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Longboat Key, Florida October 8-11, 2012.

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1 Longboat Key, Florida October 8-11, 2012






7 Themes from Shipper/ Service Provider RFP Panel 1.COMMUNICATIONS -Frequent dialog – 2 way – before, during and after the RFP -Multi-level, multi-function involvement – not just procurement and sales 2.INFORMATION/DATA -Accurate/complete -Data thoroughness and quality 3.LEAD TIME -Appropriate time given the complexity and urgency of the RFP -Engage early to ensure thorough and on-time 4.ENABLING PRACTICES -Advanced sourcing tools with structure and automated scoring -Iterative process to facilitate enhanced understanding and effectiveness of bid 5.RELATIONSHIPS -Take the long term perspective – memories are long and the world is small

8 Fall 2012 Meeting Summary and Wrap Up Dominating Themes of the Fall 2012 Meeting: 1.THE GOAL: Innovate to Differentiate – both service providers and shippers – what are the unfilled needs? 1.THE METHOD: Analytics - How will you turn data into information? 2.THE TECHNOLOGY: IT Integration – creating a “one stop shop” for information needed to make better decisions Note: approved presentations and outlines of each session will be posted online after the meeting (

9 SAVE THE DATE: SPRING 2013 HPCLC MEETING Spring 2013 Meeting: Building Innovative Supply Chains through Data Analytics and IT Integration April 8-10, 2013 Rittenhouse Hotel Philadelphia, PA

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