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Ambulans mortuos The Walking Dead virus. Nature of the Disease Can get infected by: ●consuming infected seafood ●bitten by infected person ●exchange bodily.

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Presentation on theme: "Ambulans mortuos The Walking Dead virus. Nature of the Disease Can get infected by: ●consuming infected seafood ●bitten by infected person ●exchange bodily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ambulans mortuos The Walking Dead virus

2 Nature of the Disease Can get infected by: ●consuming infected seafood ●bitten by infected person ●exchange bodily fluids w/ infected person Fully Taken on Disease ●Revert back to primal instincts ●Skin Tone: White ●Approximately 5 mph 48 hour incubation period ●if no symptoms you’re good Can be cured up until you show high risk symptoms or 12 hours ●Origin: Bradenton Cause: Ambulans mortuos virus in seafood, particularly locally harvested Gulf shrimp

3 Symptoms ●0 -12 hours: Nausea, Dizziness, Mild Fever, Mild Headache, Coughing, Hives ●12 - 36 hours: Rashes and/or boils, Nausea, Dizziness, Fever ●36 - 48 hours: Hemorrhage, Loss of Motor Skills, Extreme Headaches, Easily Bruised, Light Sensitivity, Loss of Memory

4 Low Risk If you… ●Live inland ●Rarely consume seafood ●0-8 years ●Pregnant

5 Low Risk Identification ●All symptoms need to be present to be considered infected ●Have eaten seafood in the past 48 hours ●Give antiviral (80% effective) to everyone

6 Medium Risk If you... ●Live within 15 miles of coastal area ●Consume seafood 3+ times/month or have a pescatarian diet

7 Medium Risk Identification -If you display these symptoms, you... -will be able to receive a health screening at the Civic Center, as well as at any walk-in clinics. -must come in to be checked every 2 days. If they test positive for the disease, they will be given a zombie-pen (first 12 hours ONLY) -are advised to avoid sexual intercourse, kissing and a diet involving any type of seafood or fish products Definitely no biting!!

8 High risk If you… ●Live close to the Gulf or near a fishing area ●Live in Tampa or south ●Consume seafood regularly ●Any age if you fit these qualifications

9 *Must exhibit all symptoms or have been bitten by infected individual in the last 12 hours. Treatment o Isolate the individuals o Blood testing to determine if infected o Vaccine is being developed but not mass produced yet If citizens get out of containment area, then they will be shot with our Zombie Gun High risk Identification

10 Bitten Victims If you have been bitten, monitor the area for 12 hours, if hives occur, see a medical assistant immediately!!!

11 First Responders ●Medical staff who are properly trained in capturing victims without catching the disease ●Wear gloves and protective masks for low/medium infected, HAZMAT suits for highly infected ●Capture and isolate infected individuals ●Refrain from contact and interaction with infected individuals

12 The Plan

13 Stage One (10-15 cases) ●Form the team ●Prepare law enforcement ●Alert local hospitals ●Provide training for law enforcement ●Run tabletop drills ●Prep injections ●Warn against fish products ●Warn local manufactures that work with fish

14 Stage Two (5% of population) ●County Wide Announcement that Zombies are present and highly advise against consumption of seafood and seafood related products ●Recommend Screenings ●Institute Zombie Watch ●Promote Zombie Hotline ●Distribute Identification Pamphlets

15 Stage Two (cont.) ●Rope off areas where outbreaks have occurred ●Institute a curfew

16 Stage Three (8-10% of population) ●Screenings are mandatory ●Close all seafood restaurants and conduct mandatory screenings on employees ●Close beaches, fish imports and exports ●Distribute Zombie Guns to the public


18 Stage Four (Last Resort) ●Evacuate neighboring counties ●Call in external resources ●Quarantine coastal areas and areas where mass outbreaks occurred ●Screen all citizens exiting the quarantined areas for the virus ●Shut down local airports to prevent spread

19 Stage 4 (cont.) ●Call in law enforcement to help with evacuation ●Military will be present to enforce quarantined zones


21 Civic Center Screening Sign - In Desks Quarantine Cells Screening Area Further Medical Screening

22 Cure No current cure, although an antiviral will be created once research is done on infected individuals.

23 Defense: Zombie Gun Injection for zombies to make comatose for 3 hours ●Call police to come pick up ●Call Zombie Hotline to notify others of zombie spotting

24 If you’re running from a zombie don’t be scared (Oh no!) If you're running from a zombie don’t be scared (Oh no!) Yeah, with just a little dose, The zombies will all be comatose If you’re running from a zombie don’t be scared (Oh no!)

25 Personnel Needed for THE PLAN -Local Law Enforcement and Military personnel - About: 15 officers every 10 miles of evacuated border -Nurses and Doctors - 15 Nurses and 3 Doctors for every temporary hospital outside the evacuated counties -Construction Workers and Contractors - About 100 workers every 50 miles of County border to separate the quarantined countries from the rest

26 Application of Other Diseases ●Ebola ●Everything is the same except for comatose procedure

27 Finances Estimated Total Cost: 1.5 billion


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