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EEP1-Econ 3 Essentials F 2011. Who You-the class Instructor: Professor Peter Berck – 224 Giannini Hall – 10A Fridays –

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1 EEP1-Econ 3 Essentials F 2011

2 Who You-the class Instructor: Professor Peter Berck – 224 Giannini Hall – 10A Fridays – GSI’s : Fahd-M W and Lilia- F and F Fahd Majeed Office hours: M 10-12 238 Giannini Hall Lilia Chaidez Office hours: M 3-4 and Th 4-5 234 Giannini Hall

3 What Econ 3/ Env Econ 1 – Intro to environmental econ and to econ in general – No macro; Yes environment – Don’t take this and econ 1 – Need good high school math. Calculus a plus but not necessary – Text is Environmental Economics by Berck and Helfand

4 When Now on T and Th, here. – Students who attend lecture/recitation really do get higher grades. Sections are currently balanced in numbers, so GSI’s can permit only a limited amount of movement from section to section. (You can’t all run away from Friday afternoon.) Talk to GSI for section change. FINAL EXAM: DECEMBER 14, 2010 8-11A Quiz: September 29* and October 27 2011 You must talk to me this week if you cannot make one of these times. How many can’t make sept 29?

5 Where Course: Tues & Thurs 2-330 in 3 LECONTE Sections: M 9-10A, 2030 VALLEY LSB; W 3-4, 22062 VALLEY LSB; F 2-3 P, 2030 VALLEY LSB; F 4- 5P, 321 HAVILAND Bspace. and nIndex.htm

6 Slides Often available before class. Last years are up now, but I always am working them over. Last year: Screen shots and webcast – – Should be every slide and every word – This year—don’t know yet

7 Grades 20% homework. Doing your own work and handing it in on time are the big things. 20% for each of two midterms 40% for final Problems with grading? See your GSI immediately and definitely within the week. Still problem? See me. Cheating. Don’t. It’s not remotely necessary to pass and is a real problem for all of us when you are caught.

8 Waiting list I am really powerless in this matter. What I can do is encourage those who are not interested to drop quickly and make room for those who are. Hence I take attendance for the first two weeks and drop anyone who is not here. So there is no point in our discussing this after class. I just don’t have anything to add. In my day, one waited on line for punch cards to enroll (in the hot sun, of course.) No taxes = No budget = Too Few classes = You get closed out of majors/classes/careers etc. If you don’t like it, talk to people your parents age who voted to keep all their money and not have schools or roads.

9 Email Works very badly to answer questions about economics Works very well to tell us that you are/were hospitalized and couldn’t make the exam/hand in problem set on time

10 Letter of Introduction For the first section meeting with your GSI, letter (no more than one page!) introducing yourself. Include your name and anything about yourself that you would like to share. If you would like to include a picture of yourself, that would help us to learn your names (but isn't necessary).

11 Directory Be sure to get your email right in the university directory. Do put your picture in their too. It is a great tool for me to figure out who is who. (And it’s a lot less revealing than facebook.)

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