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The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 At the beginning of the war Lincoln quick military action to show the folly to the south of Succession.

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Presentation on theme: "The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 At the beginning of the war Lincoln quick military action to show the folly to the south of Succession."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 At the beginning of the war Lincoln quick military action to show the folly to the south of Succession

2 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Bull Run (First Battle at Manassas) 90 day war Victory would show the superiority of the Union

3 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 And the capturing of the confederate capital of Richmond

4 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Spectators lined the route to the battle North was confident of a victory

5 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Stonewall Jackson held the union at bay Reinforcement from the south allowed Jackson and the south drive out the union forces

6 Stonewall Jackson

7 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 South victory caused volunteers to decline It also proved to the north that this was not going to be a short war

8 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 In 1861 General George B McClellan was given command of Army of Potomac


10 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 He planned a waterborne attack (Pensacola Campaign) In 1862 McClellan captured Yorktown

11 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865

12 Came within sight of Richmond and attacked Jackson’s army Lee launched a counter attack

13 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Became the Seven Days Battle June 26 to July 2 1862 drove the union forces back to the sea

14 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Two more factors the resulted from the Peninsula campaign 1. Lincoln began to draft the Emancipation Proclamation

15 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 2. Union turned to a total war strategy

16 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Union strategy became 1. Slowly suffocated the South by blockading its coasts

17 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 2. Liberate the slaves and undermine the economic foundation of the south 3. Cut the Confederacy in half by seizing control of the Mississippi River

18 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 4. Dismember the Confederacy by sending troops through Georgia, and Carolinas

19 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 5. Capture Richmond 6. Try everywhere to engage the enemies strength and grind it inot submission

20 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Northern Blockade focused on principal ports

21 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865

22 In order to combat blockade ships were built to run blockade

23 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 First were fast ships that out ran blockade Confederates then built the Merrimac (Virginia)

24 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865

25 Wooden ship covered with metal plates The Merrimac became the biggest threat to the blockade

26 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Crash through wooden ships March 9 1862 Monitor (Union ironclad ship)

27 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Met and battle became a standstill However the fear of the Peninsula campaign the Confederates destroyed the Merrimac

28 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865

29 On land Lee has crushed McClellan's forces at Richmond Lee moved Northward Second Bull Run August 29-30

30 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Second Battle of Bull Run August 29-30 1862 Lee defeated General Popes’ forces

31 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 After the victory at Second Bull Run Lee decided to invade the Union in Maryland

32 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lee’s objective was to inspire the border states to rise up against the the north and join the COnfederacy

33 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 As Lee moved into Maryland he met McClellan's forces at Antietam

34 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 September 17, 1862 McClellan stopped Lee forces after finding the battle plans of Lee

35 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 McClellan constantly refused to attack was insubordinate to Lincoln was finally dismissed by Lincon

36 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The victory or stalemate at Antietam gave Lincoln the backing to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

37 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lincoln now made an added incentive to win the war a moral cause It also was the pivotal point or battle that convinced

38 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 England and France would stay out of the war and strengthen the diplomatic position of the US to Europe

39 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The Emancipation Proclamation did nothing to free the slaves (it only freed slaves that were in rebellion against the US) It was not enforced

40 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lincoln feared that if enforced border states would secede It also destroyed any chance of a negotiated settlement to end war

41 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Blacks now were able to enlist in the Union Army

42 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The Confederacy did not enlists slaves until one month before the war ended

43 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lee and Gettysburg New commander of Union was General Burnside


45 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Before Gettysburg Confederacy had routed Burnside at Fredericksburg He was replaced General Hooker

46 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Hooker was defeated by Lee forces at Chancellorsville At Chancellorsville Stonewall Jackson was shot and mortally wounded


48 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Tremendous loss to Lee and South Gettysburg became the final charge by Lee

49 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The armies met at Gettysburg July 1-3 Series of Battles with the decisive battle on July 3 Pickett’s Charge was repelled


51 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865


53 After defeat of Confederate army at Gettysburg all hope for a Confederate victory were gone

54 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The War in West Vicksburg fell July 4 1863 Grant was in charge at Vicksburg

55 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The importance of Vicksburg Opened Mississippi river to Northern trade

56 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 No foreign help from Europe Quell peace agitation Cut off supply of cattle and other goods

57 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 From Texas and Louisiana

58 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Grant defeated South at Chattanooga and Tennessee was clear of Confederates

59 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Sherman's march on South Captured Atlanta Main reasons for march through south

60 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Destroy supply lines of South by destroying transportation system Destroy morale of south by destroying homes

61 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Captured Savannah Ga. And South Carolina by end of 1864 Despite the charge and carnage lives were saved by shortening of war

62 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Critics of Lincoln in own party Led by Secretary of Treasury Salmon Chase

63 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-186 Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War Radical Republicans resented the expansion of presidential power during war time

64 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 And were pressing Lincoln on quicker emancipation

65 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Peace Democrats after Stephen Douglas death Democrats were split Peace democrats were not supportive of Lincoln and most dangerous to the union

66 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Copperheads radical peace Democrats Republicans joined Pro war democrats and formed union party

67 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Election of 1864 Fearing defeat Republicans joined War Democrats to form Union party

68 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 VP Andrew Johnson was chosen as a running mate for Lincoln (War Democrat) Democrats selected and Copperheads chose

69 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 George B McClellan Lincoln’s reelection was the final blow to the South They believed that if Lincoln was defeated

70 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 The south may have had a chance for victory For Lincolns chances of winning the capture of Atlanta and Mobile Ala. were critical

71 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Grant is put in place as commandeer of Union troops to begin final assult on South

72 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Grant engaged in a series of Battles (Wilderness Campaign) Grant ordered a frontal assault on Cold Harbor

73 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Grant was willing to accept 2 union lives for every Confederate loss Grant’s had more weapons at his disposal and held on

74 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 He then went on to capture Richmond All was lost Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatax

75 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Effetely ending the Civil War

76 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lincoln Assassination Many enemies Not only conspiracy to assassinate President

77 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 But Secretary of War And Vice President Johnson

78 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Lincoln went to Ford’s theater Ulysses S Grant was invited but declined As the play progressed

79 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 John Wilkes Booth snuck up the theater He had performed there many times as an actor

80 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Snuck up behind the president fired a single shot into the president’s head

81 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865



84 At the same time another assassin attacked the Secretary of war stabbed him but the wounds were not fatal

85 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865 Andrew Johnson assassin got drunk and chickened out

86 The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865







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