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CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 The Clinical Advantage of the Eclipse 2 and the.

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1 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 The Clinical Advantage of the Eclipse 2 and the Art of Oxygen Dosing Brian Silence International Regional Business Representative

2 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 What is Oxygen?  Life-sustaining gas in earth’s atmosphere  21% of air is oxygen (symbol is O 2 )  78% of air is nitrogen (symbol is N 2 )  Humans can live only 3-4 minutes without O 2  Body constantly needs/uses O 2 to create energy  O 2 + fuel = energy + CO 2 (aka METABOLISM)

3 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 How Do We Get O 2 ?  Humans get O 2 by breathing in air  Adults take about 12-14 breaths each minute  Each breath is about 500 mls (½ liter) of air  Each breath contains 21% O 2  Each breath is inhaled into the lungs  The lungs transfer O 2 into the blood  The blood transports O 2 throughout the body

4 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 The Airways are Surrounded by the Lungs

5 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 The Alveolar Part of the Lung

6 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Physiology of a Healthy Person There are about 300 million alveolar sacs with a total surface area the size of a tennis court size – 100 square yards! There are about 20 generations of bronchioles

7 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 How much O 2 ? S P O 2 = 97% How much CO 2 ? PaCO 2 = 40 mm Hg Gas Exchange in the Normal Lung

8 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Basic Definitions/Terms  COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  COPD is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema  Chronic hypoxia – low levels of oxygen in the blood  Lower than normal levels of oxygen in the blood is caused by COPD, a severe, life-threatening lung disease that effects 12-24 million Americans  Pulse oximetry – a quick and easy way to measure blood oxygen levels  Another term that is used is “oxygen saturation”

9 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Basic Definitions/Terms  S P O 2 – The “pulse ox” reading indicates how well the blood leaving the lungs is saturated with oxygen  The normal oxygen saturation while breathing room air (21% O 2 ) with no lung disease is ≥ 97%  When a patients “pulse ox level” (or) “oxygen saturation” falls below 89%, there are serious physiological and psychological consequences  A patient’s “pulse ox level” is determined by:  The concentration of oxygen they are breathing, and  The type and severity of their lung disease

10 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Basic Definitions/Terms  F I O 2 – the concentration of O 2 in the gas that is inhaled into the lungs (expressed as a decimal)  A person breathing room air (21% O 2 ) has an F I O 2 of.21  The F I O 2 is determined by the amount of additional oxygen a person is breathing  Each L/min of supplemental O 2 raises the F I O 2 by  3% (.03)  1 L/min of O 2 gives an F I O 2 of.24 (.21 +.03 =.24)  2 L/min of O 2 gives an F I O 2 of.27 (.21 +.06 =.27)  3 L/min of O 2 gives an F I O 2 of.30 (.21 +.09 =.30)

11 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Oxygen Therapy The Goal Administer supplemental O 2 to bring the S P O 2 into a normal range The S P O 2 is level is determined by the F I O 2 in the alveoli Normal S P O 2 is ≥ 97% COPD patients have low S P O 2 levels (≤ 90%) F I O 2 determined by the amount of O 2 inhaled

12 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Pulse-only Portable Concentrators  Scaled version of standard PSA concentrator  ≤ 10 pounds; easily transportable  Standard AC, DC and rechargeable battery  Marketed to provide stationary & ambulatory oxygen  Small size limits oxygen production  480 – 1050 mls/minute of therapeutic oxygen (≥ 90%)  Can only operate in pulse-dose mode!  Primary objective – prolong battery life

13 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Personal Ambulatory Oxygen System An Oxygen Dosing Device  Scaled version of proprietary ATF technology  A true portable oxygen concentrator   17 pounds; easily transportable  Standard AC, DC and rechargeable battery  3,000 mls/minute of therapeutic oxygen  Both continuous flow and pulse dose mode  Known Increase in dose setting in both CF and PD mode  Continuous flow: 0.5 – 3 L/min  Pulse dose: 16 mls (setting 1) up to 96 mls (setting 6)  AutoSat feature in pulse dose mode

14 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100  Multiple choices  How do they work  Capabilities  Limitations  Titrate for dose  Understand the primary objective PROVIDE ADEQUATE PATIENT OXYGENATION PROVIDE ADEQUATE PATIENT OXYGENATION Oxygen Conserving Devices (OCDs)

15 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Oxygen Conserving Devices (OCDs) There are 2 basic designs –Pneumatic –Electronic Both types detect a patient’s inspiratory effort and immediately trigger to deliver a pre-set amount (bolus) of oxygen

16 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Oxygen Delivery Fundamentals

17 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Minimum Requirement for an Oxygen Delivery Device  Provide adequate oxygen saturation during use  Be reliable with a reasonable warranty  Be affordable to purchase  Have bench study or clinical evidence to support claims made

18 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Pulse-only Portable Concentrators XPO2 Inogen One Evergo LifestyleFreestyle

19 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Pulse-only Portable Concentrators Technical Specifications COMPANY PRODUCT WEIGHT MAX O 2 PRODUCTION AirSep FreeStyle 6 lbs 480 mls/min Invacare XPO2 7 lbs 900 mls/min AirSep LifeStyle 10 lbs 750 mls/min Inogen Inogen One 10 lbs 750 mls/min Respironics EverGo 10 lbs 1050 mls/min

20 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Pulse-only Portable Concentrators Specifications COMPANYPRODUCT MAXIMUM RECORDED DOSE (ml) AirsepFreestyle 26 ml InogenInogen One 26 ml RespironicsEvergo 36 ml AirsepLifestyle 41 ml InvacareXPO2 42 ml

21 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Eclipse-2 Compared to Pulse-only Portable Concentrators COMPANYPRODUCT MAXIMUM RECORDED DOSE (ml) AirsepFreestyle 26 ml InogenInogen One 26 ml RespironicsEvergo 36 ml AirsepLifestyle 41 ml InvacareXPO2 42 ml SeQualEclipse 2 96 ml

22 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 COMPANYPRODUCTMAXIMUM RECORDED F I O 2 AirsepFreestyle 25% AirsepLifestyle27% InogenInogen One27% RespironicsEvergo29% InvacareHome Fill30% Pulse-only Portable Concentrators Specifications

23 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 COMPANYPRODUCTMAXIMUM RECORDED F I O 2 AirsepFreestyle 25% AirsepLifestyle27% InogenInogen One27% RespironicsEvergo29% InvacareHome Fill30% SeQualEclipse 245% Eclipse-2 Compared to Pulse-only Portable Concentrators

24 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Average F I O 2 About 32%

25 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 The Clinical Advantage

26 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 COMPANYPRODUCTMAX OPERATING ALTITUDE InvacareHome FillTanks not approved for flight AirsepLifestyle5000 ft AirsepFreestyle5000 ft InogenInogen One6000 ft RespironicsEvergo8000 ft SeQualEclipse 213,200 ft Eclipse-2 Compared to Pulse-only Portable Concentrators

27 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100  Decreased work of breathing  Increased F I O 2 for patients  Increased S P O 2 for patients  Adjust for missed breaths while exercising Adjustable Sensitivity Clinical Advantage

28 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Effect of  Breathing Rate on F I O 2 Puritan Bennett HELIOS F I O 2 @ pulse setting 4

29 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Effect of  Breathing Rate on F I O 2 Invacare XPO2 F I O 2 @ pulse setting 5

30 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Effect of  Breathing Rate on F I O 2 Respironics Evergo F I O 2 @ pulse setting 6

31 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Effect of  Breathing Rate on F I O 2 Eclipse 2 F I O 2 @ pulse setting 6 AutoSat

32 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 AutoSat

33 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Advantages of Continuous Flow vs. Pulse  Continuous Flow is the Gold Standard  Measured Volume of Gas vs. Pulse  Obtain Higher FiO2’s at Higher Flows  Able to Sleep with Continuous Flow

34 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Advantages of Pulse vs. Continuous Flow  Pulse Saves Battery Life

35 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Low Power Consumption  50 to 150 Watts  Extends Battery Charge  Lower Electricity Bills  Variable Speed Compressor  AutoSat  Maximum Efficiency

36 CONFIDENTIAL 11436 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 858.202.3100 Thank You

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