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Mari Peets Erasmus coordinator for outgoing students.

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1 Mari Peets Erasmus coordinator for outgoing students

2  Step 1 Selection process – Completed!  By Erasmus committees in Faculties  Now you are the representatives of TUT (and of Estonia)  How to represent our university?  Know the facts – presentation of TUT  Distribute the materials – brochures for the host university coordinator  Study hard, behave well!

3  Step 2 – Nomination - Completed ◦ First contact between the two universities ◦ by the Erasmus coordinator ◦ Your personal information (name, date of birth, e-mail address, study field and level) is sent to your chosen partner university ◦ Confirmation in some form is expected

4  Step 3 – Applying to the partner university – completed for most students  Application form online or paper application  Supporting documents: ◦ Transcript of Records – in English, signed/stamped ◦ Language certificate ◦ Copy of ID document ◦ Copy of EU Health Insurance card ◦ CV ◦ LEARNING AGREEMENT

5  MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT (Includes courses that you will follow)  Consists of 2 documents - “Official” Learning Agreement form and it’s Annex (lisa).  Official Learning Agreement ◦ Places for 5 signatures - student’s signature + 2 from home university and 2 from the receiving university  Signed by your academic adviser and the Erasmus coordinator  Sent to the receiving university for signing

6  BASIS FOR THE CREDIT TRANSFER (YOUR INSURANCE POLICY between you/TUT)  Two columns to indicate the transfer plan  Signed by your academic adviser  Stays in the Dean’s Office  Used in the credit transfer process after your exchange

7  The rule of the ERASMUS programme is to complete at least 15 ECTS (EAP) credits per semester.  You also have to follow the TUT requirements according to your student status ◦ 22.5 EAP per semester for students on RE places ◦ 15 EAP per semester for REV students  NB! Finnish students: ◦ KELA has their own requirements!  Talk to your Dean’s office to make sure you fulfill all requirements!

8  Documents are sent out by the ERASMUS COORDINATOR (not the student)  At least a week before the application deadline  Copies of all application documents are kept in the International Relations Office  It’s also a good idea to keep copies for your own use, please keep a separate folder for your Erasmus documents – the Learning Agreement, the financial agreement, the confirmation letters etc.

9  In return you should get a  CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE in the form of: ◦ Official Acceptance Letter by mail ◦ Pdf copy of the official acceptance letter ◦ Confirmation of acceptance via e-mail ◦ Signed learning agreement  The acceptance letter is a basis for signing the financial agreement  If you don’t receive the official acceptance letter, you need to present the academic calendar of the receiving university.

10  Financial agreement states the amount of your scholarship  Calculated according to your study months at the receiving university ◦ Dates from the acceptance letter or the academic calendar of the receiving university ◦ If your scholarship is for 5 months, you cannot return early, or you’ll pay some money back!  Financial agreement is signed before the beginning of the exchange  NB! Do not wait with making travel plans, the money will come last minute!

11  Register in ÕIS by the “red line day”  Go to Applications (Avaldused) and fill out an application to a VISITING STUDENT PLACE (KÜLALISÜLIÕPILASEKS SUUNDUMINE)  Enter the name of the host university and the duration of exchange  Some faculties require to submit a study plan, others don’t – please ask your Dean’s Office  Students studying on REV places pay 64 Eur (1000 Eek) registration fee

12  Ehitusteaduskond – Betra Leesment  Mehaanikateaduskond – Jana Saidla  Energeetikateaduskond – Ülle Valtna  IT– Merike Siidoja  Keemia – Raili Klesment/Kadri-Ann Matson  Mat-Loodus – Aili Hirvesoo  Sotsiaalteadused – Elve Vunn/Archil Chochia  Majandusteaduskond – Annela Mets/Monika Nevalainen/Piret Levertand/Tiit Randla (LA)  Kolledžid – oma Erasmus koordinaator

13  Within one month from the beginning of studies  Fill out “Changes to Learning Agreement” form and it’s Annex  Sign the official form and get signatures from the receiving university  Send back ALL THREE:  The original Learning Agreement (sent with application)  The changes to Learning Agreement  The Annex to Learning Agreement

14  CONFIRMATION of STUDY PERIOD ◦ Document that confirms your ACTUAL study period ◦ NB! Dates have to show the same amount of months than on your financial agreement (not the exact same dates, but the NUMBER OF MONTHS)  STUDENT FINAL REPORT ◦ Within one month of your return

15  TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS – Official document will be sent from university to university. (Original belongs to the student, copies to Dean’s office and Erasmus coordinator)  Find out WHEN the results will come  NOTIFY YOUR DEAN’S OFFICE if they won’t come by the end of June

16  Once you have the Official Transcript  Fill out the credit transfer form in ÕIS  Names of courses both in the original language and in English  Print the form out  Get a signature from your academic adviser  Hand it in to your Dean’s Office along with the copy of your Official Transcript

17  You have completed your exchange when you have presented five documents:  1. Financial Agreement  2. Learning Agreement + Changes (if needed)  3. Confirmation of study period  4. Transcript of Records  5. Student Report  6. EILC completion certificate (if applicable)

18  Adjustment process has 5 stages: ◦ Honeymoon ◦ Culture shock ◦ Initial adjustment ◦ Mental isolation ◦ Acceptance and integration

19  HONEYMOON  Initially studentsare fascinated and exited by everything new.  The visitor is elated to be in a new culture.  Making new friends, going out, partying  CULTURE SHOCK  The students are immersed in new problems: housing, transportation, shopping and language.  Get mentally tired from continously straining to express yourself in a foreign language.

20  INITIAL ADJUSTMENT  Everyday activities such as housing and moving aroundare no longer major problems  Places, faces and study environment are getting more familiar  Although students may not yet be fluent in English, basic ideas and feelings in the second language can be expressed

21  MENTAL ISOLATION  Students start missing family and friends  Stress from not being able to express themselves as well as they can in their native language.  Frustration and a loss of self-confidence.  ACCPETANCE AND INTEGRATION  A routine has been established.  Acceptance with the habits, customs, foods, and characteristics of the people of the new culture.  Students feel comfortable with new friends, school, and the language of the country.

22  READJUSTMENT – just as difficult as adjustment, only UNEXPECTED  Students change while they’re abroad  New friends vs old friends – who are my friends now?  People at home can’t understand the inner changes and new connections  Home environment also changes – political events, music, TV shows  Students feel “lost”

23 POSITIVENEGATIVE  Students become more tolerant, open- minded, patient, undestand different cultures better  Widens perspectives  Learn more about themselves  Gain self-confidence  Loss of friends  Loss of “position”  Loss of belonging  Grieving process ◦ Life style ◦ Experiences ◦ Friends

24  REQUIRED: EU Health Insurance Card ◦ Easier access to medical services, but it does not cover all medical expenses  Additional insurance – Highly recommended, required by lots of partner universities

25  To top up EU Health Insurance benefits   Offers insurance packages specially for students  Easy online application  Everything you need during your stay abroad: ◦ Medical expenses ◦ Dental expenses (!) ◦ Accident insurance (Accidental death, permanent disablement) ◦ Emergency Assistance (inc. transportation home) ◦ Travel insurance ◦ Legal expenses

26 If you have any questions, please contact Mari Peets, IRO III-210 620 3542,

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