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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON SMALL HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES SURVEY, 2006-07."— Presentation transcript:




4 Objectives:  Results will be used for change of base from 2000-01 to 2005-06. oType of organization, number of persons engaged by sex and employment type oValue of input and output oTaxes & interest paid and subsides received oDepreciations and investment in fixed assets oClassification of industries at 6-digit level based on PSIC-2007.  Survey will provide data on the: - SHMI, 2007-08

5  Estimates of value added will be prepared for SHMI sector for use in computation of GDP.  Results will be used for planning and research purpose and to formulate policies on small scale industries. Objectives: Contd… SHMI, 2007-08

6 2. Coverage  Survey will be conducted in the selected areas of urban and rural domain of the four provinces of Pakistan.  However FATA, AJK and Northern Areas are excluded from the scope of the survey.  Military restricted areas and other prohibited places will also be excluded from the scope of the survey. SHMI, 2007-08

7 3. No. of PSUs to be Covered Province No. of PSUs RuralUrbanTotal Pakistan 183421784012 Punjab77012972067 Sindh6623591021 N.W.F.P263356619 Balochistan139166305 SHMI, 2007-08

8 4. Type of Industries to be Covered The survey will cover: - All household units and unregistered establishments with employment size of less than 10, which are engaged in manufacturing activities with the help of self-employed workers, paid family workers and employees whether they work full time or part time. SHMI, 2007-08

9 5. Information will be Collected on: -  No. of households and unregistered small establishments engaged in manufacturing activities with employment size less than 10.  No. of employees by sex and employment cost by type of employment.  Value of input and output.  Taxes, duties and interest paid and subsidies received.  Investment in SHMI Sector. SHMI, 2007-08

10 6. Activity Plan Sr. No ActivityTarget datePresent Status 1Preparation of Questionnaire, Listing Forms and Manual of Instructions for field staff May, 07Completed 2.Printing of survey materialJune,07Completed 3.Training of field staffJune, 07Completed 4.Preparation of edits checks for DP Center and editing/coding instructions for editors July, 07Completed 5.Distribution of survey material to Regional/ Field Offices Aug., 07Completed 6.Preparation of Tabulation PlanSep, 07In process SHMI, 2007-08

11 6. Activity Plan Contd… Sr. No ActivityTarget datePresent Status 7.Field OperationsAug.,07 to Jun, 08In Progress 8.Retrieval of Filled in Questionnaires Sep.,07 to July, 08In Progress 9.Editing/Coding of Questionnaires Sep.,07 to Aug., 08 10.Data EntrySep.,07 to Aug., 08 11.Data Validation/CleaningSep.,07 to Sep., 08 12.Preparation/Checking of tables Jul-Sep., 08 13.Preliminary ReportOct-Nov.,08 14.Final ReportDec.,08 SHMI, 2007-08

12 3. Field operation Complete listing will be done in the sampled PSUs and households/establishments will be identified in which manufacturing activity is being carried out. The questionnaire of SHMI will be filled in from the head of the household and owner/Manager of the establishment. SHMI, 2007-08


14 LISTING FORM (URBAN) – SHMI IDENTIFICATION 1. Name of City/Town_______________ 6. Name and Signature of Enumerator_______ 2. District_________________________ 7. Date of Enumeration____________________ 3. Province_______________________ 8. Name & Signature of Supervisor___________ 4. E.B Code No 9. Date of Inspection________ 5. Processing Code Serial Numb er of Struct ure/B uildin g Address List all units and specify dwelling, shop, establi- shment, school or mosque etc. Sr. No. of H.H Is any manuf. activity being under- taken in this HH/ small estab. having persons (1-9) Yes-1 No.2. (If No skip to col. 9) If household/ small establishment engaged in any manufacturing activity (i.e. if Yes in col.5) then: Name & Father’s name of head of household, owner/ proprietor in case of small establishment having manufacturing activity* No. of persons engaged Sr. No. Type of Industr y HH-1 small estab.- 2 123456789

15 *Name and father’s name of head of households having no manufacturing activity also be recorded in column-9 for complete listing purpose LISTING FORM (URBAN) – SHMI (Continued) Serial Num ber of Struc ture/ Buildi ng Address List all units and specify dwelling, shop, establi- shment, school or mosque etc. Sr. No. of H.H Is any manuf. activity being under- taken in this HH/ small estab. having persons (1- 9) Yes-1 No.2. (If No skip to col. 9) If household/ small establishment engaged in any manufacturing activity (i.e. if Yes in col.5) then: Name & Father’s name of head of household, owner/ proprietor in case of small establishment having manufacturing activity* No. of person s engage d Sr. No. Type of Indust ry HH- 1 small estab.- 2 123456789 Summary of Establishments 1. No. of household listed = _______________ 2. No. of small manufacturing establishments listed = _______________ 3. No. of household establishments listed = ________________ Total No. of establishment listed (2+3) = _________________

16 LISTING FORM(RURAL) – SHMI IDENTIFICATION 1. Name of Mouza/Deh/Village_____________________ 6. Name and Signature of Enumerator_______________ 2. Tehsil/Taluka_________________________________ 7. Date of Enumeration____________________________ 3. District______________________________________ 8. Name & Signature of Supervisor___________________ 4. Province ____________________________________ 9. Date of Inspection________________________________ 5. Processing Code Serial Num ber of Struc ture/ Buildi ng Address List all units and specify dwelling, shop, establi- shment, school or mosque etc. Sr. No. of H.H Is any manuf. activity being under- taken in this HH/ small estab. having persons (1- 9) Yes-1 No.2. (If No skip to col. 9) If household/ small establishment engaged in any manufacturing activity (i.e. if Yes in col.5) then: Name & Father’s name of head of household, owner/ proprietor in case of small establishment having manufacturing activity* No. of person s engage d Sr. No. Type of Indust ry HH- 1 small estab.- 2 123456789

17 LISTING FORM(RURAL) – SHMI (Continued) Serial Num ber of Struc ture/ Buildi ng Address List all units and specify dwelling, shop, establi- shment, school or mosque etc. Sr. No. of H.H Is any manuf. activity being under- taken in this HH/ small estab. having persons (1- 9) Yes-1 No.2. (If No skip to col. 9) If household/ small establishment engaged in any manufacturing activity (i.e. if Yes in col.5) then: Name & Father’s name of head of household, owner/ proprietor in case of small establishment having manufacturing activity* No. of person s engage d Sr. No. Type of Indust ry HH- 1 small estab.- 2 123456789 *Name and father’s name of head of households having no manufacturing activity also be recorded in column-9 for complete listing purpose Summary of Establishments 1. No. of household listed = _______________ 2. No. of small manufacturing establishments listed = _______________ 3. No. of household establishments listed = ________________ Total No. of establishment listed (2+3) = _________________


19 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN STATISTICS DIVISION FEDERAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS ISLAMABAD SURVEY OF SMALL AND HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES (SHMI) 2006-07 CONFIDENTIAL The information supplied will be treated as confidential and will be used to produce aggregate tabulation. No data for individual establishment will be published or made available to other Government Agencies in any format. SECTION-1 IDENTIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENT 1. Processing code: 2. Enumeration block code 3. Province­__________ District___________ Tehsil ___________ City/Village ___________ 4. Sr. No. of manufacturing estab. as per Listing Form 5. Is the manufacturing unit : Household Unit Establishment 12 6. Name & address of household /establishment: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Telephone: ________________ Mobile : ________________ Fax: ________________________ 8. Name and address of the respondent____________________________________________________ 9. Respondent’s Status (Tick one ) Owner Manager Other (Pl. specify ). 12 3 SECTION-2 PARTICULRS OF ESTABLISHMENT 2.1 Type of major manufacturing activity (Pl. specify): PSIC 2007 (Rev-3.1)

20 2.2 Type of Ownership (tick against the type applicable) Individual ownership Partnership Others (Pl. specify) 2.3 Is the establishment leased out during the year Yes NO 2.31 Name and address of lessee (if Yes) ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.4 Working months during the year 2006-07 2.41. Is the establishment seasonal? Yes NO 2.42. Number of months worked during the year 123 1212

21 EMPLOYMENT 2.5 Employment Size Type of employees Number of employees as per pay roll on last working day MaleFemaleTotal 1234 2.51 Paid production workers including repair & maintenance workers, etc. 2.52. Paid non-production workers 2.53. Unpaid family workers 2.54. Working proprietors and active partners 2.55 Others not specified above (Pl. specify) 2.5 Total 2.6 Employment Cost Type of employees Employment cost during 2006-07 ( in Rs. ) Wages & salaries Other cash payments Payment in kind Total 12345 2.61 Paid production workers including repair & maintenance workers etc. 2.62. Paid non-production workers 2.63. Unpaid family workers 2.64. Working proprietors and active partners 2.65 Others not specified above (Pl. specify) 2.6 Total

22 SECTION-3 OUTPUT (Please give average monthly figures for the financial year 2006-07) Output Unit of measurement Quantity Value ( in Rs. ) CodeUnit 12345 3.01 Value of sales from own production (finished goods) 3.02. Value of sales from semi-finished products 3.03 Value of goods produced and consumed by household /establishment 3.04. Receipts from contract & commission work done for others 3.05. Receipts from repair & maintenance/ installation work done for others 3.06. Receipts from sale of industrial wastes & scrap products etc. 3.07. Value of sales of goods purchased for re-sale 3.08. Receipts from rental and lease of building, equipment and warehouse etc. 3.09. Other receipts from output (Pl. specify) 3.0 Total

23 SECTION-4 INPUTS (Please give average yearly figures for the financial year 2006-07). Inputs Value ( in Rs.) 12 4.01. Cost for raw materials, chemicals & dyes, parts, components, packing materials etc. purchased and consumed during the year 4.02. Cost for fuel purchased 4.03. Cost for electricity consumed 4.04. Water charges 4.05. Cost for repair & maintenance work done by others 4.06. Cost of contract & commission work done by others on establishment’s material 4.07. Cost of goods purchased for re-sale 4.08. Transportation charges on finished goods when included in sale proceeds 4.09. Payments for Insurance policies ( Non-life only) 4.10. Cost of copy-rights, royalties and patents 4.11. Cost of postage, telephone, telegraph, telex and fax etc. 4.12. Cost of printing and purchase of stationery

24 Inputs Value ( in Rs.) 12 4.13. Legal and professional expenses. 4.14. Commission paid to agents and trade discounts etc. 4.15. Cost for advertisements 4.16. Traveling expenses 4.17. Cost for storage 4.18. Cost for packing 4.19. Other selling & services expenditure (Pl. specify) 4.20. Training/educational expenditures (external cost only) 4.21. Payment made for entertainment (Pl. specify) 4.22. Payment for lease and hire of plant, building, machinery and equipment 4.23. Payment for bank charges. 4.24. Excise duty paid on bank charges 4.25. Others (Pl. specify) 4.00 Total SECTION-4 INPUTS (Continued) (Please give average yearly figures for the financial year 2006-07).

25 SECTION-5 TAXES, SUBSIDIES, DEPRECIATION AND INTEREST PAID Type of Taxes Paid Amount ( in Rs.) Type of Taxes Paid Amount ( in Rs.) 1212 5.01. Import Duties5.05. Other Taxes paid (Pl. specify) 5.02. Sales Tax paid (net)5.06. Subsidies received 5.03. Excise Duty5.07. Depreciation 5.04. Provincial Taxes (Pl. specify )5.08 Net interest paid/received ( excluding bank charges and payment of loans etc.) 5.00 Total (5.01 + 5.02 + 5.03 + 5.04 + 5.05 – 5.06 + 5.07 + 5.08 )

26 SECTION- 6. GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION DURING YEAR 2006-07 Description Value of purchase made and addition /alteration of fixed assets during the year Sale of fixed assets during the year GFCF * (Col 2 - Col 3) 1 234 6.1. Land 6.11 Value of land purchased 6.12. Cost of ownership transferred 6.13. Improvements 6.2 Building 6.21. Residential 6.22. Non-residential 6.3. Other Construction 6.4 Transport Equipment. 6.5. Machinery & Equipment 6.51 Electrical 6.52 Non-electrical 6.53 Computer hardware 6.54 Computers Software (000’ RUPEES)

27 Description Value of purchase made and addition /alteration of fixed assets during the year Sale of fixed assets during the year GFCF * (Col 2 - Col 3) 6.6 Furniture/ Fixture and Office Equipment 6.7 Others 6.71. Fixed assets acquired by financial lease 6.72 Intangible fixed assets 6.8 Own Account Capital Formation 6.9 Major Improvements (Pl. Specify) 6.00 Total SECTION- 6. GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION DURING YEAR 2006-07 (Continued) (000’ RUPEES) *GFCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation.

28 SECTION -7 FIELD OPERATION Particulars Name & DesignationCodeDate 7.01. Enumerated by: 7.02. Inspected/checked by supervisor: EDITING/CODING at FBS (HQ) Particulars Name & DesignationCodeDate 7.04. Edited/coded by 7.05. Checked by Supervisor


30 Number of PSUs covered till September,2007 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs No. of PSUs Covered during Sep., 2007 % of total coverage UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 1Lahore 18910429310 20 2Sahiwal 311131443 6916 3Gujranwala 98142240 4Sialkot 35115150 5Rawalpindi 93145238 6Sargodha 356910411 7Mianwali 155570 8Faisalabad 8136117 3 9Jhang 338611911 10Multan 69142211 5 11Vehari 114253 6 12D.G.Khan 21109130 17 13Bahawalpur 2645712 5 7 24 14Bahawalnagar 1346592 101251 15 Rahim Yar Khan 2048681 4524 Total (Punjab) 7701297206718254310

31 Number of PSUs covered till September,2007 Contd… S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs No. of PSUs Covered during Sep.,2007 % of total coverage UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 1Karachi 242412837 2Hyderabad 10153154 3Mirpurkhas 4442868 4Nawabshah 523890 5Larkana 4124656 6Dadu 415192 7Sukkur 103691721 8Jacobabad 384179 Total (Sindh) 66235910213

32 Number of PSUs covered till September,2007 Contd… S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs No. of PSUs Covered during Sep.,,2007 % of total coverage UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 1Peshawar 177117294 4374 2Abbotabad 2980109 3Mingora 2586111 006 4Bannu 164561 21 313 5D.I.Khan 162844 16 Total (N.W.F.P) 26335661964106 1Quetta 9662158 2Khuzdar 153146 3Loralai 142943 4Turbat 144458 Total (Balochistan) 139166305 Pakistan 1834217840122429537

33 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs covered during the Sep.,07 Total No. of PSUs covered so far % of total coverage URTURTURT 1Lahore189104293100 21365720 2Sahiwal311131443691762316 3Gujranwala98142240 ------- 4Sialkot35115150 ------- 5Rawalpindi93145238 ------- 6Sargodha356910421331114 7Mianwali155570 ------- 8Faisalabad8136117 ---- 443 9Jhang33861191221418112924 10Multan691422111192017143115 11Vehari1142537310 31325 12D.G.Khan21109130312155323729 13Bahawal Pur2645712577101724 14Bahawal Nagar134659210128223051 15R.Y. Khan2048681451061624 Total (Punjab) 77012972067535210511615527113 PROGRESS REPORT OF SHMI SURVEY,2006-07 As on 30-9-2007

34 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs covered during the Sep.,07 Total No. of PSUs covered so far % of total coverage URTURTURT 16Karachi242412837072522710 17Hyderabad10153154------- 18Mirpur Khas444286---0778 19Nawab Shah523890------- 20Larkana412465------- 21Dadu415192------- 22Sukkur103691722022021 23Jacobabad384179------- Total (Sindh) 6623591021909279364 As on 30-9-2007 PROGRESS REPORT OF SHMI SURVEY, 2006-07 Contd…

35 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs covered during the Sep.,07 Total No. of PSUs covered so far % of total cove rage URTURTURT 24Peshawar17711729443749134 25Abbottabad2980109------- 26Mingora2586111----776 27Bannu16456121326813 28D.I.Khan162844---16716 N.W.F.P 2633566196410728356 29Quetta9662158------- 30Khuzdar153146------- 31Loralai142943------- 32Turbat144458------- Balochistan 139166305------- Pakistan 18342178401268561241501923429 PROGRESS REPORT OF SHMI SURVEY,2006-07 Contd… As on 30-9-2007

36 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs to be enumerated in Oct.,2007 UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 1Lahore18910429320- 2Sahiwal3111314431316 3Gujranwala98142240--- 4Sialkot35115150--- 5Rawalpindi93145238--- 6Sargodha3569104--- 7Mianwali155570--- 8Faisalabad8136117--- 9Jhang3386119-16 10Multan6914221192029 11Vehari114253-22 12D.G.Khan21109130-18 13Bahawal Pur264571-11 14Bahawal Nagar134659-14 15R.Y. Khan2048681910 Total (Punjab) 7701297206733103136 WORKING PROGRAMMES FOR MONTH OF OCT., 2007

37 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs to be enumerated in Oct.,2007 UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 16Karachi24241283--- 17Hyderabad10153154--- 18Mirpur Khas444286--- 19NawabShah523890134 20Larkana412465--- 21Dadu415192--- 22Sukkur10369172-44 23Jacobabad384179123 Total (Sindh) 6623591021 2911 WORKING PROGRAMMES FOR MONTH OF OCT., 2007 Contd..

38 S. No. Regional / Field Office No.of PSUs in sample PSUs to be enumerated in Oct.,2007 UrbanRuralTotalUrbanRuralTotal 24Peshawar1771172944610 25Abbottabad2980109-44 26Mingora2586111--- 27Bannu164561112 28D.I.Khan162844268 Total (N.W.F.P) 26335661971724 29Quetta9662158--- 30Khuzdar153146--- 31Loralai142943--- 32Turbat144458--- Total (Balochistan) 139166305--- Pakistan 18342178401242129171 WORKING PROGRAMMES FOR MONTH OF OCT., 2007 Contd..

39 No. of Schedules received so far Referred back to field Edited/ Coded Sent to DPCBalance 160672735435799 Progress of SHMI Survey,2006-07 :Editing/Coding and Data Cleaning As on 10-10-2007

40 S. No Name of R/F office Number of schedule received No of schedules edited/ coded so far No. of schedules under editing/ coding Referred back to F/R office Sent to DP Centre 1Faisalabad178161-17161 2Jhang390285105-210 3R.Y.Khan14812325-64 4D.G. Khan294- -- 5Bahawal Pur147 --- 6Vehari19 --- 7Sahiwal190- -- 8Multan46- -- 9Lahore79- -- 10Sargodha39-- - 11Sukkar16-- - 12Bannu60- -- Total160673579972435 PROGRESS OF SHMI SECTION As on 10-10-2007


42 9. Existing Staff Position - Future Requirement DesignationExistingFuture Requirement CSO1- S.Os5- S.As315 Typist/ Diarist-1 N.Q.1-


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