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Effective Interviewing Woodbadge Part 1 Group Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Interviewing Woodbadge Part 1 Group Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Interviewing Woodbadge Part 1 Group Committee

2 Successful recruit Recruitment Application PRC/VSS Interview Mandatory Training It takes a number of step to complete a registration successfully

3  Invitation  Preparation  Where to meet  Probe Relevant Information  Warning Signs  Selection Interview Guide/Questions The interview

4  Within two week of receiving an application set up an appointment for an interview  Do not wait too long  Do not wait for the PRC  Show that you are interested in the volunteer  Be accepting Invitation

5  Find a second person to help  Interviews show always be conducted in pairs Two deep  Discuss the interview process before hand What are the Questions What are the expectations or role of the candidate Share any information you have before conducting the interview  Tailor the questions on the position Preparation

6  Chose someplace:  Applicant’s home if possible  Neutral  Private enough to have a conversation  Convenient for all parties Where to meet

7  Get to know the person  Make ever one comfortable  Explain your role and the purpose of the interview  Explain the expectations of the candidate  Mandatory training  PRC/VSS  Shared and two deep Leadership  Sell this information as an opportunity  Establish a relationship with the person The Interview

8  Sometimes it is just a meeting of the minds

9  Why is this person interested in volunteering?  What is the person’s objective?  How do they interact with youth?  How do they interact with adults?  Do they have any concerns?  What is their experience and background?  Do they volunteer elsewhere? Have they? Probe Relevant Information

10  Too eager or too focused  Few adult friends  Lack of respect for rules and/or authority  Difficulty grasping shared leadership  Not willing to take training  Gaps in history  Not answering questions directly  Inappropriate language Warning Signs

11  Tailor the questions to the role or position the applicant is applying for.  Ask Open-ended questions.  These encourage further elaboration  Be ready to ask further probing questions to clarify answers. Selection Interview Guide/Questions

12 You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do. Henry Ford

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