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Accelerated World History September 28, 2015. Warm Up – September 25, 2015 Pick up the four pages at the side of the room. Look over them and begin reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerated World History September 28, 2015. Warm Up – September 25, 2015 Pick up the four pages at the side of the room. Look over them and begin reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerated World History September 28, 2015

2 Warm Up – September 25, 2015 Pick up the four pages at the side of the room. Look over them and begin reading. We will begin when the bell rings.

3 Agenda DBQ (Document-Based Question) on the Byzantines Reminders : Chapter 6, Section 1 & 2 due Today Chapter 6, Section 3 due Wednesday

4 Grading Rubric – 1 You will receive 2 grade for this week – 1 quiz grade for the packet, 1 test grade for the final essay ***** Assignment turned in on time – there will be no late work accepted for this assignment.***** Packet Participation Point Break Down 10 Points On task completely, never has to be redirected, work diligently and quietly, contributes to the group work, is seen working during the work sessions. 7-9 Points Mostly on task, only has to be redirected 1-2 times, works diligently and quietly, contributes to the group work, is seen working during the work sessions. 4-6 Points Sometimes on task, has to be redirected 3-4 times, works diligently and quietly, contributes to the group work, is seen working during the work sessions. 0-3 PointsHardly on task, has to be redirected 4+ times, works diligently and quietly, contributes to the group work, is seen working during the work sessions. Day 1 Participation10 Points Day 2 Participation10 Points Day 3 Participation10 Points Day 4 Participation10 Points Day 5 Participation10 Points Completed Packet Turned in On Time 50 Points Total Available Points100

5 Grading Rubric – 2 Essay Paragraphs Grammatically correct Assignment turned in on time10 points Essay has 4+ paragraphs25 points Grammatically correct10 points Expresses an opinion and cites textual evidence to support the opinion 25 points Uses evidence correctly20 points Follows directions10 points 25 points4+ paragraphs with 4+ sentences each. 15-20 points 3 paragraphs with 4+ sentences each OR 4+ paragraphs with less than 4 sentences. 5-10 points 2 paragraphs with 4+ sentences each OR 3+ paragraphs with less than 4 sentences. 0-5 pointsLess than 2 paragraphs 10 points0-4 grammar mistakes (including spelling) 7-9 points5-10 grammar mistakes (including spelling) 4-6 points10-15 grammar mistakes (including spelling) 0-3 points16+ grammar mistakes (including spelling)

6 Grading Rubric – 3 Expresses an opinion and cites textual evidence to support the opinion Uses evidence correctly 20 PointsUses all five documents to support opinion. 15-19 PointsUses 4 documents to support opinion. 10-14 PointsUses 3 documents to support opinion 0-9 PointsUses 2 or less documents to support opinion. 25 points Expresses opinion clearly and supports each claim with a citation from the documents. 15-20 points Expresses opinion relatively clearly and support each claim with a citation from the documents. 5-10 points Expresses opinion somewhat clearly and does not support each claim with a citation from the documents. 0-5 pointsDoes not express opinion clearly and does not support each claim with a citation from the documents.

7 Hook – 1 For each of the two sentences below, write a word or phrase that would be a good substitute for “Byzantine”. “My science teacher drives me crazy. His explanations are always so Byzantine” – complicated and hard to follow. “The governor was removed from office because of his Byzantine behavior when choosing the person to replace Barack Obama in the Senate” – sneaky and underhanded.

8 Hook – 2 Write your own sentence using the term “Byzantine”

9 Hook – 3 Think about the idea of “loaded” words. How might the popular definition of “Byzantine” affect our understanding of the value and importance of the Byzantine people and their empire? Secondary meanings of “Byzantine” are negative, it can influence people to have negative views of Byzantine history and culture. It might cause some history writing to be biased. It might cause us to ignore history.

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11 Background Essay What religion dominated western and eastern Europe in 1050CE? What religion dominated northern Africa and southwest Asia? Christianity in Europe and Islam in Africa and Asia What Christian city was the closest to Muslim lands in Asia? Constantinople

12 Background Essay In the 7 th and 8 th centuries, which invading groups were the Byzantines able to defeat? The Persians, Avars, and the Muslim Arabs According to John Norwich, why was the Byzantine Empire important to Western civilization? The Byzantines kept Christianity alive in the Western World. Had things gone differently, Islam would be the primary religion throughout much of Europe and America

13 Background Essay Why should we study the Byzantines? The background essay shows that the Byzantines controlled territory between Western Europe and the Middle East. They were a buffer between Christianity and Islam. Had the Byzantine Empire fallen to the Arabs in the 7 th century, Islam might have overtaken not only the Eastern Orthodox Church, but the Latin Catholic Church as well. Because the consequences of a Muslim advance were potentially so great, this is a good reason to study the Byzantines.

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