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Published byBertina Lora Jefferson Modified over 9 years ago
1 1 Market Trials Phase 3.0 RTM / LFC, Outage Scheduling, CRR Kick Off Meeting January 28, 2010
2 2 Agenda Nodal Phase 3.0 Kick-Off –Market Trials 2.1 Connectivity Testing – How’d We Do? –Phase 3.0 Objective and Scope –Nodal Production Environment ERCOT Support Access / URLs Common Information Model / Data Set Known Issues –Communications Plan / Issue Management –Reports / MIS Review Phase 3.0 Handbook Review –Outage Scheduler –Real Time Market / LFC Nodal Telemetry Outreach Update Handbook Review –Congestion Revenue Rights
QSE Qualification Call Overview: Market Trials 2010 Roadmap 3
Market Trials 2.1 Connectivity Testing – How’d We Do? QSE MMS Submission Qualification Statistics: –160 / 292 Total QSEs Qualified as of 6:30 pm 1/27/2010 64 / 114 QSEs w/ Resources (includes sub-QSEs) –78.77% of generation currently qualified –MPs unqualified by today will continue to work with ERCOT Account Managers and the Market Trials support team –Note that the scorecard will not be updated until 2/10/2010 – there is still time to prevent going amber / red on the qualification metric CRRAH Qualification Statistics –41 / 80 Total registered CRRAHs Qualified as of 6:30 pm 1/27/2010 Common Issues –Listener set ups –Connectivity (e.g. security) –MPs implementing new Certifying Authorities (CAs) not in the ERCOT supported list Note that ERCOT is now in a position to add CAs on a by request basis –Incorrect role assignments 4
5 5 Phase 3.0 Testing Objective and Scope Scope: Phase 3 of Market Trials will exercise the following functionality in the NPROD, Market facing environment: –SCED inputs and outputs –Outage Scheduling (OS) submittals (for purposes of qualification) –CRR auction, trading and invoicing –LFC generator tests –RTM / LFC / CRR / OS related reports Objective of Market Trials Phase 3: –LMPs: Establish reasonable LMPs and start 6 Month LMP posting –Qualify QSEs and TSPs on their ability to submit, update and query outages –Begin CRR monthly auctions and invoicing –Qualify QSEs ability to move generation based on ERCOT instructions (individual generator LFC tests) –Post reports to MIS related to in scope activities
6 6 Phase 3.0 Testing Objective and Scope Scope of Phase 3.0 MMS (Market Management System) will be limited to the following transactions and MMS Phase 1 validations (which are detailed in the Explanation of Market Submission Items document found at –Real-Time Current Operating Plan Energy Offer Curve Output Schedules Incremental / Decremental Offer Curves getReports See RTM / LFC handbook for available market information queries Additionally, ERCOT will also support the following transactions in MMS in support of continued qualification activities –Day-Ahead / Other submission Three Part Offers Ancillary Service Offers Energy-only Offers and Bids Trades (Energy, Ancillary Service, Capacity) Self-Arranged Ancillary Services CRR Offers PTP Obligation Bids Self Schedules Resource Parameters
Phase 3.0 Testing Objective and Scope Outage Scheduler will support the following transaction submittals: TSP Planned Remedial Switching Action Forced Maintenance 1 Maintenance 2 Maintenance 3 Simple Group QSE Planned Forced Maintenance 1 Maintenance 2 Maintenance 3 CRR will support all transaction submittal types for bidding and trading 7
8 8 Phase 3.0 Connectivity Testing Objective and Scope (continued) Telemetry Support –Focused Input Testing Windows have ceased as of 1/4/2010 –Telemetry will be reviewed on a daily basis for missing points and data quality –A periodic dashboard will be posted to the ERCOT Nodal Readiness Center under Real Time Market / LFC for point in time telemetry issues
9 9 Release 3.0 Connectivity Testing Objective and Scope (continued) Out of Scope (not limited to the following) : –Functionality not related to in-scope Market Trials activities Examples of out of scope features –Running Day Ahead Market (DAM) –Reports not listed in the Market Trials Handbooks under Phase 3 –Areas of MIS not related to Phase 3 scope as defined in the Market Trials Handbooks Although other systems and features may be included in the release for this phase, ERCOT continues to perform testing on these and will not be supported Additionally, ERCOT will continue performance testing –There may still be performance related issues –ERCOT will communicate these via the Friday Market Calls –If necessary (frequently occurring issues) a market notice will be sent to the Nodal PMs contact list –Settlements (with the exception of CRR Auction invoices) –Examples of data that will be stubbed in and not yet integrated Credit Verifiable costs Some registration data not impacting Phase 3 scope Dynamically Scheduled Resources (DSR) and AS Qualification status
10 10 Nodal Production Environment - ERCOT Support Nodal Production Environment Status –Phase 3 is the second major release of the Nodal Production Environment –ERCOT continues to perform Integration and Performance Testing –It is expected that issues will be found during Phase 3 by both, ERCOT and Market Participants Supported days / hours for Market Trials Phase 3 –The Nodal Production environment is still considered a test environment, consequently it will be necessary to bring the environment down periodically to perform maintenance and patch releases to the software –The following bullets details the supported days and hours ERCOT is actively supporting and monitoring the environment –The Nodal Production environment will remain accessible outside of these support windows, however there is no guarantee of system stability or accessibility –February 2010 ALL SYSTEMS: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm –March 2010 CRR, Outage Scheduler, MMS (as it related to market submissions): Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Telemetry / EMS, SCED: 7x24
11 11 Nodal Production Environment - ERCOT Support Outage and Restoration –In the event of an outage or significant degradation in performance during an active support window, ERCOT will send a market notice followed by periodic status updates as they are available. –The expected restoration time for outages will be on a ‘as soon as possible’ basis Note that planned environment outages outside the active support window will be communicated as appropriate on a weekly basis during the Friday Market Participant calls
12 12 Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location Following are the URL’s to be used during Phase 3 –Market Information System (MIS) –Market Manager User Interface: Navigate to the Applications Link and select “Market Manager” from the ERCOT Applications Portlet –Outage Scheduler Navigate to the Applications Link and select “Outage Scheduler” from the ERCOT Applications Portlet –Web Services Endpoint URL:
Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location Authentication –Users that currently have an ERCOT production digital certificate, will continue to use this certificate in the Nodal Production Environment –Users that do not have an ERCOT production digital certificate should request one from their company’s USA (User Security Administrator) –New Market Participants will obtain certificates via the ERCOT registration process Authorization (Roles) –Nodal Roles are currently available in the production Market Participant Identity Management (MPIM) system –Market Participant USAs must assign the appropriate role to users that will be testing in the Nodal Production environment –See next slide for a list of Nodal Roles 13
Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location Authorization (Roles) – continued –Note that we will discuss which roles will apply to each functional area during the handbook discussion –Note that certificates to be used for the Web Services Interface need to have the API Certificate checkbox checked
15 15 Nodal Production Environment – Common Information Model / Data Set Network Model / Common Information Model (CIM) Loads –ERCOT starts Phase 3.0 with the CIM loaded on 1/22/2010 –This version of the CIM will reflect data as of 1/6/2010 –ERCOT currently has ~3 weeks verification process when a new CIM is “cut” –The next scheduled CIM model will be on 2/5/2010 –The 2/5/2010 version of the CIM will reflect data as of 1/20/2010 –ERCOT is working on implementing a schedule that is in lock step with zonal database loads. Updates on this will be shared at the weekly –Settlement Points and Market Participant Short Names extracted from the 1/22/2010 CIM have been posted to the Phase 3 readiness Market Trials front page:
16 16 Communications Plan / Issue Management Weekly Conference Calls: –ERCOT’s primary tool for communicating updates, status and general information will occur on the weekly Market Trials Market Calls. –Note that there will be multiple calls, each focused on a specific functional area: –Calls scheduled for Phase 3 are: Real Time Market / LFC: Fridays at 9 am – 10 am Congestion Revenue Rights: Fridays 10:30 am – 11:30 am Outage Scheduler: Thursdays 10:00 am – 11:00 am –Note for QSEs still working on qualification, the last QSE Qualification call will take place on 1/29/2010 (tomorrow) ERCOT will continue to work with those that have not completed qualifications on an individual basis. The Qualification dashboard will continue to be posted to the readiness center at: –ERCOT will also be hold an additional call every Monday from 10am – 11am open to all Market Participants We will briefly review that week’s coming activities The remainder of the call will be an open forum for all MPs to ask questions or raise concerns
Communications Plan / Issue Management Emails / Phone Calls to Individual Market Participants: –All general communications from ERCOT regarding Market Participant – specific information will be routed through your Nodal Project Manager as identified in the “Nodal Contact Declaration Form” –For specific topics, we will contact the individual for that area (e.g. ICCP issue reaches out to the ICCP contact) as identified in the “Nodal Contact Declaration Form” –A copy of that spreadsheet may be found at: –If you wish to view what contacts are currently on file, please send an email to to request populated version of the 17
18 18 Communications Plan / Issue Management Emails to ERCOT: –At any point during the testing questions can be emailed to –Note that this has changed from the 2.1 testing; the eds3 email address will continue to be supported for hold over activities from 2009 –All Market Participants should start using the email address immediately going forward for new issues / Nodal Market Trials Readiness Center Website –The Nodal Readiness Center will continue to be leveraged for any required documents MPs will need to reference –All functional areas have a specific subsection under the Market Trials front page: Real-Time Market/LFC Congestion Revenue Rights Outage Scheduler DAM/RUC COMS/Settlements –For documents that apply to all functional areas, those will be posted to the Market Trials Front Page under Key Documents
19 19 Communications Plan / Issue Management Issue Management –Market Participants will report all issues using the email –Business oriented issues Initially reviewed by the ERCOT Wholesale Client Services Account Managers If required, issues are escalated to the Market Trials Lead responsible for that functional area More complex or indepth questions will be ultimately escalated to a Subject Matter Expert (SME) –Technical issues Initially reviewed by the Market Trials Technical Generalist for initial triage If required, issues will be escalated to IT Production Support If determined to be a variance / defect, ERCOT will leverage our existing defect management process to estimate, analyze and prioritize the resolution –Our target turn-around time on questions is 24 hours –ERCOT will maintain a known issues spreadsheet for each functional area on the Nodal Readiness center Will be updated every Friday by EOB (note that if no new known issues are discovered or closed, the spreadsheet will remain static) Will only detail those issues affecting the scope of Release 3.0 and any work-arounds available to avoid issues Known issues will be added as a standing agenda item on each of the weekly Market Trials Calls
20 20 Market Trials Core Team
10/24/2015 21 Market Information System (MIS) / Report Jamie Lavas
Handbook Information Provided High level list of functions and activities being provided across all phases of MTs broken out by functional area. Market Trials Timeline Digital Certificates –Nodal Roles Introduction to MIS –What is MIS –What is available on MIS –What is in scope for MT3 –General Information –Limitations/Known Issues –Navigation Sli de 22
Items Available on MIS UI/ Web Services Report Links available for MT3 Alerts/Notices available for MT3 Applications available via MIS EWS Web Services available for MT3 Slide 23
Market Participant Engagement Reports Extracts populated with Market Trial data will be aligned and released with phase/functionality Slide 24
25 Readiness Center has an area dedicated to reports: Slide 25
Readiness Center Readiness Center contains: Reports Data Definition Language (DDL) instructions Statements & Invoices Report & Extract Specifications XML Schema Definitions (XSD) Slide 26
Key Documents ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL) Required Postings - documents, reports, extracts, web services, alerts and notifications required by Protocol or Market Guides Non-required Postings - available on the ERCOT website Slide 27
ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL) EMIL can be used for a variety of reasons including: Sorting and Filtering as needed Viewing new Nodal required deliverables Details on Protocol section or Market Guide requirements for each published item Finding EMIL Index # to locate relevant specifications in appropriate documentation Acquiring Report ID for the ‘Get Report’ Web Services Currently adding information for Market Trial Available deliverables Slide 28
10/24/2015 29 Market Trials Handbooks Review Outage Scheduler Robert Matlock
30 30 Agenda Introduction System Requirements Overview of Roles Supporting Documents Entry Criteria Timeline Overview of Activities Reports Dashboard Exit Criteria Question and Answers/General Discussion
31 31 Introduction Market Trials Phase 3 Outage Scheduler Qualification consist of: MPs will test connectivity to the OS using the External Web Services (EWS) and/or the Outage Scheduler User Interface (OS UI) MPs will test their ability to submit various outage types as well as updating outages Testing will be self directed unless the MP would prefer to schedule a conference call with ERCOT Note that new MPs (since 2008) will be contacted by ERCOT and a Market Trials team member will hold a conference call to walk through the qualification checklist
Supporting Documents Some important documents you may need: External Interfaces Specification v1.19 – OS User Guide TSP – OS User Guide QSE – OS Requirements v2.0 – ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL) – OS Known Issues List – 32
Entry Criteria For the MP to participate in MT3 they must: Be registered as a TSP or QSE and operate Transmission Elements Possess an ERCOT production certificate with the appropriate role Must have access to the OS through EWS and/or the OS UI 33
Timeline 34 Phase 3 Outage Scheduler Market Trials begins Feb. 1and runs until March 30
Overview of Activities MP’s will need to download the Outage Scheduler Qualification Checklist from: 35
Overview of Activities continued MP’s will be required to submit at least one outage of each type applicable to the user: 36 TSPQSE Planned Remedial Switching Action Forced M1 M2 M3 Simple Planned Forced M1 M2 M3 MP’s will also be required to take a Maintenance 1 outage all the way through completion. Once an MP has completed the Checklist, they will need to send it to ERCOT for verification.
ERCOT Activities ERCOT will: Periodically throughout the day, Approve/Accept the outages submitted by the MP’s. Work to resolve any issues the MP’s encounter. Verified each MP has completed the required activities 37
Reporting Outputs ERCOT will post on the MIS Secure area: All Proposed Approved/Accepted Rejected Withdrawn Transmission outages Please Note, the following reports will not be available until MT4: Advanced Transmission Outage Schedule Statistics Advance Resource Outage Statistics Planned vs. Actual 38
Dashboard/Tracking During Phase 3, ERCOT will post Dashboard/Tracking documents to the Readiness Center. 39
Phase 3 Exit Criteria ERCOT Exit Criteria 95% Operatorship of the Transmission system has completed and passed qualification and testing 95% Operatorship of the QSE’s have completed and passed qualification and testing MP’s Exit Criteria Successful completion of the required Scenarios 40
10/24/2015 41 Nodal Telemetry Outreach Stacy Bridges
Nodal Telemetry Outreach 42 Background: The current Nodal Telemetry Outreach effort has two tracks: Missing Telemetry Effort: ERCOT is working with QSEs and TSPs to help resolve issues related to missing telemetry Point lists identifying missing telemetry are queried and distributed to QSEs/TSPs following each nodal database load (~bi-weekly) Quality Telemetry Effort: Customized reports identifying quality issues are taken from a daily SCED Telemetry Report and communicated to QSEs Communications identifying quality issues are going to the QSE ICCP contacts and nodal Project Managers ERCOT is requesting that ICCP contacts respond to quality issues within 24 hours
Nodal Telemetry Outreach 43 Missing Telemetry Update (QSEs): Status of requested State Estimator Telemetry: –Only 6 out of 3649 requested SE points remain unresolved (99% SE points provided) Status of requested SCED Telemetry: –634 requested SCED points remain unresolved Progress measurement toward State Estimator Telemetry # QSERs JAN 5JAN 13JAN 21 JAN 29 (estimated) 100%28304042 >=80% but <100%0000 <80%4000 In Review141664
44 44 Nodal Telemetry Outreach Update Common Data Quality Issues: Common quality issues identified on the SCED Telemetry Report: Telemetry that remains to be mapped at ERCOT Incorrect Resource Status Generation>HSL; Generation<LSL Negative Ancillary Service values (primarily for Responsive and Non- Spinning Reserve) Stale telemetry values Data Quality Inquiries Welcome: QSEs that have yet to receive a data-quality outreach from ERCOT may still have quality issues that need to be addressed. QSEs may inquire about any issues reflected in the daily SCED Telemetry Report by submitting an email to (please include “SCED Telemetry Report” in the subject line). As common telemetry-quality issues continue to be reported, ERCOT will work to identify a tracking mechanism to support progress indicators and/or scorecard metrics.
Nodal Telemetry Outreach Slide 45 DateERCOT Activities Jan 29 ERCOT begins distributing the next series of point lists identifying missing nodal points (based upon the Jan 22 nodal database load) ERCOT updates the QSE Telemetry Dashboard on the Readiness Center (will include measurements for SCED as well as State Estimator) ERCOT posts the first TSP Telemetry Dashboard to the Readiness Center Feb 1ERCOT’s goal is to have all nodal telemetry completed by Feb 1, 2010 Reminder of Upcoming Dates:
10/24/2015 46 Market Trials Handbooks Review Real Time Market / LFC Stacy Bridges
Real-Time Market / LFC 47 Topics: Objectives Entry Criteria Schedule / Key Dates Activities Individual QSE Tests for LFC Dashboards & Status Artifacts Exit Criteria Supplemental Materials
Objectives 48 Real-Time Market Timeline - Market Trials Phase 3.0 Objectives: Execute SCED Begin 6-month posting of LMPs Schedule / Conduct individual QSE Tests for LFC
Objectives 49 Objectives – continued: Execute SCED: Execute SCED and Real-Time system components continuously in Market Trials environment (February and March) Produce Base Points and LMPs (February and March) Begin 6-month posting of LMPs: Perfect the data and processes needed to support SCED in calculating reasonable LMPs (February) Begin Posting LMPs (March) Schedule / Conduct individual QSE Tests for LFC: Schedule individual QSE tests for LFC (February) Conduct individual unit tests for LFC (March)
Entry Criteria Entry Criteria: Market Participants Meet system requirements: Internet Explorer 6 Production digital certificate with MMS Trader role enabled Meet nodal ICCP requirements Complete Phase 2.1 qualification testing ERCOT Complete Nodal database mapping for all available Nodal ICCP points Complete required testing for Phase 3.0 functionality Publish all known, market-relevant defects to Market Participants Slide 50
Schedule / Key Dates Slide 51 Schedule / Key Dates DateERCOT ActivitiesQSE with Resources Activities Feb 1 Begin SCED execution Begin LFC and LMP analysis Begin posting Real-Time outputs, reports, and extracts Begin daily support of SCED with market submission items and quality ICCP Feb 5 Begin weekly Real-Time Market calls Begin publishing MMS Transaction Dashboard on the Readiness Center Begin attending weekly Real-Time Market calls Feb 26 Complete scheduling individual QSE tests on the LFC testing calendar Mar 1 Begin six-month postings of LMPs Begin conducting individual QSE tests for LFC Begin conducting individual QSE tests for LFC Schedule / Key Dates:
Activities Market Participant Activities: Verify ability to receive Resource Base Points via ICCP Download and review Real-Time Report postings Provide continuous nodal ICCP data to ERCOT Submit/Update/Cancel daily Real-Time market submission items: Three-Part Supply Offers * Inc/Dec Offers * Output Schedule Current Operating Plan (COP) Schedule / Conduct individual QSE LFC test windows (QSEs with Resources) * Note: During Phase 3.0, Offer Curves should initially reflect 80-120% costs Slide 52
Activities ERCOT Activities: Execute and monitor Real-Time system components Run SCED every five minutes using ICCP and market submission data Run LFC every four seconds Verify QSE Submission Activities Work with Market Participants to resolve ICCP telemetry issues Generate Base Points, LMPs, SPPs, and Shadow Prices Review Base Points, LMPs, and SPPs for reasonability using price validation software Publish Real-Time outputs/reports to the market via MIS and ICCP Schedule / Conduct individual QSE tests for LFC Slide 53
Individual QSE Tests for LFC Individual QSE Tests for LFC: Tests will confirm that QSEs providing Regulation Service and Responsive Reserve Service (RRS) in the nodal market can exchange SCADA data with LFC/RLC components of ERCOT’s Nodal EMS system Tests will be scheduled January 25 – February 26 Tests will be conducted March 1 – April 16 Test Participation will be required from: QSE with Resources that did not participate in EDS 3 Release 6.2 testing during 2008 New QSEs with Resources planning to provide Regulation service in the Nodal Market 80% of system-wide generation Slide 54
Dashboards & Status Artifacts Slide 55 ArtifactDescriptionAvailability QSE Telemetry Dashboard Communicates completion status of ICCP telemetry from QSEs Refreshes after each Nodal database load Currently available TSP Telemetry Dashboard Communicates completion status of ICCP telemetry from TSPs Refreshes after each Nodal database load Available January 29, 2010 MMS Transaction Dashboard Communicates daily statistics for SCED submission items Refreshes weekly on Fridays Available February 5, 2010 Dashboards & Status Artifacts
Dashboards & Status Artifacts QSE Telemetry Dashboard Example: Slide 56
Dashboards & Status Artifacts TSP Telemetry Dashboard Example: Slide 57
Dashboards & Status Artifacts MMS Transaction Dashboard Example: Slide 58
Exit Criteria Exit Criteria - QSEs with Resources A target of 98% of QSEs with Resources are successfully submitting daily Real-Time market transactions as tracked on the MMS Transaction Dashboard QSEs with Resources have scheduled Individual QSE tests for LFC QSEs have begun conducting individual QSE tests with ERCOT Exit Criteria - ERCOT Reasonable LMPs have been established Six-month posting of LMPs has begun ERCOT has scheduled Individual QSE tests for LFC ERCOT has begun conducting individual QSE tests with QSEs Slide 59
Supplemental Materials Slide 60 Reference and DescriptionLocationVersion Market Connectivity Testing Market Participant Handbook /index.html 0.97 External Interfaces Specification Explanation of Market Submission Items /index.html 0.26 ERCOT Nodal ICCP Communication Handbook ml 3.0 MMS Requirements EMS Requirements ERCOT Market Information List Market Manager User Guide /index.html 0.06 Real Time Market Known Issues ml N/A Web Services XSDs Sample Reports, Extracts, and DDLs
10/24/2015 61 Market Trials Handbooks Review Congestion Revenue Rights Steve Reedy
Agenda Topics: I.Overview of CRR Market Trials Phase 3.0 II.Entry Criteria (including System Requirements) III.CRR Qualification IV.Allocations/Auctions in CRR Market Trials 3.0 V.Known Issues VI.ERCOT And Market Participant Activities VII.Highly Recommended Training VIII.Dashboard/Metrics IX.Supplemental Materials Slide 62
Overview CRR Market Trials Phase 3.0 Perform CRR Account Holder Qualification Run Allocations/Auctions with “First 6 months” data scenario –NOIEs nominate for allocations each month Follow Nodal Protocol timelines when possible –Compressed timeline for first allocation/auction Integrated with –Settlements and Billing (auction invoices/payment confirmation) –Network Model Management System Slide 63
ERCOT Entry Criteria Integration testing for functionality exposed in Market Trials Phase 3 completed to ERCOT satisfaction with all market-relevant defects published to market participants via the known issues list. CRR Auction Application performance testing for functionality exposed in Market Trials Phase 3 completed with results deemed as acceptable by CRR business owner. Slide 64
Market Participant Entry Criteria Registered as CRR Account Holder Met all CRR system requirements a) Internet Explorer 6 b) Must have a CRRAH (CRR Account Holder) Digital Certificate installed with appropriate roles assigned (USA certificates were issued Nov 16 and are available for download) c) Must have a CP (Counterparty) Digital Certificate with appropriate roles assigned d) Sun Java 1.5 JRE and IE Plug-in (or more recent version) e) Keyhole Markup Language (KML) viewer (e.g. Google Earth) (for phase 4.0) Slide 65
Counterparty vs. CRR Account Holder certificates Two types of digital certificates needed for CRR Counterparty –assigns credit CRRAH –submits bids/offers –views results –performs bilateral trades –can further limit any credit assigned by Counterparty, but can’t increase
CRR Qualification CRR Qualification from 1/4/2010-1/29/2010 Qualification Activities (all below activities must be completed) –Log-in and access the CRR system –Download a CRR Network Model –Upload a bid/offer portfolio –Edit a bid/offer portfolio –Complete a bilateral trade Slide 67
Allocations/Auctions in CRR Market Trials 3.0 Auctions/Allocations for March & April 2010 Allocation for May Allocation for Balance of Year (June – Dec 2010) (note: Auctions for May, Balance of Year in Phase 4.0) Slide 68
Known Issues JAN2010 CRR Monthly Network Model report file (Report ID 11204) does not contain all the required network files. Monitored Lines and Transformers contains no data Portfolio upload - Portfolio Editor becomes unusable when uploading a "targeted" bid portfolio containing a valid source/sink that is not biddable for that specific auction
Market Participant Activities Qualify Submit Credit (Using Counterparty Certificate) Submit Bid/offer portfolio View/verify postings Bilaterally trade Slide 70
ERCOT Activities Create Models Run Qualification Run Auctions Post Notices/Results/Invoices Slide 71
Highly Recommended Training CRR MUI Training –Available on LMS ( ) –Nodal Market Training CRR Market User Interface Training Will answer many questions regarding the mechanics of the CRR User Interface Slide 72
Dashboard Slide 73 Dashboard will be posted on CRR section of Market Trials/Readiness Center
Supplemental Materials Slide 74 DescriptionLocationVersion CRR Known Issues List ness/markettrials/crr/index. html N/A ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL) ness/reports/index.html N/A CRR Requirements Doc /pd/crr/index.html#req 4.4 CRR - Market User Interface User Manual ness/markettrials/crr/index. html 1.0 CRR - Explan of Mkt Sub. Retrieval Items ness/markettrials/crr/index. html.12 CRR MUI Traininghttps://www.ercottraining.c om/lms/default.asp N/A
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