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 Nature or nurture  Defining ourselves through others  The cost of belonging  Challenging and developing our identity  Choosing not to belong.

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Presentation on theme: " Nature or nurture  Defining ourselves through others  The cost of belonging  Challenging and developing our identity  Choosing not to belong."— Presentation transcript:

1  Nature or nurture  Defining ourselves through others  The cost of belonging  Challenging and developing our identity  Choosing not to belong

2  Have you ever given up anything for what you believe in?  Does your peer group make it difficult or easy for you to stand by the things that matter to you?

3  Our identity develops as we grow and change  The people we encounter on a daily basis change the way we see the world and ourselves  Our identity can be challenged in both positive and negative ways by these encounters and experiences  Changing circumstances can cause a change in our relationships (eg. moving to a new school, town or country)  We need to adapt to a new environment and make connections with new people, thus developing our sense of who we are

4  As teenagers our identity and sense of belonging can be challenged by peer pressure  Teens may not have a strong sense of who they are – possibly easily swayed by others  Many young people participate in high-risk behaviours to be accepted by peers  Adolescence is an important time in which we learn to stand up for ourselves and what we believe – this can be a life-defining moment

5  Finding our individual talents and strengths can also affect our sense of self  Finding abilities in music, maths or sport can make us grow in confidence and experience a stronger sense of who we are  It can also encourage us to seek out others who share our interests  What we believe may be challenged and our identities reshaped as a result  Beliefs come in many forms: religious, political, personal  Having beliefs of any kind can add meaning to our lives, connecting us to others of similar beliefs and giving a sense of direction and purpose and a strengthened sense of self

6  In small groups:  Discuss the following proposition: That our behaviour should always be consistent with what we believe.  Make a list of the top 5 factors that you believe challenge a person’s sense of identity in modern society.

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