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How the United States grew into a “modern day” country…

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Presentation on theme: "How the United States grew into a “modern day” country…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How the United States grew into a “modern day” country…

2 The very brief history of Industrialization….

3 Because of the Embargo Act & Non Intercourse Act before and during the War of 1812, America was forced to become more industrial and make some of their own goods/machinery Think of all the technology and inventions that we have today. Mad Minute on Inventions How have these inventions changed our life? Which ones have we grown so accustomed to, we just cant live without? After the War of 1812

4 When tools/machines are developed that make work easier and more efficient During this time people left their homes and farms to work in new factories This change was so important and pronounced that it became known as the Industrial Revolution period What is Industrialization?

5 You work for an advertisement company. Your company wants you to create an advertisement for a product that will hit it big. They send you to the Industry Fair hoping you will come up with some ideas…. You must: Follow along with your Industry Handout and collect the information your company wants Once you have completed all the Industry Handout, consult with your group and decide what Industrial advancement you will create an advertisement for In your advertisement, you must: -include a picture of the item -explain how or why its important/what it does -How it will change the United States -The advantages and disadvantages of this creation -pricing and where to purchase Your mission:

6 Before, when the United States was a colony of England, their economy was based on Mercantilism (Britain told them what to make, how much, and who to sell to) After the United States became independent, the Free Enterprise System started to develop The Free Enterprise System is an economic system where people can choose their trade partners, prices, and products In this system, people ask themselves…. What do I want to produce? How do I produce it? How much do I produce of it? Whom do I produce this for? Or who needs this? Again, people have the choice and freedom to produce what they want ! Free Enterprise System a.k.a-- Capitalism Because of this system: *people specialize in the making of a certain item=better products *opportunity for profit and growth *U.S. constitution protects workers and owners *diverse economy meet the needs of the United States (many products and services to pick from) *Less dependent on foreign goods Words to Know: Entrepreneur-people who risk capital (money) to organize and run their own business In order to allow people the freedom to choose, the government must follow Laissez-Faire, or the idea that the government should not interfere in the economy (business)

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