA : 曾興嘉

2 Lab Requirements Write Hardware Description Language (HDL) – Verilog The verilog code must: – be able to be synthesized – pass the patterns Basic Requirements: 70% of the grades Competing with others: 30% of the grades 2

3 Lab Schedule 3 Labs – Lab1: Key Arithmetic Units (5%) Date: 3/29~4/13 – Lab2: Sequencing and Control Circuits (5%) Date: 4/13~5/4 – Lab3: Simple RISC Central Processing Units (10%) Date: 5/4~6/8 Late submission: – one week from due date: 60% – more than one week: 0% 3

4 Environment Setup The software must run on workstations based on linux distribution because of the license issue. The users can use Pietty to telnet to the workstation and acquire windows-like interface via Xming. Tool – Pietty – Xming 4

5 Environment Setup (Xming) Open Xming 5 No Access Control

6 Environment Setup (Pietty) 6 Server:

7 Set X11 Forwarding in Pietty 7

8 FTP 8

9 Basic Unix Commands 9 cp file1.v file2.v – Make a copy of file1.v called file2.v cp ~/dir1/file1.v. – Make a copy of ~/dir1/file1.v in your current directory – “.” means your current directory – “~” means your home directory rm file1.v – Delete file1.v mkdir dir1 – Make a new directory called dir1 cd dir1 – Change the current directory to dir1 cd.. – Change the current directory to the upper directory more file1.v – View the content of file1.v ls – List all the files in the current directory pwd – Display the name of the current directory

10 Cell-based Design Flow Overview 10 A design flow is a set of procedures that allows designers to progress from a specification for a chip to the final chip implementation in an error-free way.

11 Cell-based Design Flow Specification Development System Models Specification Development System Models RTL code development Functional Verification RTL code development Functional Verification Synthesis Timing Verification Synthesis Timing Verification Physical Synthesis/Place and Route Physical Verification Physical Synthesis/Place and Route Physical Verification Prototype Build and Test Prototype Build and Test System Architecture RTL Synthesis Physical Design System Integration and Software Test Source: CM: 5086 VLSI Design Lab 11 Implement your own verilog program Need to pass the provided testbench Synthesis your logic with provided (or modify by yourself) tcl file Use your(provided) netlist file to run the Auto Place and Route (APR) flow Stage 1 Stage 2

12 Cell-based Design Tool System Architecture/SW simulation – C/C++, Matlab, System C, System Verilog… RTL simulation/debug – NC-Verilog, NC-VHDL, ModelSim, Verdi(nWave)… (without delay) Synthesis – RTL Compiler, Design Compiler, Power Compiler… Gate level simulation/debug – NC-Verilog, NC-VHDL, ModelSim, Verdi(nWave)… (with delay) Physical Design – SoC Encounter, Astro, IC Compiler… Others – PrimePower, Calibre, Nanosim… 12

13 RTL Simulation Development / simulation – NC-verilog ncverilog + ncverilog TESTBED.v +access+r 13

14 RTL Waveform Check the simulation output – Dump waveform from testbench when simulation fsdbDumpfile(“MAC.fsdb”); – nWave nWave & 14

15 RTL Schematic Verdi from NOVAS – Verdi & – File->Import Design ->From File ->Seq_MAC16.v ->Add ->OK 15

16 Synthesis Synthesis=translation+ optimization+ mapping 16 Residue = 16’h0000; If(high_bits==2’b10) residue = state_table[i]; Elsestate_table[i] = 16’h0000; HDL Source(RTL) Translate(HDL Compiler) Optimize + Map (Design Compiler) Generic Boolean Target Technology NO Timing Info => Timing Info => Source: CIC Jan.08 Design Compiler

17 Synthesis Design Compiler – It synthesizes your designs (Verilog) into optimized technology-dependent, gate-level designs. Use Design Compiler GUI – tartup xming ( or any other X terminal application) – design_vision (dv) 17

18 Synthesis Environment Setup – /home directory/.cshrc : set path and license of synthesis tool – /your working directory/.synopsys_dc.setup : setup technology file, designware library file…etc Use DC-TCL script file(.tcl) – Set design constraints – dv -f syn.tcl 18

19 Synthesis Put the “RTL file”, “.synopsys_dc.setup” and “syn.tcl” to your working directory, or assert the setup commands by hand, while synthesis. Under your working directory, make new directories, Report and Netlist, for saving synthesis reports. 19

20 Synthesis Output result command Command return result(error) command Command return result(done) 20

21 Synthesis Report The synthesis information is in your “Report” directory timing.txt 21

22 Gate Level Waveform Check the simulation output – nWave nWave & 22

23 Gate Level Schematic Verdi from NOVAS – Verdi & – File->Import Design -> From File -> Netlist/Seq_MAC16_SYN.v ->Add -> /cad/designkit/CBDK_IC_Contest_v2.0/Verilog/tsmc13_neg.v ->Add -> OK 23

24 Verilog Basic Module module module_name(port_name); port declaration data type declaration task & function declaration structure or module functionality endmodule 24

25 Lexical Convention Number Specification – ’ is the length in bits can be b(binary), o(octal), d(decimal) or h(hexadecimal) is any legal number in the selected base e.g. 8’d11 = 8’b00001011 = 8’h0b e.g. 12’hz = zzzz zzzz zzzz (high impednace) e.g. 6’bx = xx xxxx (unknown value) 25

26 Lexical Convention Operators – Arithmetic Description A = B + C; A = B – C; A = B * C; A = B / C; A = B % C; / and % are not supported in most synthesis tools. – Shift Operator (bit-wise) A = B >> 2; // shift right ‘B’ by 2-bits A = B << 3; // shift left ‘B’ by 3-bits 26

27 Lexical Convention Operators – Bit-wise operator A = ~B; // not A = B & C; // and A = B | C; // or A = B ^ C; // xor e.g. 4’b1001 | 4’b0101 => 4’b1101 – Logical operators (return 1-bit result) A = !B; A = B && C; A = B || C; e.g. 4’0101 || 4’b1101 => 1’b1 27

28 Lexical Convention Operators – Conditional Description if else case endcase C = sel ? A : B; //if(sel==1’b1) then C=A, else C=B – Relational and equality(conditional), >=, ==, != 28

29 Lexical Convention Operators – Concatenation { }=> a = {b, c}; {{}}=> a = {2{c}}; a[3:0] = {d[2:0], 1’b0}; 29

30 Data Type Declaration Syntax – [ : ] : There are two groups of data types: “register” and “net” in Verilog. e.g. wire temp; // 1-bit net e.g. reg temp; // 1-bit register e.g. wire [7:0] temp; // 8-bits bus, temp[7] is the MSB e.g. wire [0:7] temp; // 8-bits bus, temp[0] is the MSB e.g. reg [4:0] temp; e.g. reg signed [4:0] temp; e.g. wire signed [7:0] temp; 30

31 Port Port declaration – input : input port – output : output port – inout : bidirectional port 31

32 Module Connection 1. connected by port order – MAC16 Com_MAC(REG_IN1,REG_IN2,REG_OUT,OUT); 2. connect by name – MAC16 Com_MAC(.a(REG_IN1),.b(REG_IN2),.c(REG_OUT),.out(OUT)); 32

33 Sequential Logic always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) always@(negedge clk) always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset)qout<=1’b0; elseqout<=din; end 33

34 Combinational Logic 1. wire a,b,sel,out; assign out=(sel)?a:b; 2. wire a,b,sel; reg out; always@(a or b or sel) begin if(sel)out=a; elseout=b; end 34

35 Combinational Logic Full case always@(a or b or c or d or num) begin case(num) 2’d0: out=a; 2’d1: out=b; 2’d2: out=c; 2’d3: out=d; endcase end 35 a b c d out

36 Combinational Logic Incomplete case always@(a or b or c or d or num) begin case(num) 3’d0: out=a; 3’d1: out=b; 3’d2: out=c; 3’d3: out=d; endcase end 36 a b c d out Latch add Default: out=a; can avoid latch

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