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Ancient Greece.

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1 Ancient Greece

2 Columns reflect the historical periods and city-states of Anc. Greece
Beginnings Ancient Greece Timeline Minoan Culture BCE Mycenaean Culture BCE Geometric Period 11-8th centuries BCE Classical Period c BCE Hellenistic Period BCE Columns reflect the historical periods and city-states of Anc. Greece Doric- used in the Archaic period 6th c. BCE Ionic- used in the High Classical period Corinthian- used first in city-state Corinth c. 400 BCE

3 Minoans Located on Crete Writing system
Knossos- legendary palace of King Minos and the minotaur?

4 What do these images tell us about the Minoans?

5 Mycenaeans Located on the Peloponnese Home of King Agamemnon?
Ties to the Iliad & Odyssey Linear B writing Citadels & palaces


7 Geometric Period Period of development for The polis (city-state)
Trade Colonies in Asia Minor Single religion Rely on the works of Hesiod for information Farming Mythology

8 Classical Greece Period after Persian Wars when Athens was the leading city-state Developments in art, architecture, science, math, philosophy

9 Athenian Acropolis The Parthenon (447-438 BCE)
Erechtheum ( BCE)


11 This & That Greek Wars Notable Athenians Compare Athens & Sparta
Persian Wars Peloponnesian Wars Notable Athenians Draco Solon Cleisthenes Pericles Compare Athens & Sparta Think about these city-states in terms of SPICE. How are they similar? Different?

12 Alexander the Great Son of Phillip II of Macedonia
Becomes king after father’s death ~20 yrs Expands Macedonian (Greek) Empire to India Dies ~12 yrs after he becomes king w/o heir Kingdom divided between his 3 generals

13 Hellenistic Period Cultural period after the death of Alexander the Great Blending of Greek, Persian, and Egyptian cultures due to unification & expansion of Greek empire Includes art, architecture, science, math & philosophy Comes to an end Rome’s victory at Actium Cleopatra & Marc Antony

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