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Minor - or Premaster programme for Computing Science or Information Sciences Perry Groot November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Minor - or Premaster programme for Computing Science or Information Sciences Perry Groot November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minor - or Premaster programme for Computing Science or Information Sciences Perry Groot November 2014

2 For whom? Students from HBO / University of applied science Typically from Computing science, Information science Artificial Intelligence, Bio-informatics, Mathematics, etc. Only with a minor / premaster possible entrance to Master Computing Science Master Information Sciences

3 Admission criteria for the MSc programme Minor during BSc programme at HBO / Applied University Premaster after graduation Standard Minor/premaster = 30 ec

4 Structure of minor / premaster Courses from Bachelor programme Informatica (in Dutch) Choice for BSc courses will depend on choice Master programme / track: Computing Science Data Science Security Software Science Information Sciences Choice for BSc courses also depends on your education, needs to be determined individually

5 Pre-master variants 2014-2015 Computing Science, track Software Science pre-master program (30 ec) Wiskundige structuren (3 ec) ICT & Samenleving (3 ec) Calculus en Kansrekening (3 ec) Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) Talen en Automaten (3 ec) Discrete Structuren (3 ec) Security (6 ec) Algorithmen en datastructuren (6 ec)

6 Pre-master variants 2014-2015 Computing Science, track Data Science pre-master program (30 ec) Wiskundige structuren (3 ec) ICT & Samenleving (3 ec) Calculus en Kansrekening (3 ec) Matrixrekenen (3 ec) Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) Talen en Automaten (3 ec) Security (6 ec) Data mining (6 ec)

7 Pre-master variants 2014-2015 Computing Science, track Security pre-master program (30 ec) Wiskundige structuren (3 ec) ICT & Samenleving (3 ec) Calculus en Kansrekening (3 ec) Network Security (3 ec) Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) Talen en Automaten (3 ec) Discrete Structuren (3 ec) Operating systems security (3 ec) Security (6 ec)

8 Pre-master variants 2014-2015 Information sciences pre-master program (30 ec) Architectuur in de digitale wereld (3 ec) Modelleren (3 ec) Matrix rekenen (3 ec) Requirements engineering (3 ec) Informatiesystemen (3 ec) Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) Security (6 ec) Formeel Denken (6 ec)

9 Additional information to determine your program Study guide Bachelor Informatica / master Computing Science Studiekeuze en loopbaancentrum Students / Teachers at Computing Science / Information Sciences Located in Mercator 1, floors 1-3 Open dagen / meeloopdagen / proefstudeerdagen / etc.

10 Additional information to become enrolled HBO-Minor students stay enrolled at HAN and take up a so called minor enrollment in Studylink You need a minor Admission Statement from me: You need a Proof of Payed Tuition Fee from HBO as well as approval for doing a minor elsewhere Premaster students take up a premaster enrollment through Studylink You need an Admission Statement for premaster and this will be given by the Exam Committee => You pay around € 900 for a standard premaster. You can take 2 years to finish, but there is no restitution and you cannot do any other courses.

11 Additional information to become enrolled Steps to follow to become enrolled: Register through studylink for a minor or pre-master Informatica (Also for Information science students!) Contact me,, (after june 1) for handling the paperwork. I will need to - If you are a HBO-minor / pre-master student - Proof about your education (scan of Ba diploma, courses and grades) - Which master program/track you intend to do Appointments with me can be made through the student service desk - Tel: 024-3652200 - Email: It is best to pick up the paperwork and deliver it at the central student administration in person.

12 Additional information to become enrolled HBO-minor / pre-master is part of the Bachelor program - Bachelor is called “Informatica” - Master is called “Computing Science” or “Information Sciences” This distinction is important when registering in studylink There is no longer a bachelor Informatiekunde / Information Sciences - therefore you cannot register for a minor / pre-master Informatiekunde - practical solution is to register for minor / pre-master Informatica It is possible to request for exemptions (vrijstellingen). This is very rare for HBO students, but might happen for university students from other disciplines.

13 Advice The pre-master program is very difficult. Prepare yourself in advance Preferably obtain a VWO-diploma Wiskunde B -Possible options: CCVX, Boswell-beta, NHA Study the reader “Rekenen” Prepare your courses in advance, some information is on-line: - Wiskundige Structuren: - Security: - Discrete Structuren: - Calculus & Kansrekenen: - Matrixrekenen: - Formeel Denken (2013):

14 Contact Contact person for the minor programme and for the premaster programme: Perry Groot: Huygens Building: HG00.541 Note: also contact your own Examination Board!

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