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Step #1: Enter the following link: https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ Step #2: Enter your HSU User Name and.

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Presentation on theme: "Step #1: Enter the following link: https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ Step #2: Enter your HSU User Name and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step #1: Enter the following link: https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ https://vpn.humboldt.ed u/ Step #2: Enter your HSU User Name and Password 1

2 Step #3: Download the Citrix Receiver (if you already have Citrix downloaded, then please select “already installed” on the right-hand side of the screen) 2

3 Step #4: “Run” the file 3

4 Step #5: Select “OBI Firefox” (please be patient – it takes 30-40 seconds for this to load) 4

5 Step #6: Insert your HSU User Name and Password and sign in 5

6 Step #7: Select “Dashboard” and run your selected reports 6

7 Note: You will need to enable your ActiveX Control. This is accessed through your Internet Properties under “Security” 7

8 Select “enable” ActiveX controls and plug-ins. Once you have done this, you should be able to login through your OBI login screen and access your “dashboard” 8

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