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Koala Bears By Phoebe Keen.

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1 Koala Bears By Phoebe Keen

2 Basic facts Koala bears are Mammals. They live for 17 years.
Koalas are 30 pounds. They have big black noses. Koalas have soft wool like fur. Koalas also have pouches.

3 Habitat Koalas live in south Australia. They also live in Queensland,
New South Wales and Victoria.

4 Diet In Australia there are 4050 different kinds of eucalyptus leaves.
Koalas also eat box leaves and mistletoe. Different species of eucalyptus grow in different parts of Australia.

5 Place in the food chain Koalas are herbivores
So they are low in the food chain. Almost anything can eat a Koala.

6 Why is This Animal Endangered
In the1920s they were hunted for their fur. This had a big effect on their population numbers. Today, habitat destruction, traffic deaths and dog attacks are the cause of their population decline.

7 Glossary Herbivore: an animal that only eats plants.
Claws: sharp curved nails on the feet of some animals Eucalyptus: woody plants Grind: to wear down Marsupials: animals that carry their babies in pouches

8 About the Author Hi, my name is Phoebe. I am 8 years old and my favorite animal is a polar bear. My favorite subject is reading and writing. I also like friendship, art and animals. My sport is favorite skiing.

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