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The Early Cold War: 1947-1970 Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Cold War: 1947-1970 Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Cold War: 1947-1970 Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

2 Please do not talk at this timeOct 8 HW: Cold War Personal Experience Due Tuesday Chapter 17.3 Cornell Notes Pg. 45A,B Due Wed/Thurs Quiz on Chpt. 17, Sec 1 & 3 on Wed/Thurs Last Day to turn in Make up/Late Work is Wednesday/Thursday this week to make it in the grade book before 1 st quarter grades are due.

3 Containment and Cuba- Pg 44A/B 1.Together we will read the Intro to Cuban/American relations 2.Get into groups of three. 3.Divide the reading (person 1 does reading 1 and so on) 4.Read your section and record on your map examples and evidence of the US Containment Policy in Cuba. 5.Share out.

4 Please do not talk at this timeOct 9 Please get out the results of the interview you did with someone over 40. Share the results of your interview with a partner nearby. What did you find interesting or surprising about what the person you interviewed said? Choose one thing between what you and your partner found out to share with the class. HW: Chapter 17.3 Cornell Notes Pg. 47A,B Due Wed/Thurs Quiz on Chpt. 17, Sec 1 & 3 on Wed/Thurs Last Day to turn in Make up/Late Work is Wednesday/Thursday this week to make it in the grade book before 1 st quarter grades are due.

5 Please get out your Cold War Map

6 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)‏ The confrontation began on October 14, 1962, when U.S. reconnaissance photographs taken by an American U-2 spy plane revealed missile bases being built in Cuba, in response to similar U.S. bases built at the Turkish-Soviet border. After a tense confrontation on October 28, 1962, both U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, with the intercession of U.N. Secretary-General U Thant, agreed to remove their respective nuclear missiles. This is as close as we have ever come to nuclear war. Video: United Streaming: Cuban Missile Crisis


8 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)‏

9 Cold War Map- Cuban Missile Crisis Choose a symbol to represent the Cuban Missile Crisis and put it on Cuba on your map. In your map key (on the Left), indicate that your symbol represents the Cuban Missile Crisis. On the back of this paper explain what the Cuban Missile Crisis was. Put the Cuban Missile Crisis on the time line in 1962

10 Propaganda Add Propaganda to the Back of your Cold War Map Propaganda- an advertisement that attempts to spread ideas or promote a cause Cold War Propaganda was mostly about controlling information. Governments only wanted their people to know certain things about what was going on in the war. They also wanted to make sure they had public support, so they tried to guarantee victories for every contest, or at least tried to scare people into wanting to continue the fight.

11 Propaganda


13 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Maintaining Communism, especially when it wasn’t working well, was all about controlling communications. Soviet citizens wouldn’t rebel to seek a Different life if they didn’t know that life could be different. Radio Free Europe was an attempt to communicate with the people of Russia. It broadcast western music and propaganda to Russia, bearing the message of the West: “Democracy and Capitalism are Better…”

14 Get out a half sheet of paper (you can share with a friend) and label it Propaganda. As you listen to the song Russians by Sting, think about the message he is trying to give. Is this Propaganda or Anti Propaganda? Explain. Russians

15 Espionage The Spy Wars between Russia and the US were legendary. Both countries tried desperately to steal each others secrets and keep their own. Failing that, they worked to spread misinformation. For example, the Russians invented the MIG-29 high altitude fighter jet to shoot down an American High Altitude spy plane that the Americans never actually built. Gun Knife Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed as Traitors for selling atomic secrets to the Soviets

16 U-2 Spy Incident (1960)‏ Col. Francis Gary Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace. He was violating a treaty Americans had signed to respect Soviet airspace. He failed to commit suicide to the great embarrassment of the US.

17 Please do not talk at this timeOct 10/11 Please Check your Chapter 17.3 Cornell Notes Pg. 47A,B to make sure they are complete with ASQ, Vocab and Summary…. Please put them out on your desk to be checked off. HW: In Chapter 17.4 look at the headings for the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Civil War In Nicaragua and the War in Afghanistan and add any details you don’t have to those definitions on your map. Then add definitions for the 6 strategies of the Cold War (pg. 549) to the back as well.

18 Please get out your map… Please put this definition the back of your map Proxy Wars (AKA Surrogate War)- a war started by a major power that does not itself participate directly. The super power does not send its own troops, but may supply support in terms of weapons, money, training and intelligence

19 Examples of Proxy Wars and the Cold War The USA and USSR never actually went to war with each other. Instead, They often fought each other by supporting the enemies of the other side. The superpowers sometimes clashed in the most bizarre ways, such as the World Chess Championships! Mostly they looked for unstable governments and tried to give enough support to make their favourite side win. The Vietnam War Civil War in Nicaragua Revolution in Afghanistan Map Instructions: For each event find Vietnam, Nicaragua and Afghanistan on your Cold War Map and choose a symbol to represent each conflict. Label your symbol and place each event on the timeline on the front, then write your definition on the back of your map.

20 Vietnam War: 1965-1973 Americans followed a policy of Containment and sided with the South Vietnamese to promote Capitalism and stop the spread of Communism. Unfortunately, the People of Vietnam wished to be Communist. They fought a dirty, guerrilla style war against superior technology and numbers, but they won because the American people turned against the failed war, the suicide missions and the determination of the Vietnamese.

21 United Streaming: Causes of the Vietnam War What concept from the Cold War is this cartoon illustrating?

22 Americans supported the unpopular dictator Samoza. When Communist Sandinista leader Ortega took control of Nicaragua with Russian support, Americans funded the Anti Communist Contras to fight him in Nicaragua and other communists in El Salvador. Because of Foreign support, this war raged for 10 years killing thousands and ruining the Nicaraguan economy. Civil War in Nicaragua (1979)‏

23 Revolution in Afghanistan 1979 - 1996 Soviets back a communist military coup that seizes the government of Afghanistan. Americans give weapons and aid to the Mujahedeen forces (Islamist peasants who opposed the non religious people in power) challenging the Soviet backed government. The Soviets step up involvement and eventually invade when the Afghani leader, President Takari, begins a reign of terror. Meanwhile, Americans channel more and more aid through Pakistan (secretly) and demand the Soviets stop their involvement at the UN (publicly). With both sides of the Conflict well armed by the USA and USSR respectively, Afghanistan falls into civil war. The Russians, experiencing their own Vietnam, pull out Civil war and infighting between extremist factions continued until the Mujahedeen’s Taliban seized power in 1996.

24 What strategies have the Super Powers used so far? Look at your map and tell your partner about the kinds of things the US and the USSR did to prevent the other from gaining power, territory or influence. Use this as a model: “One way the US blocked the USSR in the Cold War in __________(region) was _____________(action to block the USSR)… “One way the USSR beat the US in ___________ (region) was __________ (action to beat the US)…

25 Cold War Quiz

26 Please do not talk at this timeOct 12 HW: Complete Cold War Metaphors Metaphors: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another The comparison of one thing to another without the use of like or as The statement, "that man is a fox," is a metaphor; but "that man is like a fox," is a simile

27 Examples The economic events in the past few weeks were the perfect storm for a recession. Every day is an uphill battle. He showered her with gifts. The leader realized he had to step up to the plate. The boss thundered into the room.

28 More Examples Relations between the two countries began to thaw. Love is a flower. Love may grow, blossom, wither and die. The Internet is the information superhighway. The Internet has traffic; and it may be slow or fast; the superhighway is paved with fiber optics - better pavement facilitates higher travel speeds.



31 With your partner: Create a metaphor to represent Cold War tensions, actions and events. Look at your handout for instructions. You may turn in at the end of the period or on Tuesday.

32 Metaphor of the Cold War As shown in the “poker” scene, the conflict between the West and the East can be portrayed as a metaphor. With your partner, choose one of the following examples (or create your own) and: Draw a graphic that shows the conflict between the superpowers Add details to show a specific event(s) or action(s) between 1945 – 1970 Annotate (explain) the symbols and caricatures that you used Write the title of your metaphor. It should be written boldly across the top and should follow this format: The Cold War was a ______________________. (e.g., poker game between the two superpowers) Include a description as to how your metaphor is an accurate picture of the Cold War at the bottom of the page. Possible metaphor topics that you may use: Tug of WarChildren fighting over a toy Chess GameA cowboy gun fight Football, Soccer GameBullies fighting in the school yard Arm WrestingYour choice Look at your map and the book for help for events, ideas.

33 Index so far Containment and Cuba- Pg 44A/B Chapter 17.3 Cornell Notes Pg. 45A,B


35 Please do not talk at this timeOct 15 HW: Read your Handout on either the Soviet Soldier or the Afghani Peasant and fill out your half of the chart. Please turn in your Cold War Metaphors with BOTH your names on it to the Turn In Box. Then… get out your Cold War Maps

36 Open your books and Read the section titled The Super Powers Face Off in Afghanistan on pg. 553 and Afghanistan and the World on pg. 590. Add any info you don’t have to your map. Info from these sections appear on the Test. You need this info as well as what we did in Lecture.

37 Compare and Contrast Mini Essay We will be practicing a social studies compare/contrast writing technique in a very short essay on the experience of these two people from the Invasion of Afghanistan. This is to prepare you for the larger essay test in the next unit that is a full Compare/Contrast essay

38 Please add this Directive Word to Pg.46A in your notebook: Compare(Compare/Contrast)- Show how two things are alike and different. Practice: Compare your English teacher to your History teacher. Say how they are alike and how they are different. Start by filling out this chart. SimilaritiesDifferences English teacher History teacher

39 Compare and Contrast Language Compare language Again Also Similarly Likewise In the same way Same Identical Equal Equivalent Contrast Language Although But However On the other hand Yet Even though While Despite In contrast instead

40 Compare and Contrast essay writing… There are several ways to organize a compare and contrast essay. We are going to be doing it one specific way. –Start with a Thesis that states how two things are similar and how they are different. –Then present evidence for how they are similar. Explain how your evidence Proves they are similar. –Then present evidence for how they are different and Explain how they are different.

41 Try it with your teacher comparison…Use the compare and contrast language you copied and these sentence stems Thesis: My English teacher and my history teacher are similar because they both _______________ while they are different because____________. Both my English teacher and my history teacher……. This shows they are same because…… While my English teacher… history teacher…….. This shows they are different because….. Write it out!

42 See handout: Afghan Interviews in the documents folder Take notes on your Interview in the correct boxes on this chart. Make sure you organize by topic!

43 Get out your charts comparing the experience of an Afghani Peasant and a Russian Soldier during the Invasion of Afghanistan. Think about what you recorded from your interview. How would you tell this information as a story? Sit with someone who has a different interview than you started with. Tell the story of your person! Please do not Talk at this timeOct 16 HW: Paragraphs Due Monday

44 Share your info! Make a group of 4 with two people who took notes on the Russian Soldier and 2 people who had the Afghani Peasant. Share out the details and specifics you have on your handout with the people in your group. Write down any details and specifics you don’t have. The more you have the better. Remember, this is your only chance to get info on the Other reading.

45 Compare and Contrast Mini Essay Pg 48A See Compare and Contrast Mini Essay in the Documents folder for more info on this assignment

46 We will now look at an example Paragraph Look on the back of your assignment. Fold under the bottom edge. See if you can fill in the blanks with your new knowledge from the Afghan Peasant/Russian Soldier Handout. Some of the missing words are content and some are Language composition words that indicate compare and contrast or transitions. Remember: Look for information and cues that show how these two groups had a similar experience and how their experience was different.

47 Need help? Now look at the word bank and see if you can figure out what goes where….

48 Now we’ll make corrections together with the Document Camera

49 Please do not talk at this timeOct 18/19 HW: Cold War Paragraph Due Monday, Typed. Turn in Paragraph with your Orange Rubric, Your Comparison Chart (pg 47) and your Compare Practice (Pg. 46)- Essay Work Day And Video Notes.

50 Containment and Cuba- Pg 44A/B Chapter 17.3 Cornell Notes Pg. 45A,B Pg 46- Directive Word- Compare and Contrast Pg 47- War in Afghanistan Comparison Chart Pg 48A- Afghan Essay

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