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The Effectiveness of Alternative Teaching Styles of Sexual Education Abstinence-Only versus Comprehensive Education Aidan McGloine, CJ Bascom, Eric Youncofski,

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Presentation on theme: "The Effectiveness of Alternative Teaching Styles of Sexual Education Abstinence-Only versus Comprehensive Education Aidan McGloine, CJ Bascom, Eric Youncofski,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effectiveness of Alternative Teaching Styles of Sexual Education Abstinence-Only versus Comprehensive Education Aidan McGloine, CJ Bascom, Eric Youncofski, Derek

2 An Exercise in Awareness Please stand (and remain standing) if you “have:” – Chlamydia – Gonorrhea – Syphilis – Herpes – Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – Genital Herpes – Hepatitis B

3 Exercise in Awareness Some of these diseases are, in fact, curable. Now please sit down if you were “diagnosed” with: – Chlamydia – Syphilis – Gonorrhea Those of you still standing represent the percent of Americans with an incurable sexually transmitted disease

4 Overview for Today Discussion of the Issue STDs with Abstinence-Only Education Successes/Failures with Comprehensive Education The Role Religion Plays in Sexual Education Teen Pregnancies with Abstinence-Only Education Wrap-Up

5 The Issue at Hand The Bush Administration’s stance was that abstinence is the only 100% sure way to prevent STDs and Teen Pregnancies – Technically true, but how feasible is it? Barred federal funding for organizations that taught the use of contraceptives, unless they only spoke of their failure.

6 The Issue at Hand But in 2009, the Obama Administration put forth a new plan: – $114.5 million in federal funding for “science- based” programs i.e. programs with medically accurate and age appropriate programs Includes both contraceptive and abstinence education

7 STDs Under Abstinence-Only Education Studies report that 25% of teen women have an STD – 15% have more than one Regardless of education Others show that sexual behavior is not hindered by those who had abstinence-only education

8 STDs Under Abstinence-Only Education Yet another study reported the following – 10% of teens questioned claimed to have abstained from sex for the past 6 months But had an STD suggesting otherwise – Half of those, claimed to have their virginity What does this suggest? – Shame?

9 STDs Under Abstinence-Only Education Summary: – Teens will be teens They’re going to have sex It is better, and more safe, to: – Give tools to be safe – Provide a comfortable environment – Less shame=more safe sex

10 How much do religious influences play a role in making a student choose to follow the course of abstinence?

11 Religion Playing a role in Abstinence Married parents who bring their children to church with them. – Later sex debut. Churches and Christian parents step up to remove their children from Sex Education courses. – In result these students will not have to learn how sex can be safe.

12 Being realistic 95% of people have sex before they are married. Not everyone is religious so abstinence may not be an option from the start. It is much more beneficial for schools to teach sex safe methods.

13 Results of Abstinence Best way to prevent a disease or pregnancy. But it can result to early marriage. Which then puts couples at a higher risk for divorce.

14 Abstinence-Only’s affect on Pregnancy Most advocates for Comprehensive sex education point to their positive evidence and the abstinence-only groups lack of. Abstinence-only programs believe that “most studies take a too-narrow view of what constitutes reliable evidence”

15 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 4 th Poorest city in the USA 40% of the Children live under the poverty line Decided to leave Abstinence-only education. Milwaukee Children: - twice as likely to initiate sexual activity before the age of 13. - 40% more likely to have been forced verbally or physically into sexual activity.

16 Milwaukee’s Future A single adolescent birth costs an estimated $79,320 per year in health care and other services. It is one of the 9 cities funded by the Presidents Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative. Goal is to lower teen pregnancy rate by 46%.

17 How does abstinence-only affect the pregnancy rate? Cannot be said if Abstinence-only raises or lowers the pregnancy rate, but can be compared to the comprehensive results. It stunts the decline when there is a more comprehensive approach that yields better results.

18 Noticeable difference in teen pregnancy rates and STD rates in schools that have adopted a comprehensive sexual education program? Government funding National Institutes of Health: Curriculum (Biology & Social Studies) Studies of 40 schools that have adopted comprehensive sexual education

19 Conclusion Major proponents on both sides of the argument Both claim to get results So where’s the middle ground?

20 Conclusion A program showing promise is “Abstinence-Plus,” putting emphasis on – delaying first intercourse – reducing the number of sex partners – reducing the frequency of sex – increasing condom use Result: “The most impressive results came from an after-school program that provides tutoring, counseling and medical services in addition to sexuality education. The program, run by the Children's Aid Society in New York City, delayed the date of first intercourse and reduced pregnancy rates among girls by 50 percent. Participants in the program were also more likely than a comparison group to be vaccinated for hepatitis B, which can be sexually transmitted. But none of the abstinence-only programs Kirby studied produced those kinds of results.”

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