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Prepared For: Mr. Arafat 2010 Future Team An-Najah National University 7/22/2010 Electronic Communication changing the Culture of School Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared For: Mr. Arafat 2010 Future Team An-Najah National University 7/22/2010 Electronic Communication changing the Culture of School Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared For: Mr. Arafat 2010 Future Team An-Najah National University 7/22/2010 Electronic Communication changing the Culture of School Communications

2 Action plan

3 The advantage Electronic communication systems have its own role of changing the schools culture, including in this culture the culture of students themselves and their parents and communities.

4 Next Generation Learning can take many forms. Many tools and technologies associated with future learning, like wikis, blogs, discussion forums, and other instant messages tools.

5 The disadvantages The disadvantage of Next Generation Learning is come with using e- communication in schools is the negative use of it. When using the public discussion forums, schools have no control on the materials posted at the forums.

6 Some e-comm. Methods Blogs are web pages can be opened for any one and you can limit access by using private settings and passwords. Blogs can be used for school activities or for out-of- school activities and allows parents to see what their children are doing through accessing to their blogs.

7 Wikis are web pages that can be created and edited by a group of people. Anyone in the group can add information and change bits here and there. Wikis rely group working to develop number of pages. Members of the group use a shared online space to contribute material and edit or update it regularly. They can add new pages and links between pages.

8 Schools may also allow students to use public instant messaging services on school network and many students work on the computers using instant messaging. If there are inter-school activities, instant messaging can surely encourage and facilitate the communications between students from different schools

9 New technology helps parents keep an eye on their children The majority of parents (78 per cent) feel that new technologies such as SMS text messaging, Skype and Facebook have made it easier for them to communicate with their student children. New technologies have made a big impact on all our lives, it's never been easier for mums and dads to stay in touch and updated on their child's progress.

10 You should only communicate on school matters as personal communication could be considered inappropriate and in breach of your professional code of conduct.

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