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ENC1101-U11B Instructor: Nicholas Anderson MWF 12:00-2:15.

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Presentation on theme: "ENC1101-U11B Instructor: Nicholas Anderson MWF 12:00-2:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENC1101-U11B Instructor: Nicholas Anderson MWF 12:00-2:15

2 ENC1101-U02B Instructor: Nicholas Anderson MWF 2:30-4:45

3 INTRODUCE YOURSELF Name Year Major Where you are from Something interesting about you

4 IMPORTANT COURSE POLICIES This course will require reliable access to a computer with internet access. If you cannot meet this requirement, a different section of ENC1101 may be preferable. You will be required to maintain an online journal/blog of your research developments and writing Computer use in class is a privilege. If this becomes a distraction to students, that privilege will be revoked Missing more than 3 classes will result in automatic failure of the course as per departmental policy Failure to turn in one of the four major essays will result in automatic failure of the course

5 OUR CLASS VS. OTHER ENC1101 CLASSES You are in control of the format and pacing of the class We will be incorporating digital media and writing into the course Extensive use of Socratic method Informal atmosphere We will discuss grammar while most other 1102 classes will not All of your feedback will be appreciate and considered for future coursework

6 INTRO TO RHETORIC Consider the following scenario: due to an illness, you are unable to attend school as well as a party with a friend You must write a text message to your friend informing him or her of this as well as an email to your professor doing the same How might these messages be different?

7 RHETORICAL VOCABULARY Rhetoric: Rhetorical Context: Purpose Audience Genre

8 GROUP ACTIVITY 1: EXAMPLE RHETORICAL CONTEXTS In groups of 4-6 students: Select 5 example genres from the list on pg. 21. For each genre, determine the following: 1.Purpose 2.Audience 3.Genre expectations: formatting, style, or other considerations you would expect in this genre \ This answer should be a couple sentences long for each genre) Note: Each group should turn in one sheet of paper with all the group members’ names, the title of the group activity, the date, and the answers. This heading should be used for all group activities

9 GROUP ACTIVITY 2: UNDERSTANDING PROSE TYPE In the same groups: Review “A Letter to the Editor” on pg. 6 and “A Festival of Rain” on pg. 7 Answer questions on pg 8 Note: Each group should turn in one sheet of paper with all the group members’ names and answers

10 VOCABULARY Rhetoric Rhetorical Context Purpose Audience Genre Closed Form Prose Open Form Prose

11 HOMEWORK Obtain class textbook (details in syllabus and email) Finish Reading Chapter 1 in A&B by Friday

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