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Think about a time you were involved in a conflict: Who was involved in the conflict? What is their relationship to you? What was the conflict about? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Think about a time you were involved in a conflict: Who was involved in the conflict? What is their relationship to you? What was the conflict about? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think about a time you were involved in a conflict: Who was involved in the conflict? What is their relationship to you? What was the conflict about? What did you do/say during the conflict? What did the other person do/say during the conflict? How did you feel at the beginning of the conflict? How did you feel at the end of the conflict? Was the conflict resolved? How? In a minimum one-page journal entry, answer any or all of the above questions.

2 A struggle between two opposing forces Involves the protagonist and antagonist

3 1.Person versus Nature (external) a. A character must overcome some natural obstacle or condition b. Floods, snowstorms, insects, plague, famine, or animals 2.Person versus Person (external) a. A struggle between two people b. Not always openly hostile (i.e., psychological conflict, a battle of wits, etc.)

4 3.Person versus Society (external) a. A character is at odds with a particular social force or condition produced by society b. Poverty, political revolution, a social convention, or set of values 4.Person versus Self (internal) a. A character struggles with facets within themselves b. May be emotional, intellectual, or moral c. Such conflicts typically leave the character indecisive and agitated

5 Example: Alexa caught her friend Jamie stealing from a classmate. Now Alexa must choose between keeping her friendship with Jamie and doing the right thing.

6 Person versus Self

7 Example: Alex and Scott are out at sea on a small fishing boat when a large storm hits. After their boat flips over and sinks during the storm, Alex and Scott struggle to make it back to the shore. Just when they think that things can’t get any worse, they see a shark fin circling them.

8 Person versus nature

9 Example: Vanessa makes an art project protesting police brutality. Her art teacher loves the project and tries to feature it in the town art show, but the county commission rejects the project. Now Vanessa, her art teacher are going to fight for the freedom of expression.

10 Person versus society

11 Jimmy and Eric compete for the same position on the baseball team.

12 Person versus person

13 Internal ConflictExternal Conflict

14 Think of a conflict and describe it in detail. Write it so that it can be applied to any character. Think about… What? When? Where? Why?

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