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Communicating with the media, PIO’s, & Community Education RUSSELL J. DECKER, MS, CEM Ohio EMA Spring Directors’ Conference April 1, 2010 Columbus, Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating with the media, PIO’s, & Community Education RUSSELL J. DECKER, MS, CEM Ohio EMA Spring Directors’ Conference April 1, 2010 Columbus, Ohio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating with the media, PIO’s, & Community Education RUSSELL J. DECKER, MS, CEM Ohio EMA Spring Directors’ Conference April 1, 2010 Columbus, Ohio


3 Progression of a Story IMMEDIATE NEEDS (Local) Public Safety What happened? What are YOU doing about it?

4 INTERMEDIATE NEEDS (Regional Media) Heard about it from the locals Is it as bad as they heard? We want access! The PRESS CONFERENCE

5 LONG TERM NEEDS (National Media) Need additional PIO’s Need ample parking and work space Be as accommodating as possible Let your locals help work with the nationals

6 How do stories become “National”? Locals “put story on the wire” Locals “sell” stories to networks Locals gain recognition and look for “big break”

7 “Dog bites man” = NOT news “Man bites dog” = IS news “If it bleeds, it leads”

8 Types of Communication PSA (Public Service Announcements) Press Releases Media Advisories Prepared Statements

9 Public Service Announcement Broadcast media (radio & TV) Print media (community calendars) Geared to timely announcement or community education programs Should specify time frame Should not be too time sensitive Distributed 2 - 4 weeks in advance of desired publication

10 Media Advisories Addressed to media you desire at Press Conference or other “media event” Include the Who, What, When, Where, and Why Make certain to provide contact name(s) and phone number(s) DON’T OVER USE!

11 Prepared Statements Usually distributed at press conference or in lieu of press conference Provide specifics (facts) that you need released to public Attribute statement to someone

12 Press Release Is it news? Is your media list current? One page! Date the release Use headline to summarize Remember basics Check grammar, spelling and accuracy Provide a contact “name” and “number” Don’t overwrite

13 P. I. O. Public Information Officers

14 PIO Public Information Officer Do you have one? And a back up?

15 Incident Command System

16 Duties of the PIO Connection from IC to the media Know the stories being aired Address “misinformation” NOW Provide background ASAP Establish/manage “Media Staging” area

17 Duties of the PIO Manage Press Conference* Brief IC Staff / Key Players Provide promised updates Establish “Media Work Area” Establish “JIC” as warranted Be the “BAD GUY”

18 Manage the Press Conference Brief participants before the PC Know likely questions from media Know rumors/misinformation Establish “ground rules” Enforce “ground rules”

19 Where to find potential PIO’s Retired or former news reporters, directors, editors, producers Advertising agency staff Universities, colleges, high school faculty

20 The Golden Rules of Talking to the Media...

21 Golden Rules... NEVER lie NEVER speculate DON’T promise TRY to accommodate Time Management


23 Community Education Venues Schools Churches Neighborhood groups Business groups (including Ag orgs) County fairs Mass media Mfg. / Industrial Councils

24 Examples...Schools SEVERE WEATHER Severe Weather Safety Awareness Week Statewide Tornado Drill Spotter Trainings HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 9/11 (terrorism, etc.)

25 Examples...Media Special section inserts Op Ed Columns Radio shows Gov’t access TV

26 PROMOTE YOURSELF & YOUR EMA SME Subject Matter Expert

27 SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter Facebook Myspace

28 THANKS! Any questions?

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