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Towards a university Enterprise alliance in Jordan “ TEJ” Kick-off Meeting Amman, 24,25 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a university Enterprise alliance in Jordan “ TEJ” Kick-off Meeting Amman, 24,25 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a university Enterprise alliance in Jordan “ TEJ” Kick-off Meeting Amman, 24,25 March

2 Background Europe The importance of relations between universities and their socio-economic environment for sustainable development and growth has become a topical issue in Europe in the last twenty years, and has also been stressed within the implementation of the Bologna process and the flagships initiatives under the Europe 2020 Strategy, such as the Innovation Union and the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs. Jordan Jordan, the country has experienced decreasing competitiveness in the last few years, the drop reflecting persistence of structural weaknesses, which results in poor assessment of public- private relationships and labour market efficiency. The Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 also highlights a weak culture on meritocracy, with businesses still relying on personal networks when deciding on management positions instead of on professional qualifications. There are strong voices asking for a socio-economic plan to free Jordan of its historic patronage system and move the country towards a merit-based economy. Such a plan should, over time, deal with the chronic problems of unemployment while it should not overlook the needs of the less privileged. Growth must be more inclusive and needs to address the challenge of developing a self-sustaining Jordanian economy

3 Background Taking all the abovementioned into account, TEJ aims at stimulating the development of a Jordanian university-enterprise cooperation culture, by: - promoting good practice for implementing University-based Enterprise Liaison Offices in 8 Jordanian universities, creation of capacities in human resources, - promoting of coherent information and communication strategies among the Universities’ communities and within the local business environment - as well as providing necessary strategic input for the creation of long-term partnerships and collaborative research with enterprises. In the longer term, the project aims to contribute to: a. Higher employability of students though improved training and good job prospects; b Generation of opportunities to attract additional funds for teaching and research; c Increasing financial autonomy of universities through the stimulation of cooperative research with enterprises and generation of supplemental income from consulting; e Increased innovation and technology transfer and stronger economic development.

4 Project Objectives Wider Objective: To contribute to meet the challenges of the economic downturn in Jordan by building a strong and sustainable partnerships between Universities and Enterprises.

5 Project Objectives Project Specific Objectives: To set up a Jordanian University-Enterprise Network as functional resource and networking platform fostering the exchange of knowledge and information between universities and enterprises in Jordan. To boost strategic partnerships between Universities and Enterprises in Jordan through the implementation Skills enhancement scheme and the Establishment of Research & Enterprise Offices in Jordanian Universities.

6 Work Packages WP. No.Type of WPWP TitleWP LeaderStart month End month WP.1DevelopmentJordan University-Enterprise network Princess Sumaya University for Technology 112 WP.2DevelopmentCapacity Building University Joseph Fourier 724 WP.3DevelopmentResearch & Enterprises Offices University de Bologna 636 WP.4ExploitationPilot Operation of New Offices Tafial Technical University 1836 WP.5Quality PlanQuality Control & Monitoring University of Petra 136 WP.6Dissemination University of Alicante 136 WP.7ManagementProject Management Princess Sumaya University for Technology 136

7 Deliverables D. No.TitleTypeDelivery DateDissemination Level 1.1Need Analysis ReportReport2014-03-01National Level 1.2University-Enterprises Partnerships Handbook Report2014-09-01International Level 1.3Creation of University- Enterprise Network Other Products2014-12-01National Level 2.1Training Materials & Workshop Implementation Training2015-08-01National Level 2.2Online Training CourseLearning Resources 2015-12-01National Level 3.1Startegic Action PlansReport2014-09-01Institution Level 3.2Establishment of the Research & Enterprises Offices Learning Resources 2014-12-01Institution Level

8 Deliverables D. No. TitleTypeDelivery DateDissemination Level 3.3Creation of REO’s Website, Technology Map Learning Resources 2015-05-04National Level 4.1REOs Services Implementation Other Products2016-11-30Institution Level 4.2Employment Counselling & Research Projects Other Products2016-11-30Institution Level 4.3Innovation FairEvents: Conferences & Seminar 2015-05-31Local/Regional Level 5.1Monitoring of the Project Results Report2016-11-30International Level 5.2High Quality of OutputsReport2016-11-30National Level 6.1Dissemination StrategyReport2014-05-31International Level

9 Deliverables D. No.TitleTypeDelivery DateDissemination Level 6.2Dissemination Package Including Project Website Other Products2014-05-31International Level 6.3Conferences for Project Promotion Event: Conferences & Seminar 2016-11-30International Level 7.1Successful Work plan & Budget Execution Other Products2016-11-30International Level 7.2Reporting (EC + additional internal reporting) Other Products2016-11-30International Level

10 Work Plan

11 CONSORTIUM Partner No.Partner nameP Acronym P.1 Princess Sumaya University for Technology PSUT P.2 Tafila Technical UniversityTTU P.3 Mutah UniversityMU P.4 The Hashemite UniversityHU P.5 Irbid National UniversityINU P.6 Al Zaytoonah UniversityAZU P.7 University of PetraUP P.8 American University of MadabaAUM P.9 Al-Isra UniversityAIU P.10 Jordan Chamber of CommerceJOCC P.11 Business Park for Project Development IPARK P.12 The Ministry of Industry and TradeCCD

12 CONSORTIUM Partner No.Partner nameP Acronym P.13 Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research MoHESR P.14 University of AlicanteUA P.15 Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna UNIBO P.16 University of PortoUPORTO P.167 University Joseph FourierUJF

13 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Princess Sumaya University for Technology PSUT is Applicant and responsible for the overall management of the project due to its long experience in participating in international projects. It is the WP 3 leader and WP7 "Management of the Project". PSUT's role is to guarantee the delivery of activities and the achievements of the project objectives, in line with the budget, workplan and legal obligation towards the European Commission and partners. In addition PSUT will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will be a member of the Quality Board.

14 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP University of Petra Petra University will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University-Enterprise in Jordan ; Host the nationla innovation Fair, be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities. also, is member of the Quality board

15 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Tafila Technical University TTU will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. WP leader of WP4. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution to the Best Practice Guide; host a national conference; set-up research & Enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University-Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOss and dissemination of the project activities.

16 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Mutah University MU will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities.

17 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Al Isra University AIU will lead WP 5 ( Quality control ). will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities.

18 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Hashemite University HU will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities.

19 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Irbid National University INU will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs.

20 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Al Zaytooneh University AZU will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities.

21 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP American University of Madaba AUM will be among the main beneficiaries of the action and actively participate in all activities. It will participate as trainee in training programmes; give scientific contribution for the Best Practice Guide; host a training; set-up Reaserch & enterprise office ; collaborate in the creation of the Network University- Enterprise in Jordan ; be involved in the implementation pilot services and operation of the REOs and dissemination of the project activities.

22 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Jordan Chamber of Commerce JOCC will be the main link to the enterprise sector in Jordan, ensuring the participation of enterprises in the project activities and establishing durable university –business links. JOCC will be involved in WP1, providing information for generating the knowledge base, identifying good practice and participating in the Network, and in WP2, giving feedback on local context for the capacity building actions. It will participate in WP4 bu supporting the organisation of the Innovation days (inviting businesses to participate and supporting dissemination). JOCC will be an active member of the Quality Board.

23 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Business Park for Project Development IPark, will be involved in W2 as a training provider for Universities staff, will be the main link to the enterprise sector in Jordan, ensuring the participation of enterprises in the project activities and establishing durable university –business links. IPark will be involved in WP1, providing information for generating the knowledge base, identifying good practice and participating in the Network. It will participate in WP4 bu supporting the organisation of the Innovation days (inviting businesses to participate and supporting dissemination). IPark will be an active member of the Quality Board.

24 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP The Ministry of Industry and Trade The ministry of Industry will be involved in all the project activities as to guarantee the sustainability of the project results. also, will participate in Disseminating the action amog Jordanian industry. It will be an active member of the Quality Board.

25 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research The Ministry will be involved in all the project activities as to guarantee the sustainability of the project results. It will be an active member of the Quality Board.

26 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP University of Alicante UA will lead WP6 "Dissemination”. It will be involved in WP2 "Capacity building" due to its experience in developing training plans and materials, and will give feedback on modernisation of action plans, database & website (WP3). UA will offer guidance and mentoring to Jordanian HEIs partners in all their activities to reach expected results (WP4) and give feedback for the different aspects of the quality plan (WP5).

27 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP University of Bologna UNIBO is the leader of WP3 "Support Structures and Strategies" for its experience with Research and Enterprises Offices (REOs). It will be the main responsible for leading the creation of a detailed action plan for REOs' website & database. It will also collaborate in WP1 for the benchmark visit and analysis of its results. In WP2, UNIBO will support the leader in the feedback on training plan & contents, but above all in the development of training materials & delivery of workshops related to specific expertise. In WP5, UNIBO will contribute to the quality plan providing feedback on quality control and monitoring rules and procedures & contingency plan. It will also disseminate and assure the sustainability of the activities (WP6). UNIBO will be an active member of the Quality Board.

28 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP University of Porto In WP2, U.POrto will support the leader in the feedback on training plan & contents, but above all in the development of training materials & delivery of workshops related to specific expertise. In WP5, Uporto will contribute to the quality plan providing feedback on quality control and monitoring rules and procedures & contingency plan. It will also disseminate and assure the sustainability of the activities (WP6).

29 Partners Roles & Tasks in WP University of Joseph Fourier UJF will lead WP2 " Capacity building" due to its expertise in developing training materials, transferring know-how, and managing e-learning platforms. It will take active part in WP6 "Dissemination", given its experience disseminating project results. UJF will assist PSUT in the coordination of the implementation plan in WP1. In WP3, it will collaborate in strengthening the organisational capacities of REOs, and it will have an advisory function in the implementation of WP4, sharing its experience in supporting students and researchers and establishing links with enterprises. Finally, UJF will also participate in WP5 "Quality Control & Monitoring".

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