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Infant and Child Development Association of British Columbia ICDA of BC W ELCOME T O T HE A NNUAL G ENERAL M EETING 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Infant and Child Development Association of British Columbia ICDA of BC W ELCOME T O T HE A NNUAL G ENERAL M EETING 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infant and Child Development Association of British Columbia ICDA of BC W ELCOME T O T HE A NNUAL G ENERAL M EETING 2015

2 The Association Is a non-profit Society. Fosters co-operation and communication between all members. Promotes: ethical, professional and educational standards among its membership. public awareness of early intervention public awareness of the membership’s work. the exchange of information between professionals working in the field of early intervention

3 Association’s Executive President: Laurie Russell, Vernon Vice President: Kjerstin Dunk, 100 Mile House Past President: Linda Hunter, Nelson Treasurer: Anne Falvo, Prince Rupert Secretary:Rotating position Membership: Anne Falvo, Prince Rupert Judie Smith, Prince George Newsletter: Kara Fogwell, Powell River Chris McPhee, Powell River Promotions: Gaye Jackson, North Shore Liz Hennessey, Sunshine Coast Members at large : Shelley Anderson, Lynn Clark and Michele Walls

4 A GENDA Infant and Child Development Association of BC Annual General Meeting October 1, 2015 Introductions Minutes of previous AGM: July 3, 2014 President’s Report Membership Report Treasurer’s Report Website, Newsletter, and Promotions committee reports Nominations for Table Officers Highlights of past year Future directions Meeting adjournment.

5 President’s Report I would like to thank the entire executive for their dedication and the time they have given to sustain and improve the ICDABC over the last 16 months. We would not be doing this if not for the members of the Infant and Child Development Association of BC and their continued support. There has been very little change in our membership numbers although there has been an increased awareness and interest in our Association over the last several months. We look forward to serving more consultants in the near future. We have put concerted effort in to improving the Infant and Child Development Association’s website The internal resources are beginning to give us the capacity to connect with each other in a meaningful way. Thank you Linda, Judie, Anne, Kjerstin and Kara for your dedication to this end!

6 President’s Report cont. We tabled the creation of advisory tables comprised of key stakeholders for our programs. The time needed to develop this was not available from the current executives workload. In closing, my first term representing the association as the president has been an incredible learning experience. I appreciate the enormous strength of the executive and want to thank each and everyone of them. I look forward to serving on the board in some capacity for the upcoming year. Please continue to support your Association as we move forward in providing consultants with opportunities for maintaining and improving our practice. Respectfully submitted Laurie Russell, president

7 Membership Report. Judie Smith ICDABC Membership has spent much of the 2014/2015 year transitioning into more current ways of accessing memberships. We have created an online PayPal option for new members or to renew annual memberships. This is located on our ICDABC website at Membership has stayed consistent through 2014/15 at 35 members.

8 Financial Report: Anne Falvo, Treasurer Balance on May 1, 2014$ 11771.05 Total Revenue$ 1073.00 Total Expenses $ 2448.81 Bank balance on April 30, 2015 $10395.24 Update Bank Balance on August 31, 2015 $10039.41

9 Committees (Internal) Website Committee: In May 2013, the ICDABC hired Solona Armstrong to create a website for the association. Over the last year we have had a soft launch of the website and it is slowly getting more traffic. With this increased traffic we have been fortunate to have members and non members giving us feedback on what they love about it and the challenges they encounter. We are contracting with Solona of Sunwise Designs to maintain and make changes to the website. We welcome your feedback regarding the site. Please bear in mind that tomorrow morning a teleconference is scheduled to address many items brought to our attention to this point.

10 Committees (Internal) Newsletter Committee: Kara Fogwell, Chris McPhee The Newsletter Committee released a Spring/ Summer newsletter this year. The focus of the newsletter was on mental health and wellbeing. It featured articles about the Circle of Security parent education program, The Mother’s Mental Health Toolkit, and some fun summer play ideas. The committee released a small special edition newsletter in September introducing our new Association website, as well as the AGM invite. We are working on a newsletter right now with articles that focus on sleep. The newsletter is scheduled to be released the first week of November.

11 Committees (Internal) Newsletter Committee cont.: Kara Fogwell, Chris McPhee The committee is excited to now offer access to our newsletter for members through the ICDABC website. All new and archived newsletters will be accessible in the members area of the site. The public will be able to view a sample of the most recent newsletter from the websites main page. Promotions Committee.: Liz Hennesy, Gaye Jackson The committee has offered new items for sale throughout the year and continue to have inventory for the coming months. It is envisioned to purchase a variety of items with our logo on it to allow members a choice when it comes to displaying their commitment to a professional organization.

12 Area Reps We have a draft description of the role of what we formally called regional representatives. This title was easy to mix up with our regional advisors for our programs. Please see attached for the current rendition. We will be introducing our new Reps early in the coming year. We encourage feedback on the accompanying document regarding roles and process for contact from our membership.


14 Highlights 2014-2015 ICDABC Website now accessible. 2 in-depth Newsletters to keep our membership informed. We have began the process of connecting with like minded organizations. We have started reviewing the ICDABC Constitution to bring it up to date. Our involvement with provincial networking committee with MCFD, IDP, AIDP, SCD and ASCD as the Regional Advisor for the Northern region and as liaison for ICDABC. Shelley

15 Future Directions (aka. New Business) Increase membership and the benefits associated with it. Disseminate the Area Rep information, introduce the individuals who will be in this role and clearly inform the membership regarding Area Rep roles and how members can access them. Create advisory tables for early intervention that reflect the 0-3 and 3-5 population, discuss support needed for the after school population. Review the ICDABC constitution and by-laws as well as the area representatives package (To be completed and voted on or before 2016 AGM)

16 Future Directions (aka. New Business, cont.) Create 3 discussion papers for each of 0-3 and 3-5 ages early intervention (this could be ongoing) with the guidance of our newly formed association advisory tables. Connecting with early intervention practitioners nationally and internationally. We will pursue partnerships with regions and/or other like minded organizations for a provincial conference and continue to pursue cohorts for a standing provincial in-service every 2 years.

17 Acknowledgements Thank You’s Thank you to the members at large on this call for spending the time to help make this Association better. The Executive The Regional Advisors of each of the programs for their support.

18 Acknowledgements Good-Byes from the Executive Linda Hunter Linda has been involved with the Association for many years. She has provided the executive with her talents, experience and passion in many of the Executive roles. Her years of working in the Infant Development program have been appreciated by many families. She will be missed.

19 Some of the things we appreciate Linda giving ICDABC... Her volunteer time Her ability to look to the future. Her willingness to help and nudge the association in it's evolution to include a variety of interventionists. Her support for individuals new (and old) to the executive. Her positive spirit. Her ability to remember details and at the same time have the 'big picture' in mind when making decisions. Her vision.

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