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GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Targeted toward C-V Respiratory Fitness, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility Includes Overload,

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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Targeted toward C-V Respiratory Fitness, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility Includes Overload,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Targeted toward C-V Respiratory Fitness, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility Includes Overload, Specificity, and Compliance Designed to enhance physical fitness, promote health, and ensure safety during exercise

2 EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Devised based on HR, BP, RPE, ECG, response to exercise Information garnered from an exercise test

3 ART OF EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Based on Individual needs, goals, interests, and clinical status This involves behavioral modification and exercise preference Can not be implemented in a Rigid Fashion Modification based on individual response and adaptation Long term compliance is ultimate goal

4 COMPONENTS Mode Intensity Duration Frequency Progression

5 WORK-OUT FORMAT Warm-up- 10 min Endurance Phase Recreational Activities-optional Cool-down- 5 to 10 min

6 CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS Mode-Group 1, 2 or 3 type of activities- things to consider include injury risk, obesity, novice exerciser and compliance Intensity- 40-85% of HRR or 55-90% HR max--inversely related to duration using METS = (%) (VO2 max-VO2 rest) + VO2 rest using HR-direct method, % max HR, % of HRR

7 CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS Intensity RPE-especially good for low fitness levels, diseased people and those on meds Duration-consider time constraints, fitness level, goals, and total volume of exercise Frequency-based on goals and clinical status- see charts on caloric expenditures Progression-initial, improvement, and maintenance

8 SPECIFICITY Transfer of training effects Training effects come more from peripheral affects than central Must train arms and legs

9 FLEXIBILITY Areas most needed to address Especially important for elderly Static active stretches the best 2-3 days/wk, mild discomfort, 10-30 sec, 3-4 times/stretch

10 MUSCULAR FITNESS Static or Dynamic Exercises Correct breathing and biomechanics Strength and Endurance 8-10 separate exercises per major group 8-12 reps or 10-15 reps per set 2-3 days per week Reduces injury, increase bone mineral and connective tissue strength

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